

DIRECTIONS: Unscramble letters in the words provided to complete the following

laundry statements.

(nitrnitsuosc)1. Follow washing ______found on garment labels and most

washing machines.

(tesckop) 2. Before laundering, empty ______, zip up fastenings, hook hooks,

and remove any trimmings or buttons which might be damaged.

(oth) 3. Clothes will not come clean if water is not _____ enough, washer is

crowded, or too little detergent is added.

(leycsc) 4. A sequence of operations of a washer or dryer which performs a

complete home laundry function determined by setting controls and

endings with machine shut off. ______

(roatitga) 5. Component of a washer that provides agitation. ______

(resisepnd) 6. A device on washer that adds laundry products to the wash or rinse

water. ______

(flul) 7. To reduce water pollution and save water, run automatic washer only

with a ______load.

(eratrept) 8. Term to describe spot washing of heavily soiled area of clothes such as

collar or cuffs. ______

(tarhc) 9. Refer to a stain removal ______for instruction in removing

a special stain.

(nifre) 10. The ______fabric the lower the dryer temperature setting.

(enerpamnt) 11. Remove ______-press clothes as soon as dryer

tumbling stops.

(reescn) 12. Keep the lint ______clean to allow proper air flow in


(lufrifaf) 13. Dryer setting which provides an unheated air flow for freshing pillows,

draperies, bedspreads, etc. ______

(kile) 14. Dry ______fabrics together.

(hcealb) 15. A laundry product that disinfects, deodorizes and removes stain

and soil from clothes. ______

(satorfolc) 16. Fabrics that will not noticeably fade, bleed, or run when laundered.


(gnetredet) 17. Laundry product designed to remove, emulsify, dissolve and suspend

soil in a washing solution. ______

(ricabf, 18. Laundry product used in washer or dryer to make fabrics soft and

netofres) to help reduce wrinkling and static. ______

(retaw, 19. Condition caused by minerals, calcium, and magnesium dissolved

drsensah in water. ______

(reowl) 20. Because of environmental concerns, new nonphosphate detergents

and reformulated detergents with ______levels of

phosphates have flooded the laundry product market.

(entnamrep) 21. Garments manufactured after July 1972 must have ______

care labels.

(kubl) 22. Fabric ______is a greater consideration than fabric weight

when loading a washer.

(medatyleimi) 23. Any stain should be treated ______or as soon as


(retfosne) 24. If water is extremely hard, use a nonprecipating water ______.

(reov, 25. Avoid ______clothes.


(ngltee) 26. Cycle used for washing delicate items. ______

(yegr) 27. Clothes may become ______if water is not hot enough or

inadequate amounts of detergent are used.

(mclairmoce) 28. ______dryers operate at a higher temperature than

those used in the home.

(yolnn) 29. ______fabric discolors badly.

(lbeal) 30. The first step to doing laundry is to read the garment ______.

(lios) 31. Dirt concentrated in one spot in a garment is known as ______.

(neprtoi) 32. The three basic types of stains are grease and oil, acid and alkaline and


(xesapnd) 33. This fabric should never be treated with bleach. ______