“Passport to Europe”PowerPoint Presentation Name: ______


With a partner, you will:

  • Use the resources listed below to do research on a European country
  • Use your research to create a PowerPoint presentation as a “virtual fieldtrip” to your country
  • Present your PowerPoint presentation to the class


You will use THESE resources only IN THIS ORDER for your research:

1) Library books

2) Encyclopedia Britannica Online

Username: saisdms

Password: saisd

3) World Book Online

Username: saisdms

Password: saisd

4) World Festivals

5) National Geographic Map Machine & Country Profiles:

STEP 3: TAKING NOTESNames: ______

Resources Key:

LB = Library bookEB = Encyclopedia Brtiannica online

WB = Worldbook OnlineWF = World Festivals

NG = National Geographic

(Circle the name used for notes)
Slide 1: Country and group members’ names
Slide 2: Flag / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 3: Geography
(land and climate) / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 4: Map of the country / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 5: Historical facts about the country—the main things to know / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 6: Culture: Such as…
- People/languages
- Way of life/Entertainment
- Sports, hobbies, etc.
-Food: popular dishes, common foods eaten / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 7: Capital and MainCities / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 8: Natural Resources / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 9: Economy & Government: How people make a living, what types of products they produce, what kind of governmental system they have / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 10: Tourist Attractions: Important landmarks/famous places / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:
Slide 11: Extra Credit Slide: / EB WB WF NG
LB Title:


With your partner, you will create a PowerPoint presentation as a virtual fieldtrip to your European country.

MAKE SURE to include clip art, maps, flags, and pictures in your presentations!

Slide 1: Country and group members’ names

Slide 2: Flag

Slide 3: Geography (land and climate)

Slide 4: Map of the country

Slide 5: Historical facts about the country—the main things to know

Slide 6: Culture: Such as…

  • People/languages
  • Way of life/Entertainment (sports, hobbies, etc.)
  • Traditions/holidays/festivals
  • Religion
  • Food: popular dishes, common foods eaten

Slide 7: Capital and Main cities

Slide 8: Natural Resources

Slide 9: Economy & Government: How people make a living, what types of products they produce, what kind of governmental system they have

Slide 10: Tourist Attractions: Important landmarks/famous places

Slide 11: Extra Credit (see below)

Extra Credit:

Create an extra PowerPoint slide—one of these 2 options:

PowerPoint Postcard:
Design one of the slides to be a postcard that includes:
  • A photograph of an important place/feature of the country
  • A persuasive note to the class telling reasons they should visit the country
/ PowerPoint Geo Poem:
Follow this pattern for the non-rhyming poem:
Lines 1 and 8: the name of the country
Line 2: three to four physical features
Line 3: one to three cultural features; for example, landmarks, museums, main cities
Line 4: bordering countries or bodies of water
Line 5: a short description about the climate
Line 6: three historical events that shaped the country
Line 7: issues or problems of importance; for example, poverty, poor land, war, pollution