I am not a numbers person. I was never good at math and I just don’t find it very interesting. I do know however that it is God’s will that we have our financial house in order. God is a God of order, not of chaos. There are principles of giving in the bible. Life is always better when we apply the teachings of the bible into our lives.
Ash Wednesday will be March 1st, this year. As always, we will have a service that evening. The evenings of March 8th, 15th and 22nd, we will be showing a video series by financial consultant, Dave Ramsey. This series is on giving. That may or may not sound very exciting to you but I can assure you that it is excellent teaching. It is my hope that people will take advantage of this learning experience.
If you will apply Dave’s principles, you will acquire financial order and resources in your life. But having money is not the end goal. We are blessed so that we can be a blessing. What is God calling us to do with our resources?
I recently saw our friend, pastor Jamie Staples of Renew Covenant Church in Eau Claire. Things are going well at the church. Recently, they have had an attendance of almost 200! Fifty of them are children! That is awesome and God is moving powerfully!
That church plant never could have happened if some generous churches and individuals had not stepped up and helped financially. May God continue to move!
There is a new church plant that will begin soon in Madison. Sten Carlson, the associate pastor in Menomonie is being called by God to plant a new church in that city. Will he and his young family be able to do this without money? No. What can we do to help? We will be asking these questions in the future. What an exciting time!
May God help us to get our financial house in order so that we can see the Kingdom of God expand even more.
Pastor Dan
March 31st – April 1st
Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis, MN
9th – 12th Grade
What is MOVE?
MOVE stands for Mission Outreach Venture and Experience. It’s a two-day urban retreat that focuses on God’s call to compassion, mercy and justice. High school students and leaders from Northwest Conference Covenant churches gather to worship, learn, serve, and have fun together. There are general sessions with amazing worship and an engaging speaker, a half-day of serving with local ministries and community organizations in the Twin Cities, a time of experiential learning, late night games, and more. MOVE is designed and pulled off by a team of youth pastors from the Northwest Conference.
Registration fee is $30.00, due March 12th. If you have any questions or need more information contact Zach.
CHIC 2018
July 15 -July 20, 2018
CHIC is the Covenant’s tri-annual conference for high school students. In 2018, it will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee.
As we get ready for CHIC you will see many fundraising activities going on. Our first will be “Cinnamon Roll Sunday” on March 26th. We will have cinnamon rolls in the foyer for you to purchase. This fundraiser will be free-will offering.
If your child is going to CHIC we are asking that a CHIC registration deposit be given to Zach by April 2nd. The deposit amount is $125.00 per child. The deposit will go towards the cost of CHIC. Let us know the actual number of youth that are going. If you are having trouble coming up with this amount, please talk with Zach.
Monday: Day Off or by Appointment
Tuesday: 9am – 3pm Wednesday 10am-9pm
Thursday: 10am-3pm Friday: 10am -3pm
Saturday: By Appointment Sunday: 7:30am-12pm
Do you love volunteering and children? We are always looking for volunteers to come in and read to the children, share a skill that you have, talk about your work and show the children what you do or help us with a garden. If any of these interests you please contact Jodi Barney (Little Lambs Director) at 715-263-2212. Thanks!
For His Children
Gina and Little Lambs Staff
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. in the UCC Library
Anyone is welcome to come. Please write your prayers, with or without your name, on the prayer cards provided in the pews. Place them in the golden bowl located in the foyer. They will be kept confidential asking the Lord to give you encouragement, growth in your faith and abound in thanksgiving with praise.
The Mission Stitchers
The Mission Stitchers will be meeting Thursday, March2nd, 9:30 a.m. at Ridgeview. Bring your irons and a dish to pass for lunch. Rebecca Walsh will be with us at to tell about the “Days For Girls” project we are working with. Thank You! Karen and Ethel
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
Galatians 5:1
“Camp Promo Sunday”
LBBC “Set Free”
EVERYONE is invited to “Camp Promo Sunday” during Sunday School hour on March 12thfor music, fun, games, trivia, news and more fun! No Sunday School classes will meet that morning.
As is tradition, we will enjoy our annual LASAGNA meal after service that day. There will be a free will offering taken for the meal in which the monies will go to our camp scholarship fund. If you have not signed up to bring a lasagna, dessert or salad, please sign up in the foyer at “Sign Up Central”
Please plan on attending this event it is a great way to support our camp and our campers!
*Frontier Kids #2: Campers who have completed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade. July 6th -8th (Thursday – Saturday)
*Trailblazers #2: Campers who have completed 3rd, 4th, 5th grade. June 25th – 29th (Sunday-Thursday)
*Junior High #1: Camper who have completed 6th, 7th or 8th grade. June 11th – 16th (Sunday-Friday)
*Senor High: Campers who have completed
9th – 12th grade. July 30th – August 4th (Sunday-Friday)
Wednesday, March 1st
Ash Wednesday Service—6:30 pm
Wednesdays, March 8th, 15th, 22nd
Dave Ramsey video series—6:30 pm
Thursday, April 13th
Maundy Thursday Meal Service
5:30 Supper
6:15 Service
Friday, April 14th
Community Good Friday Service—7:00 pm
Saturday, April 15th
“Because He Lives…Amen!” Easter Cantata—6:00 pm
Sunday, April 16th
Easter Brunch—8:30 am
Worship Service with Easter Cantata—10:00 am
Dave Ramsey’s
The Great Misunderstanding
Unleashing the Power of Generous Giving
*What a “good steward” really is
*What the Bible says about money
*The true meaning of “ownership”
*The importance of generous giving
*How giving changes every part of your life
*The secret to lasting Financial Peace
3-Part Video Series, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, March 8th
Wednesday, March 15th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Happy Birthday
1st: Delany Vold 7th: Dave Clausen
9th: Ila Mae Newville 10th: Grace Grahovac
12th: Leah Pearson
13th: Jane Solberg, Joel Markuson, Hendrick Carlson
19th: Abigail Markuson, Pete Cogbill, Alicia Peterson
21st: Carter Carlson
22nd: Peggy Hagstrom
23rd: Michael Elmer
25th: Samantha Anderson
Happy Anniversary
12th: Dan & Gretchen Wallberg
28th: Bill & Katie Elmer
March 2017-10:00 a.m. Worship Schedule
Music Team: Service Leader:
5th: 1 5th: Cary Eastvold
12th: 2 12th: Keith Anderson
19th: 3 19th: Casey Keller
26th: 4 26th: Jim Mohrland
Hymn Leader: Piano:
5th: Sue Spurrell 5th: Leah Pearson
12th: Lucas Carlson 12th: Heidi Clausen
19th: Pam Moriak 19th: Karna Markuson
26th: Sue Spurrell 26th: Karna Markuson
Reader: Nursery:
5th: Tami Linden 5th: Phyllis Luhman/Olivia Peterson
12th: Lynn Schone 12th: Katie Jurisch/Mikayla Peterson
19th: Cindy Mohrland 19th: Heidi/Hailey Clausen
26th: Mike Pickard 26th: Erin/Lucas Carlson
5th: Matt/Susie Thayer, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
12th: Jan/Keith Anderson, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
19th: Carl/Ethel Paulson, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
26th: Doug/Norma Otto, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
April 2017-10:00 a.m. Worship Schedule
Music Team: Service Leader:
2nd: 1 2nd: Derrick Meyer
9th: 2 9th: Cary Eastvold
16th: 3 16th: Keith Anderson
23rd: 4 23rd: Casey Keller
30th: 1 30th: Jim Mohrland
Hymn Leader: Piano:
2nd: Sue Spurrell 2nd: Leah Pearson
9th: Lucas Carlson 9th: Heidi Clausen
16th: Pam Moriak 16th: Karna Markuson
23rd: Sue Spurrell 23rd: Karna Markuson
30th: Lucas Carlson 30th: Leah Pearson
Reader: Nursery:
2nd: Tami Linden 2nd: Phyllis Luhman/Olivia Peterson
9th: Mike Pickard 9th: Katie Jurisch/Mikayla Peterson
16th: Cindy Mohrland 16th: Heidi/Hailey Clausen
23rd: Lynn Schone 23rd: Brenda Cogbill/?
30th: Sandy Larson 30th: Lynn Pickard/Addison Thayer
2nd: Doug/Norma Otto, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
9th: Jan/Keith Anderson, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
16th: Carl/Ethel Paulson, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
23rd: Jim/Cindy Mohrland, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
30th: Matt/Susie Thayer, Larry Benson/Jack Tanner
“Break Through”
Saturday, March 18th, 8:30 a.m.
(meet at the church)
If you are interested in learning more about this ministry please talk with Gretchen Wallberg. Or you can just show up and join in!