Past Perfect Progressive (1)

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Past Perfect Progressive (1)

A. Fill in the correct form of the Past Perfect Progressive.

1. She ______(practice) the piano for a long time when I ______(arrive).

2. He couldn't possibly change because ______(do) things that way all his life.

3. She ______(work) hard all day and when the evening finally arrived she could hardly stand on her legs..

4. We ______(study) English for a long time before we could understand films.

5. Yehudit ______(not wait) for long when the bus came.

6. At last we saw the film that everybody ______(talk) about.

B. Rewrite the sentences using the Past Perfect Progressive and the time expressions . 1. She was thinking about her friend when he phoned. (for a week)


2. They were working in the garden when it started to rain. (for two hours)


3. We were wandering in the desert before we were found. (for five hours)


4. They were driving at 100 kilometers per hour when their tyre burst. (for 15 minutes) ______

5. It was snowing heavily when it suddenly stopped.(for four hours)


6. Avi was trying to telephone Dana before he discovered that her phone was out of order. (for days)


7. She was putting on weight when she decided to see a doctor. (for quite a few years) ______

8. He was trying to fix the car when the mechanic arrived. (for 45 minutes)


9. The basketball team was playing poorly before its star player rejoined the team. (for weeks)

C. Fill in with the past simple or the past perfect progressive

1. When she finally 1)______(call), I 2)______(wait) for several hours.

2. She 3)______(try) to sell her car for a few weeks but then she 4)______(change) her mind.

3. 5)______(the driver / drink) before he 6)______(get) into the car?

4. He 7)______(sleep) for an hour before he 8)______(hear) the alarm ring 5. He 9)______(study) for hours when he 10)______(fall) asleep over his book.

D.. Write sentences using the Past Perfect Progressive in the main clause and the Past Simple in the time clause

1. He/work/for several hours before he/start/to feel tired

He had been working for several hours before he started to feel tired.

2. We/try/to sell our car for three months before we/find a buyer


3. David/travel/for two hours before he/discover/that there was something wrong with the brakes ______

4. They/talk/about the exhibition when I/interrupt/them


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(9th-Gr) Date:______
Past Perfect Progressive (2)

A. Look at the situation and then write another sentence using the Past Perfect Progressive.

1. Bill was coughing badly last night. He/smoke/heavily/all day


2. The plane was due in at 12:30, but it didn't actually land until 17:25.

People/wait/hours for it to land


3. Sally won a piano competition last week. She/practice/for it/for several months


4. I got up in the morning to find the streets all wet. I realized/it/rain/all night


5. The students finally took their exams last month. they/prepare/for them/all year long


B. Fill in with the correct form of the verb

While Tali 1)______(prepare) dinner, I 2)______(read) the newspaper. The main story 3)______(be) about a man who 4)______(try) to pass his driving test for more than 10 times. Yesterday he 5)______(catch) by the police while he 6)______(drive) without license.

C.. Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Progressive or Past Simple

1. We ______(drive) for about half an hour when we suddenly ______(realize) that Cordova was in the other direction.

2. Brian and Tessa ______(know) each other for ten years before they ______(decide) to get married.

3. Walt Disney ______(produce) cartoons for nearly 40 years before he ______(die) in 1966.

4. Although the rock band U2 ______(perform) occasionally before small audiences in the late 1970's, they ______(not have) a major hit until the 1980's.

5. It ______(rain) heavily for over on hour before we ______(leave) the city.

D. Fill in the Past Perfect Progressive or Past Progressive form of the verb in brackets.

1. The patient was sitting quietly reading a magazine. She ______(wait) for only a few minutes.

2. I could see she ______(write) a letter so I didn't disturb her.

3. They looked up at the mountains, where heavy snow ______(still fall).

4. By the time the fire brigade finally arrived, the house ______(burn) for nearly 15 minutes.

5. Five minutes after the game started, a storm broke. By five o'clock the footballers ______(play) in the rain for over an hour.

6. The politician ______(shout) obscenities for five minutes before he was removed from the floor.

7. We ______(sit) at our desks quietly when suddenly the fire-alarm went off.

8. The cleaners ______(still polish) the floors when I went home.

9. I could see she ______(feel) sick, so I offered her a glass of water.

10.By the time I arrived at the rehearsal, the cast ______(already rehearse) for two hours.

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(9th-Gr) Date:______

A Work Page – Tense Review
Dear Nurit,

Thank you for your letter. Here 1)______(be) some news about me. I 2)______(stay) with a good friend since last January. I 3)______(live) with her for three months. Before she 4)______(move) in with me, I 5)______(live) with my parents. As you 6)______(can/see), there is one thing I 7)______(never do) - I 8)______

(never live) alone!

I enjoy my job. Right now 9)______(work) for the Safe Insurance Company. I 10)______(work) here for a month. But as you 11)______(know), I 12)______(work) in this kind of job for many years. Before I 13)______(begin) to work here, I 14)______(work) for another insurance company for two years.

I 15)______(learn) a lot on this job. Each day I 16)______(learn) something new. I 17)______(also learn) at night school. All that, as well as what I 18)______(learn) many years ago at the university, 19)______(help) me to do a good job. But I 20)______(just not work). I also 21)______(play) tennis a lot. I 22)______(play) tennis for three years now. Before that I 23)______(used to / play) handball. I remember that you 24)______(once tell) me that you 25)______(play) a lot of tennis as well. You also 26)______(write) to me in your last letter that you 27)______(write) some new articles for a magazine. You 28)______(certainly write) a lot this past year. 29)______(you / write) all day or 30)______(you / have) another job as well?

Well, goodbye for now. I 31)______(wait) to 32) ______(hear) from you soon!

Best regards,


Write the questions

1. ______

No, Smadar hadn’t been living alone before her friend moved in with her.

2. ______

Smadar has been playing tennis for three years.

3. ______

She used to play handball.

4. ______

Yes, Nurit had written some articles for a new magazine.

5. ______

Smadar is waiting to receiving a letter from Nurit.

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(9th Gr) Date: ______

A Work Page – Tense Review

A. Fill in with the correct form of the verb

Steve was very busy at the office. At 10:15 he ______(already / make eleven phone calls. By 11:15, he ______(write) three reports on an accident, a hold up and a bomb scare. At 12:00, he ______(arrive) at the airport. The week before he ______(arrange) an inter:view with a British Airways representative. Unfortunately, the man ______(be) late. Steve ______(be) hungry and he ______(cannot go) to lunch until he ______(interview) the representative, so he only ______(buy) a cheese sandwich The representative finally ______(arrive) at 12:45. He ______(just come) from an important meeting. By the time he ______(answer) all of Steve's quewtions, it

______(be) 13:30, and at 14:15 Steve ______(have) another appointment in town. At 15:00 o'clock, he still ______(not have) any lunch, so he ______(buy) another cheese s.andwich.

He finally ______(finish) work at 18:30, tired and hungry. He was looking forward to a goorl meal at horne, hut when. he ______(arrive) home, Jill, his wife, ______(go out). There was a note for him on the kitchen table, "Gone out. Cheese sandwiches in the fridge."

B. Fill in with the correct form of the verb

a) She ______(live) in Haifa since 1985. When she ______(leave) Tel-Aviv, she first ______(go) to live in Jerusalem. After she ______(spend) two years in Jerusalem, she ______(feel) that the weather ______(be) too cold, so she ______(decide) to move to a warmer place. She ______(be) very happy in Haifa and ______(already meet) many interesting poop1e.

b) A.s soon as all the guests ______(leave) the house, we ______(start) to clean up the living room. We all ______(feel) that the party ______(be) a success, but we ______(not like) the hard work which we ______(must do) after it.

C) When Leah ______(hear) what Dan ______(do), she ______(become) very angry. She ______(realize). that he ______(not want) to be so bad, but he ______(can't) help himself. She ______(say) to me, "I ______(know) Dan for several years. He ______(work) hard, but he ______(never be) a good student. Last year he ______(decide) to leave school because he ______(think) he ______(can get) a job at the new factory. He ______(try) to be a good person since then, but he ______(not yet succeed)…… "

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