List of Participants

OECONF2006 (WGOE Conference on Operational Experience Feedback 2006)


DEBROUWERE, Christian Tel: +32 3 2022011

Operating Experience Department Fax: +32 3 7303009

Electrabel - Doel NPP Eml:


Haven 1000

B-9130 Doel

DE GELDER, Pieter Tel: +32 (2) 528 02 60

Division Head, Studies, Research & Develo Fax: +32 (2) 528 01 02

Association Vinçotte Nuclear (AVN) Eml:

148, rue Walcourt

1070 Bruxelles

VAN BINNEBEEK, Jean-Jacques Tel: +32 (2) 5280 120

Director General Fax: +32 (2) 5280 103

Association Vinçotte Nuclear (AVN) Eml:

148, rue Walcourt

1070 Bruxelles

VANDEWALLE, Andre Tel: +32 2 5280 130

Division Head of Nuclear Installations In Fax: +32 2 5280 101

Association Vinçotte Nuclear (AVN) Eml:

148, rue Walcourt

1070 Bruxelles


HOLAN, Miroslav Tel: +420602288325

Deputy Manager for Nuclear Safety Fax: +420381102794

CEZ Group Temelin Power Station Eml:


TIPEK, Zdenek Tel: +420 385 735288

SONS Fax: +420 385 783667

NPP Temelín Local Inspectorate Eml:

37305 Temelin

VESELY, Jiri Tel: +420 568815552

State Office of Nuclear Safety, Fax: +420 568866414

P.O.Box 26, Eml:

675 50 Dukovany


EURASTO, Timo Tel: +358 9 759 88 345

Senior Inspector Fax: +358 9 759 88 382

Radiation & Nuclear Safety Authority (STU Eml:

Laippatie, 4

P.O. Box 14


LAAKSONEN, Jukka Tel: +358 (9) 759 88 200

Director General, Fax: +358 (9) 759 88 500

STUK - Radiation and Eml:

Nuclear Safety Authority

P.O. Box 14

FIN-00881 Helsinki

SUKSI, Seija Tel: +358 9 759 88347

Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Fax: +358 9 759 88382

Nuclear Reactor Regulation Eml:

Laippatie 4

P.O. Box 14

FIN-00881 Helsinki

TURPEINEN, Jouko Tel: +358 (0) 10 455 4733

Fortum Generation Fax: +358 (0) 10 455 4709

Loviisa Power Plant Eml:

POB 23

FI-07901 Loviisa


CANDIA, Fabrice Tel:


10 route du Panorama Eml:

92262 Fonteney-aux-Roses

FOUCHER, Laurent Tel: +33 (0)1 43 19 70 64

ASN Fax: +33 (0)1 43 19 70 66


10 route du Panorama

92266 Fontenay-aux-Roses cedex

GUPTA, Olivier Tel: +33 (0)1 4319 70 64

Head Power Reactor Division Fax: +33 (0)1 4319 70 66


10 route du Panorama

92262 Fonteney-aux-Roses

FRAIZE, Gérard Tel: +33 (0)1 58358721

IRSN/DSU Fax: +33 (0)1 58357973

77-83, avenue du General-de-Gaulle Eml:

B.P. 17


MATAHRI, Naoelle Tel: +33 (0) 1 5835 7901

IRSN Fax: +33 (0) 1 4654 3560

B.P. No. 6 Eml:


MONTMEAT, Agnès Tel: +33 (0)1 58 35 82 73


B.P. No. 6 Eml:


QUENTIN, Pascal Tel: +33 1 58 35 90 93

IRSN/DES/SEREP Fax: +33 1 58 35 35 60

60-68 avenue du Général Leclerc Eml:

BP N° 17

92262 Fontenay aux Roses Cedex

WATTRELOS, Didier Tel: +33 (0)1 5835 7833

IRSN/DSR/SEREP Fax: +33 (0)1 5835 3560

B.P. 17 Eml:

F-92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex


BERTHOLD, Andreas Tel: +49 30 88589 141

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 30 88589 111

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) Eml:

Kurfürstendamm 200

10719 Berlin

BOWI, Markus Tel: +49 711-7005820

Dipl.-Eng. Fax: +49 711-7005889

TÜV SÜD Energietechnik GmbH, BW Eml:

Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 7


BUERGENER, Matthias Tel: +49 32004 419

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 32004 599

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH Eml:


85748 Garching

ENGELHARDT, Claudia Tel: +49 228 305 2886

Federal Ministry for the Environment Fax: +49 228 305 2882

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Eml:

Robert Schuman Platz 3,

53115 Bonn

FALK, Siegfried Tel: +49 711 7005 888

TÜV Süd Energietechnik GmbH Fax:

Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 7 Eml:

D-70794 Filderstadt

FISCHER, Bernhard Tel: +49 228 305 2938

Federal Ministry for the Environment Fax: +49 228 305 3963

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Eml:

Robert Schuman Platz 3,

53115 Bonn

GRINZINGER, Robert Tel: +49 221 2068 757

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 221 2068 10757

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH Eml:

Schwertnergasse 1

50667 Köln

GROSSERICHTER, Rainer Tel: +49 89 5791-1595

TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH Fax: +49 89 5791-2926

Westendstr. 199 Eml:

D-80686 München

HAHN, Lothar Tel: +49 221 20 68 705

Director Fax: +49 221 20 68 704

GRS mbH Eml:

Schwertnergasse, 1

D-50667 Köln

HERTTRICH, Michael Tel: +49 (0) 1888 305 2880

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Fax: +49 (0) 1888 10 305 2880

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Eml:

Multilateral Regulatory Cooperation, Head

Robert-Schuman Platz 3

53175 Bonn

HIBBS, Mark D. Tel: +49 228 21 50 51

Editor for Asia and Europe Fax: +49 228 21 88 49

Nucleonics Week Eml:

Tulpenfeld 7

53113 Bonn

KOTTHOFF, Klaus Tel: +49 (221) 2068 601 (Sec: 610)

Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Fax: +49 (221) 2068 9907

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH Eml:

Schwertnergasse 1

D-50667 Köln

KUCKARTZ, Bruno Tel: +49 221 806 2609

Head of Business Unit Fax: +49 221 806 3402

TÜV Industrie Service GmbH Eml:

Am Grauen Stein

51105 Köln

LUDWIG, Oliver Tel: +49 228 305 2852

Federal Ministry for the Environment Fax: +49 228 305 3963

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Eml:

Robert Schuman Platz 3,

53115 Bonn

MAJER, Dieter Tel: +49 (228) 305 2950

Ministerialdirigent Fax: +49 (228) 305 2803

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Eml:

Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit

Postfach 12 06 29

D-53048 BONN

MAQUA, Michael Tel: +49 221 2068 718

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 221 2068 704

Reaktorsicherheit mbH (GRS) Eml:

Schwertnergasse 1

D-50667 Köln

PREISCHL, Wolfgang Tel: +49 89 32004 481

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 89 32004 306

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH Eml:


85748 Garching

RAUH, Hans-Joachim Tel: +49 89 5791 1493

TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH Fax: +49 89 5791 2696

Westendstr. 199 Eml:

80686 München

RENNEBERG, Wolfgang Tel: +49 228 305 2800

Ministerialdirektor Fax: +49 228 305 3965

Bundesministerium für Umwelt Eml:

Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit

Postfach 12 06 21

53048 Bonn

RIEKERT, Thomas Tel: +49 040 8557 2339

TUEV Nord SysTec GmbH & Co. KG Fax:

Grosse Bahnstrasse 31 Eml:


SCHUETT, Torsten Tel: +49 711 6856 2596

Dipl.-Ing. Fax: +49 711 6865 3053

Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA) Eml:

Universität Stuttgart,

Pfaffenwaldring 32,

D-70569 Stuttgar

SEIDEL, Ernst R. Tel: +49 89 9214 2448

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Fax: +49 89 9214 2286

Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Eml:

Postfach 810140

D-81925 Muenchen

STAMMSEN, Sebastian Tel: +49 711 126 2606

Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg Fax: +49 711 126 2885

Kernerplatz 9 Eml:

D- 70182 Stuttgart

STEINROETTER, Thomas Tel: +49 221 2068 948

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 221 2068 734

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH Eml:

Schwertnergasse 1

50667 Köln

STILLER, Jan Tel: +49 221 2068 932

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 221 2068 709

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH Eml:

Schwertnergasse 1

50667 Köln

STORBECK, Jorg Tel:+49 7256 95 2153

EnBW Kraftwerke AG Kernkraftwerk Philipps Fax:+49 7256 95 2031

Postfach 11 40 Eml:

76652 Philippsburg

THEIS, Karl Tel: +49 201 8128 222

Board of Management Member Fax: +49 201 8128 306

VGB PowerTech e.V. Eml:

Klinkestr. 27-31

45136 Essen

VALLANA, Guido Tel: +49 201 8128 242

VGB PowerTech e.V. Fax: +49 201 8128 306

Klinkestr. 27-31 Eml:

45136 Essen

VOGEL, Leander Tel: +49 7256 95 2114

EnBW Kraftwerke AG Kernkraftwerk Philipps Fax: +49 7256 95 2030

Postfach 11 40 Eml:

76652 Philippsburg

WASSILEW, Christine Tel: +49 228 305 2858

Federal Ministry for the Environment Fax: +49 228 305 3963

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Eml:

Robert Schuman Platz 3,

53115 Bonn

WEIDENBRUECK, Kai Tel: +49 228 305 2841

Federal Ministry for the Environment Fax: +49 228 305 3963

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Eml:

Robert Schuman Platz 3,

53115 Bonn

WIELAND, Rudolf Tel: +49 40 8557 2139

Vice-Chairman Fax: +49 40 8557 2950

TÜV Nord SysTec GmbH & Co.KG Eml:

GroBe Bahnstr. 31

22525 Hamburg

WIELENBERG, Andreas Tel: +49 32004 477

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 32004 10477

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH Eml:


85748 Garching

WILD, Volker Tel: +49 221 2068 948

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Fax: +49 221 2068 892

Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH Eml:

Schwertnergasse 1

50667 Köln

WIRKNER, Jürgen Tel: +49 9131 189 7656

AREVA NP GmbH Fax: +49 9131 189 7507

Department NGPS 4 Eml:

P.O. Box 3220

D-91050 Erlangen


HANADA, Takahiro Tel: +81 3-5440-3657

Deputy General Manager Fax: +81 3-5440-3606

Japan Nuclear Technology Institute Eml:

Codes and Standard Division

7F Isuzu Shiba Bldg.

4-2-3 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014

ISHIKAWA, Michio Tel: +81 (3) 5440 3601

President Fax:

Japan Nuclear Technology Institute (JANTI Eml:

4-2-3, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo,


ISOMURA, Kenichi Tel: 81 3 5440 3600

Japan Nuclear Technology Institute Fax: 81 3 5440 3606

7F Isuzu Shiba Bldg. 4-2-3 Shiba Eml:

Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014

MIZUMACHI, Wataru Tel: +81 (3) 4511 1201

Director General Fax: +81 (3) 4511 1998

Safety Information Research Division Eml:

Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization(

3-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku

Tokyo, 105-0001

TAMAO, Shigeo Tel: +81-3-4511-1950

Principal Staff Fax: +81-3-4511-1998

Safety Information and Data Acquisition G Eml:

Safety Information Research Division

Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization

Fujita Kanko Toranomon Bldg. 8F


HUH, Chang Wook Tel: +82-42-868-0571

Operational Data Analysis Department Fax: +82-42-868-0695

Safety Regulatory Division Eml:

Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

19, Kusong-Dong, Yusong,

Taejon, 305-338

KIM, Min Chull Tel: +82-42-868-0566

Operational Data Analysis Department Fax: +82-42-868-0695

Safety Regulatory Division Eml:

Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

19, Kusong-Dong, Yusong-ku,

Taejon, 305-338


DE JONG, Paul Tel: +31 546 545148

Managing Director,URENCO Nederland BV Fax: +31 546 818296

P.O.Box 158 Eml:

7600 AD Almelo

SCHOELS, Hubert Tel: +31 224-565260

Scientific Officer Fax: +31 224-565637

European Commission JRC Eml:

Westerduinweg 3,

1755 Petten

VAN DER MHEEN, Wim +31 26 3568537

NRG Arnhem +31 26 4459035

Utrechtseweg 310 Eml:

6800 ES Arnhem

VAN IDDEKINGE, Frederik Willem Tel: +31 70 339 3929 (or 339 3888)

VROM - Inspectie Fax: +31 70 3391887

Kernfysische Dienst /IPC 560 Eml:

Rijnstraat 8

Postbus 16191

2500 BD Den Haag


MUZIKOVA, Ewa Tel: +27 12 677 5321

Safety Analyst Fax:


Centurion 0046

South Africa


ALBALADEJO, Rafael Tel: +34 977818740

Operating Experience Coordinator Fax: +34 977818740





GIMENO, Carlos Tel: +34 91 346 05 02

Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) Fax: +34 91 346 03 93

Justo Dorado, 11 Eml:

E- 28040 Madrid

PRIETO, Manuel Tel: +34 944151411

GENERATION DEPT. Fax: +34 944663220




SENDIN, Paloma Tel: +34 91 346 03 30

Commissioner Fax: +34 91 346 03 93

Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) Eml:

Justo Dorado, 11

E- 28040 Madrid

VERDURAS RUIZ, Elena Tel: +34 91 3460 206

Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) Fax: +34 91 3460 588

Justo Dorado 11 Eml:

28040 Madrid

YAGÜE, Luis Tel: +34 977818800

Deputy General Manager Fax: +34 977818720


Apartado de Correos 48,

43890 Hospitalet del Infant



BROMAN, Kenneth Tel: +46 8 698 84 24

Department of Plant Safety Assessment Fax: +46 8 661 90 86

Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) Eml:

Klarabergsviaduklen 90

S-106 58 Stockholm

CARLSSON, Lennart Tel: +46 8 698 84 89

Swedish Nuclear Power Insp. (SKI) Fax: +46 8 66190 86

Klarabergsviadukten 90 Eml:

S-10658 Stockholm


FLURY, Peter Tel: +41 56 310 39 88

Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate Fax:

Consultant to the Director Eml:

CH-5232 Villigen-HSK

SCHMOCKER, Ulrich Tel: +41 56 310 39 64

Director Fax: +41 56 310 39 95

Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Eml:

Inspectorate (HSK)

CH-5232 Villigen-HSK


ELLIS, Jonathan Tel: +44 1452 652118

CAP & OPEX Central Team Fax: +44 1452 654914

British Energy Eml:

Barnett Way,

Gloucester,GL4 3RS

FOLEY, Craig Tel: +44 1925 254278

Senior Safety and Human Factors Consultan Fax: +44 1925 254437

Serco Assurance - RSD Eml:

3rd Floor Thompson House

Birchwood Park, Warrington,


GIBSON, David Tel: +44 (0)1925287687

Operational Feedback Manager Fax: +44 (0)1925 287690


Cinnamon House

Crab Lane, Warrington

Cheshire, WA2 0XP

GREEN, Vince R. Tel: +44 151 951 41 13

HM Nuclear Inspector Fax: +44 151 951 41 63


St Peter's House

Balliol Road

Bootle, Merseyside, L20 3LZ


ALLEN, Barry S. Tel: +1 419-321-8300

Director - Site Operations Fax: +1 419-321-8545

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Eml:

5501 North State Route 2,

Oak Harbor,Ohio

HILAND, Patrick L. Tel: +1 301-415-1004

Reactor Operations Branch Fax: +1 301-415-2222

Division of Inspection Program Management Eml:

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

USNRC - Mail Stop O12H2

Washington D.C. 20555-0001

LYONS, Peter B. Tel:

Commissioner Fax: +1 301 415 3031

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC

MURLEY, Thomas E. Tel: +1 (301) 469 7573

9106 McDonald Drive Fax: +1 (301) 469 5002

Bethesda, MD 20817 Eml:

RINI, Brett Tel: +1 301-415-3931

Physical Scientist Fax:

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Eml:

11555 Rockville Pike,

Rockville, MD 20852

ROSS-LEE, Mary Jane Tel: +1 301 415 3281

Branch Chief, Operating Experience Fax: +1 301 415 3031

Nuclear Reactor Regulation Eml:

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC

TABATABAI, Ali Tel: +1 301-515-9654

Principal Fax: +1 301-515-9658

Link Technologies, Inc. Eml:

0030 Century Blvd., Suite 210,

Germantown, Maryland 20874

TOOPER, Frank Tel: +1 (202) 586-1772

Director of Analysis, Eml:

Office of Corporate Performance Assessmen

U.S. Department of Energy

1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.

International Organisations

BROCKMAN, Ken E. Tel: +43 (1) 2600 2 2520

Director, Div. Nuclear Installation Safet Fax: +43 (1) 26007

Dept. of Nuclear Safety and Security Eml:


P.O.Box 100


BERNARD-BRULS, Xavier Tel: +43 (1) 2600 26078

Safety Officer Fax: +43 (1) 26007


P.O.Box 100


TANIGUCHI, Tomihiro Tel: +43 (1) 2600 22700

Deputy Director General Fax: +43 (1) 2600 29218

Head, Dept.Nuclear Safety & Security Eml: