Kardale Junior Netball Club Newsletter

September 2016

Welcome back to all our junior members for the 2016/2017 season, and we’re delighted to have some new faces joining us, with quite a few graduates from Netball Nippers moving up the ranks! The coaches are excited to be back working with you and looking forward to the season ahead.

Please find below the latest club news and key dates, which we hope will help with your planning for the year ahead. The League kicked off on Sunday with some great results and promising performances; thanks to all those who played and supported.

Presentation Evening and Club AGM

It was lovely to see so many of our Junior members turn up to support the event at OAs at the end of last season. As well as a round-up of the season from Sylvia Court, Chair of the Senior Club, we also held the (very brief!) Junior AGM before handing out the end of season awards. Congratulations to all our winners:

Sportsmanship Award

Year 3/4 Ruby-Grace Bye

Year 5 Isabella Cottingham

Year 6 Tara Doran, Eve Gamsby

Year 7 Zoe Kerner, Francesca Jerram

Year 8 Hannah Browne, Emily Devine

Year 9 Ellie Simpkins, Kat Towndrow, Jess Doran

Most Improved Player

Year 3/4 Lexi Forbes Whitehead

Year 5 Maddy Rogers

Year 6 Millie Branson,Stephanie Munday

Year 7 Jenna Hutton, Katie Pelham

Year 8 Hannah Mullins, Brooke Swain

Year 9 Molly Broekman, Clair Baker

Player of the Year

Year 3/4 Margot Matthews

Year 5 Charlotte Davies

Year 6 Scarlett Scott, Natalie Web

Year 7 Beth Davies, Taya Philips, Jenny Laird

Year 8 Abbie Mitchell, Amy Johnson

Year 9 Charlotte Wolley

Outstanding Junior Club Member

Mei Plumstead, Naomi Baker

Term Dates

Autumn tern training will run through to the week commencing 8th December, with the exception of half term week (24th – 28th October) when there will be no training.

Year 7s and 8s – please note that the school is closed on Thursday 13th October and therefore there will be no training that night.

The Spring term will kick off with Year 3/4/5 training on Tuesday 9th January, with no training in half term week, 13th – 17th February. The last week of indoor training will be week commencing Monday 27th March.

The provisional dates for outdoor training in Sandridge, when all the junior age groups come together for training, are Monday 8th, 15th and 22nd May. Summer League details to follow.

Player Recruitment

We are looking to grow the club to its maximum potential and still have a few places in all age groups (Year 6 in particular), so if you know of anyone who would be interested in coming along for a free trial session, they are welcome to come along to training next week. Please ask them to email advising which year group they are in. (Parents will need to stay with those attending on a trial basis as our insurance does not cover non-members).

Water Bottles and Training Balls
As announced at the Presentation Evening, we’re delighted that this season we will be issuing all the girls with their own Kardale Netball Club water bottle and training ball.

The water bottles were handed out at training last week and the balls are on order and should be with us by mid November. Please ensure that the named water bottles and balls are brought to every training session.

Kit Update
We ask that all players, from the summer term of Year 5 (when matches start in the Summer League), obtain the navy and yellow club skort and top. (In colder months, players can wear either navy or black base layers under their kit). Players in younger age groups are of course welcome to wear the kit too but this is up to you!

Sizes start at adult size 4 and while they are usually priced at £18 each for the top and £18 for the skort, we are able to offer the current stock of sizes 4, 6 and 8 at £12.50 each for a limited time and subject to availability.

For those in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, please note that our stock of playing kit will be available to try and buy at training on Tuesday 27th September between 7.15 and 7.45pm. If paying by cash, please bring the correct money as we will not be able to give any change, or cheques payable to KSSAJNC. After this, please direct your kit queries to Angela on

We are also excited to announce that thanks to Angela’s efforts, we are able to offer an extended range of optional kit including hoodies, training tops and bottoms, with the Kardale hoodies starting at size 5/6. These are available through Beat School Uniform and include an option for personalising certain items!

Samples will be brought to training sessions this week and please note that the cut-off date for ordering items to ensure they are printed in the first batch is Friday 30th September.

Look online at www.beatschooluniforms.co.uk and select Kardale Netball Club from the drop-down menu at the top.

Playing kit will also be available via Beat in due course (at which time the smaller sizes will revert to full price).


We recognise that the club website is rather out of date and plans are afoot to redevelop it to ensure it provides up-to-date information for players, parents and interested parties alike. Please bear with us while we work on this and should you need any info in the meantime please email

As announced at the AGM in July, Kate Baker has stepped down from the position of Junior Club Secretary and we thank her for all the hard work she has put in over recent years. Kate’s role was large and varied and we are looking to make life easier for whoever follows in her footsteps by splitting the position into smaller roles. Please bear with us as we manage the extra workload between us!

The club is run entirely by volunteers, and we would warmly welcome support from more parents. If you feel you could offer your services in any capacity – or would just like to come as a one-off to give us your input - we’d really appreciate your attendance at our committee meetings, which are typically once every 2-3 months. Please contact Helen Swain, Club Chair if you would like to get involved –

And finally, that old favourite! Please would all parents remember that parking for training sessions at the boys’ school is in the bottom car park, and not to pull into the area on the left as you drive in, which is reserved for mini buses and emergency access. We would really appreciate you following this request to help us maintain good relations with the school.
Many thanks for your continued support…