2015 EPISTLEPage 1

Pastors MessagePage 1Easter Flower ListPage 5

WELCAPage 2VolunteersPage 6

Council MinutesPage 3Calendar Page 7

Birthdays/AnniversariesPage 4

Page 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

YOU Are A Child of God

We all know the story. Jesus was asked which commandment was the most important. He answered, “The most important one says: ‘You must love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.’The second most important commandment says: ‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’ No other commandment is more important than these.” (Based on Mark 12:29-31)

If we emphasize the “love others as much as you love yourself” part, we are not being self-centered. You might be thinking that you treat others BETTER than you treat yourself, and that’s all too common. Most of us have the bad habit of “damaging self-talk.” We are usually rather harsh and unforgiving with ourselves in our inner dialogue. There is much truth to the statement that we are often our OWN worst enemies.

But that not what Jesus was saying here. Not at all.

I was reminded by a friend of mine that we are called to love others AS we love ourselves. Jesus did not say that we are called to love others INSTEAD of ourselves. Love of self is not selfishness, egotism, or arrogance. Love of self is self-care. You are a child of God, a beneficiary of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and a baptized member of God’s family. So I’d say the message is clear – you are worthy, and worthy of self-care.

We need self-care because we are human and limited, not because we are weak. We need to love ourselves to maintain the healthy mind, body, and spirit needed to do God’s work. Now I admit that the church makes crazy demands on many of us. And sometimes, for the sake of self-love, I encourage you to say NO once in a while. Say NO to another meeting or another commitment, and then don’t ruin your day by worrying about the thing or person to whom you said NO. Put it in God’s hands. Better yet, remember that YOU are in God’s hands. You are a child of God. And you model Christ’s behavior when you love others AS you love yourself, not INSTEAD of yourself. Easier said than done? Yes. Impossible? Nope!


Interim Pastor Bob Friese



St. John’s will be celebrating their 125thanniversary on October 3rd & 4th. Watch the bulletins and newsletters for more details!

Luther Point Bible Camp

This summer, approximately 26 of our youth will be going to camp at Luther Point. We are looking for donations to help fund their trips. If you can help, please make checks payable to St. John’s Youth Fund.

Education News


  • 10th - Sunday school – LAST DAYand teacher recognition
  • 17th – Graduate Recognition Sunday
  • 21st – Last day. Confirmation Picnic

Congratulations to the 2014 graduates from St. John’s

Graduate Sunday will be on May 17th. The following St. John’s members will be graduating this year from area high schools:

  • Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of Byron & Sara Anderson.
  • Justine Boardman, daughter of Tim & Tracey Boardman.
  • Ellen Brorson, daughter of Steve & Cindy Brorson.
  • Christopher Crogan, son of Kate Crogan & Tom Morrow.
  • Sam Green, son of Jim & Ann Green.
  • Jacob Howe, son of Tim & Amy Howe.
  • Tyler Larson, son of Dan Larson
  • Lucas Olson, son of Jim & Joy Olson.
  • Amber Schoeder, daughter of Therese Black.
  • Alison VonHaden, daughter of Bruce & Rhonda VonHaden.
  • Noah Wells, son of Geoff & Lori Wells.


To honor this year’s graduates, please consider making a donation to St. John’s Mission Endowment Fund (MEF). Donations to the Mission Endowment Fund help us to continue the St. John’s Scholarship program. Envelopes can be found in your envelope set or on the oak cabinet in the Narthex.


Following worship on May 17th, there will be a cook-out lunch (free will offering). Proceeds will go to St. John’s Youth Fund to help pay for those going to Luther Point Bible Camp. The menu for the will be Brats, hotdogs, beans, pasta salad, chips and beverage.

Library Review

“The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven”

By Kevin and Alex Malarkey

This is a true story of a boy’s extraordinary experiences after a terrible car crash. Alex survives the car crash, but is paralyzed and spends two months in a coma. When he comes out of the coma, he has an incredible story to tell. As you see heaven and earth through Alex’s eyes, you will get new insights on miracles, life beyond this world, and the power of love and prayer.

Lynda Johnson


Women of St. John’s

Submitted by Nina Larson

All women of St. John’s are welcome and encouraged to attend all scheduled events.

  • Circle/Bible Study will be on Thursday, May 14 at 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Nina Larson will be our hostess and Joyce Brooke will have devotions. Pastor Bob's Bible study will be on the book of Acts. The study is from Gather,the W/ELCA magazine. The study is called "Always Changing; Transformation and Conversion".
  • Bingo will be on Tuesday, May 5 at the SVHCC at 2:00.
  • Quiltingwill take place on the first and third Thursdays.


Don’t be surprised if you see an abundance of pink flamingo lawn ornaments in yards around town. Flamingo flocking is a fund raiser for Luther Point Bible Camp. If you wake up and find a flock of flamingos in your yard, you will find a tag tied to the flamingos that says: “To get rid of this flock of flamingos, please call Minda Matthys at 715-220-8837and give a $10 donation to the St. John’s Youth Fund to send our youth to Bible Camp. To get rid of this flock of flamingos and pick whose house the flamingos will go to next, give a $20 donation to the St. John’s Youth Fund. To get rid of this flock of flamingos, pick whose house the flamingos go to next and find out who sent them to your house, give a $25 donation to the St. John’s Youth Fund.” If you would rather not find a flock of flamingos in your yard, you may purchase Flamingo Insurance for a $25 donation to the St. John’s Youth Fund. Insurance “policies” are located on the oak cabinet in the Narthex. Complete the form, attach your donation and give to Minda Matthys. Please send the flamingos only to people who live within Spring Valley.


There will be a short meeting after worship on May 10 for all campers and parents to discuss fund raisers to pay for camp. If you are unable to attend, please let the office know so that we can be sure to get the information to you.



  • Thank you to all of the awesome cooks that brought in their delicious food for us all to eat on Palm Sunday and a big Thank You to all of the volunteers that made this great event possible!
  • Thanks to everyone who purchased Easter flowers to help make the church look so beautiful on Easter Sunday.
  • Thanks to the Prayer Partners who faithfully pray and send cards.

Thank you for all the cards, prayers and support we have received during Dylan’s surgeries and recovery. It means a lot to us.

Dylan, Donna & Kevin Borgschatz

Memorial Gifts

Thank you for the donations to the Building Fund in memory of Minnard Anderson given by Pearl Ducklow and Joyce Brooke.

Thank you for the donations to the Memorial Fund in memory of Minnard Anderson given byNethis Peterson and Chuck & Anita Sorenson.

Thank you for the donations to the Cemetery Fund in memory of Minnard Anderson given by Gary & Andrea Johnson, ErvaLundgaard, and Florence Gulleckson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Judy Bille Genz given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donations to the Memorial Fund in memory of Judy Bille Genz given by Bill Emerson, Luann Kirby, John & Mary Adixand Barbara Kenall.

Thank you for the donations to the Youth Fund in memory of Judy Bille Genz given by Pearl Ducklow and Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Bonnie Irwin given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Jeff Anderson given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Roberta Stewart given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Phyllis Hanson given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Layette News

Garage Sale Season is here!

When you are out thrift shopping please take a few extra minutes to look for baby items for our layette mission project. The garments need to be gently used. Below is a list of items:

  • Sleepers or gowns without feet
  • Dark colored hand towel
  • Socks
  • Bath size bars of soap still in wrapper (gentle soap, i.e. ivory, dove)
  • Lightweight cotton t-shirts
  • Receiving blankets
  • Jacket, Sweater or sweat shirts with a hood
  • Diaper pins or large safety pins
  • Cloth diapers

If you prefer to buy new, we could use any of the items above. Sizes should be 6 to 24 months.

If you are a knitter or crocheter, you might enjoy helping by making baby sweaters in any of the sizes listed.

You may leave items at the church or contact Serena Roen at 778-5788.

We pray that you can help in this important project to keep God’s babies snug and warm.

Serena Roen, Layette Coordinator

Memorial Gifts

Thank you for the donations to the Building Fund in memory of Minnard Anderson given by Pearl Ducklow and Joyce Brooke.

Thank you for the donations to the Memorial Fund in memory of Minnard Anderson given byNethisPeterson and Chuck & Anita Sorenson.

Thank you for the donations to the Cemetery Fund in memory of Minnard Anderson given by Gary & Andrea Johnson, ErvaLundgaard, and Florence Gulleckson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Judy Bille Genz given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donations to the Memorial Fund in memory of Judy Bille Genz given by Bill Emerson, Luann Kirby, John & Mary Adixand Barbara Kenall.

Thank you for the donations to the Youth Fund in memory of Judy Bille Genz given by Pearl Ducklow and Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Bonnie Irwin given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Jeff Anderson given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Roberta Stewart given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.


Spring Valley Vacation Bible School has been set for June 7th – 11th! This year’s theme is “Colossal Coaster World”.

Coordinators Missy Hague, Julie Webb, and Mel Mader have met with reps from local churches and are busy planning this year’s VBS. The major concern right now is to enlist volunteers. If you are interested, contact Missy Hague at 778-4318, Julie Webb at 772-3114, or Mel Mader at 778-5626.

The following items are needed for the Spring Valley Community Vacation Bible School. Donations can be dropped off at any participating church in the box designated for VBS by Sunday, May 31. Food items may be dropped off at the CCD center anytime after Friday, June 5.

Food items:freezy/ice pops, apples, animal crackers, strawberry cream cheese, cocktail umbrellas, grapes, cheese chunks, Twinkies, white “lollipop” sticks, RED frosting in a can, watermelon, baby carrots, raw veggies, chips (any kind),pickles,lemonade, miracle whip,pretzel sticks, cookies and bars (any kind, every night).

Paper items: plastic or foam plates, garbage bags (55 gal.), paper cups, plastic spoons, plastic forks.

Craft items: index cards, masking tape, newspaper, soup can or veggie/fruit tin cans (CLEAN), floral wire, acrylic paint (all colors), tealights (battery), Elmers glue (a lot), balloons, paper bowls, liquid watercolor paints, table salt (a lot), watercolor paper, paint brushes, small Styrofoam balls, foam brushes, iridescent glitter, paper cones, paper cups, pipe cleaners, plastic Ziploc type snack bags, hard candies (lifesavers, jolly ranchers, root beer barrels, etc.), table cloths.


As we are looking at celebrating St. John’s 125th Anniversary, here is an egg bake recipe that St. John’s Youth Group used to make many years ago. The pastor was David Larson and the youth group leaders were Don & Diane Gavic and Earl & Karen Gunderson.

This recipe was submitted by Nancy Cleveland who received the recipe from Michelle Johnson.

New Horizon’s Fluffy Eggs

6 slices bread, crusts removed

½ lb. grated Cheddar cheese

1 C. diced ham

2 tsp. mustard powder

1 tsp. salt

4 C. milk

8 eggs

Grease 9 x 13 pan. Place bread in bottom of pan. Cover with cheese and ham. Beat remaining ingredients. Pour over cheese and ham. Refrigerate overnight. Bake at 350ofor 1 hour.

St. John’s Lutheran Church

Council Meeting

April 11, 2015

Those Present: Phil Hennemann (President), Bob Kinsman (Vice President), Ross Keehr (Treasurer), Kate Crogan (Education), Nancy Cleveland (Worship), Jay Arneson (Trustee), Jenny Stoiber (Deacons), Pastor Bob Friese

Call to Order: President Hennemann called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Opening Prayer: Pastor Friese used Mark 10:32 for the Church leader’s devotion.

Approval of Agenda: Bob Kinsman moved, Jay Arneson seconded to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried.

Presidents Report: Shared request for upcoming wedding of non-members at St. John’s: Kendon Shapley and Stacy Barlow. Kate Crogan moved, Jenny Stoiber seconded to approve the request for the Shapley/Barlow wedding at St. John’s. One abstained, motion carried.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Bob brought up we have no one, at this time, representing St. John’s at the Synod Assembly and Walking Together event at the end of May. Pastor Bob was commended on his services and the positive response from the congregation. The web site is still being updated. Need pictures of Council members.

Secretary’s Report: Jay Arneson moved, Nancy Cleveland seconded to approve Secretary’s March 10, 2015 report as printed. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Ross Keehrwent over the report. Appears we are $6,459 behind in the budget at this time. Suggested that changing the wording Approval ofBills to Review of Bills would be a more accurate statement. It was decided to take $1000 from Worship to fund the up-coming 125th Anniversary celebration.

Committee Reports:

  • Stewardship: as printed: will meet April 19th after church.
  • Deacons: March meeting was cancelled. They meet the third Sunday of the month. Working on 125th Celebration. Will order banner for the event. Chose shirt design for focusing on the 125th anniversary. Order forms for the shirts will be available at the church and in the Epistle. Tie-blankets were discussed. Bob Kinsman offered $50 toward the blanket project and challenged someone from the Council to match it.
  • Trustees: Jay Arneson reported the light project is basically done. Applied for grant from Excel Energy and Focus Energy. The water heater needed a $700 part replaced. The heating, ventilating, air conditioning is being looked at. The outside lights have been adjusted to a timer. Everything shuts off at 10 pm.

  • Education: May 10 is the last day of Sunday School, Mother’s Day, and Sunday School Teachers will be recognized. May 17 will be Graduation Sunday recognizing the graduates.
  • Worship: Services are planned through May 31.
  • Social Concerns: Red Cross on the 28th at St. John’s from 11-6. Need a couple more people to work at this.
  • Mission Endowment: there are 2 applications for scholarships

Old Business

  1. Need to select new member for the Mission Endowment Committee: Tabled until next meeting. (Four names were suggested. President Phil will contact these candidates and report back at the next meeting.)
  2. Video Committee needs to be reactivated. Sound System: frequency needs to be changed. Contact Audio Architects to address both sound and video system needs.

New Business

  1. Delegates needed for Synod Assembly: May 30, 31. Will put a notice in the Epistle to see if anyone is interested in attending.
  2. Discussion on Nominating Committee: Tabled until next meeting.

Next Meeting: May 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Adjourn: Bob Kinsman moved, Jay Arneson seconded to adjourn at 9:03 pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Cleveland (sub secretary)