Pastor’s Ponderings
Matthew 28:6-7
…“He is risen”…What a wonderful proclaimation.
He-the one who was born to the virgin Mary.
He-the one that dumbfounded the teachers of the law in the temple at twelve years of age.
He-the one who walked on the sea of Galilee, stilled the waters, raised the dead, feed the multitude, and did thousands of miracles-so many in fact, that if they were all written down the world could not contain the books.
He-Who bore our sins, shed His blood, and paid the penalty for our sins with His own death on Calvary’s Cross.
He-Who was laid in the borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.
Is risen! Not dead! Not in the tomb! Nope! Ascended up on high, seated at the right hand of the Father, there to make intercession for us. Yep, we now have a personal representative in heaven taking care of business for us on a daily 24-7 basis.
The ears of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were the first and only ears to hear these words. They heard them when they came seeking Jesus and found the tomb empty. Instantly, they were instructed to first, “come see” (v. 6) then second, “go quickly and tell” (v. 7) What an awesome spiritual lesson for us. If you (we) have “seen” and know for yourself, then go quickly and tell what you know. Let’s do it this Easter. Go tell that Jesus is risen.
Just a reminder of the schedule for Easter Sunday
March 27th
7:00 am - Sunrise service
7:45 am - Breakfast in FLC
9:30 am - Sunday School
10:45 am - Worship Service
Easter Choir Cantata during morning worship.
Pastor Homer will share an Easter Devotion entitled:
“Only Punctuation Point in time between Creation,Gen 1:1 and the end of time, Rev. 21:1.”
No evening service.
Go Tell!
Pastor Homer
Last Sunday, Feb 21st, the church voted to start a Cultural Impact Committee. The purpose of this committee is to keep the church informed of the things that are going on in our cities, counties, state and nation so we can be informed. As we all know, the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles but in the last 50 or so years, we have been moving away from those principles at an alarming rate. Our job is to see what we can do to curtail some of that downward spiral. The greatest weapon any of us has is our vote. We will have that opportunity on March 15th in the Primary elections. Let’s remain prayerfully aware of what each and every candidate stands for so we can vote for the person whose values most closely resembles our own. Exercise your right as an American citizen to vote.
Our seniors meeting will be March 8th in the FLC at 10:30. We will have a special program of inspiration and a delicious meal for the cost of just $5. Invite you friends to join us
1-David Faulk
3-Debbe Blair
4-Nancy Hough, Alyssa Benton
6-Penny Blackburn
7-Reba Moser
13-Leon Ferguson
14-David Williams, Sarah Ferguson
16-David Wyatt
19-Betty Timmons
23-Chuck Glover
26-Carl Mullis, Jacob Carpenter, Jeffery Fagan
27-Coy Ritch, Elaine Skeens
29-Judy McManus
30-Addison Loveless
31-Donald Lisk, Denise Villegas
If your birthday is not listed please let Glenda know so that we may add your info to our lists.
We’re coming nearer Spring, and our Baptist Men group at CCBC is growing! We had 7 at our last meeting in February, with young Tyler Westin sharing a great word of encouragement to us from Philippians 4:13. At our March meeting, we’re looking forward to Tommy Carlucci sharing from the Word with us. We are seeking to blend our time of study in God’s Word, with the working out of that Word, into practical good works. We would love for many other men to join us in this endeavor.
Our next project is to paint the Easter egg-hunt-signs that will be set up in the church yard. Yes, the time for our Easter celebrations is soon to be upon us! We want this as all things that we do to be a witness to our faith in Christ!
Another project in the making is one we will work together with our Baptist Ladies, as a workday for the West Stanly Mission. More info aboutthis soon!
Finally, at our next meeting, we will begin our planning foran exciting Baptist Men’s day, where our men will lead the morning service. We need as many men as possible at this next meeting, Tuesday March 15 at 6:30 PM to plan our service, so as to honor the Lord. We’d like to have as many as possible, to participate in that service to thank the Lord for His blessings on us to join us!
--David Wyatt
March 13th at 6:30 All Church Singing Service! Let’s Raise the Roof with Singing His Praises!
March 1st
All Ladies are invited to meet at the church at 6:00!
We have begun a Walking Program that meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00-11:00 in Family Life Center-Join in the fun and fitness!
Happy Easter Month to each and every one of you. I would like to start by thanking everyone who gave to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. You gave a total of $2780.00 Thank you so much!!!
Acts 1:8 says, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering gave us the opportunity to fulfill “Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth” portion of the Great Commission. This month, we will have opportunities to fulfill the “Jerusalem and in all Judea” portions.
As we all know, Easter is going to be on March 27th this year. In addition to observing the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will again host our annual Egg Hunt Outreach. This is one of our greatest Evangelism opportunities of the year. For this, we need lots and lots of candy!!! We also need eggs, and we are going to use the larger eggs this time. For the collection of those items we will again be utilizing the brown hampers in the vestibule. Please help us reach our local community by participating in this outreach. You may do so by bringing candy and/or eggs and/or by helping out with the event itself. The egg hunt, which will be held on March 20th, affords us the opportunity to fulfill the Jerusalem portion of the Great Commission.
Also it is that time of year for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Every dime given to this offering goes to support missionaries in the United States and Canada. The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering gives us the opportunity to obey the “in all Judea” portion. This year the theme is “Here Am I, Send Me,” taken from Isaiah 6:8. This is what every missionary had to say to God at the time he or she accepted the call to go to his or her place of service. Our goal here at Clear Creek is $2170. That is $35 for each Canadian province and American state.
In addition to the opportunities to give to support missionaries, we can also support them by praying for them. I have prayer guides to give out with this year’s featured missionaries. Of course we need to pray for all our missionaries. This includes those from the International Mission Board, the North American Mission Board, Touch the World and those going out from our church to do missions work this summer.
In addition to supporting missionaries through prayer and giving, we also have several opportunities to do mission work. We are looking for a date for a joint effort with the Baptist Men to do a work day for the West Stanley Ministries. In addition to that, we have opportunities to go to Detroit MI and Torrington WY this summer. God is so good to us to give us these wonderful opportunities.
March is also Pastor’s Wives Appreciation Month. Let’s use this opportunity to tell Mrs. Barbara how much we love and appreciate her. God blessed us very much when He sent her and Pastor Homer to us.
God Bless you All in Jesus Name
March 26th and we will be leaving the church at 4:00 p.m.
To All Ladies(or Men) who are interested in putting recipes in our upcoming “Clear Creek Cookbook.” There are forms (in the foyer) for you to submit your recipes or you can email your recipe to Penny Blackburn or Barbara Murdock.
“The Life of Jesus”
From The New Testament
8 Brightly-Illustrated Children's Books
From the First Christmas to the First Easter
March 19th at 5:30 the Open Sunday School class will have a covered dish dinner in the FLC followed by a movie in the church sanctuary.
We had a very exciting February!!! We can't believe that it is already March! Awana has flown by! We will have AWANA March 6, 13, and 20 this month. March 13 will be March Madness Night and BARF Night. Be sure to wear your favorite College Basketball team gear! We all know Pastor Homer will be wearing RED! Bring your friends on March 13 and receive an extra special prize! Again, the class with the most friends on our March BARF Night will get an Ice Cream Party.
Awana leaders will have a special meeting after worship on March 13 with David Roach, our Awana Missionary. He will be coming to spend some time with us training and continuing to support our program.
March 20, Palm Sunday will be a super busy day for us! We will have the Easter Egg Hunt at 3:00 and a special Awana Schedule with
Pizza Party that night. We want all of our guests who come to the Easter Egg Hunt to join us for some Awana FUN! Lastly, in observance of Easter we will not have Awana on Sunday March 27th. Please enjoy spending that day celebrating Christ's resurrection with family and friends.
Like I say every month our Awana team is dedicated to teaching our Awana Kids about Christ, the Bible, and the gospel. What more could you ask for? They work so hard every Sunday night! If you would like to be a part of this exciting ministry, please let me know!
Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter, Erica
Are you ready to be…
Vacation Bible School is coming! It is right around the corner (June 12-17th). Please sign up to help out in the vestibule. We can use all types of people with all different types of gifts. Don't think there isn't a place for you to help out in VBS.
Please continue to pray for our leaders, children who will attend VBS and their families. We want to make the love of Christ known to the community and what better time than VBS? Go ahead and start inviting your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. This is going to be an AWESOME year!
Please go onto the church website and order your T shirts NOW! We are doing something a little different this year. Everyone can order a VBS Shirt!
Our first VBS Leader Training Session will be Thursday April 14th at 6:30 pm. Please make plans now to attend. If you have any questions, please see Erica Carpenter.
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