Passmores Academy Context Sheet

Teacher: / Ms M Gladen /
Status: / QTS
Subject: / English
Date: / 5 October 2015
Class: / Year / 7 / Set / o2
NOR: / 24
Summary of overall content: Overview of student learning in your subject this term. (Including any SMSC or RWCN covered).
The students have been studying William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We have read the play, up to (and including) Act Two, Scene 1. During this time, we have also written a letter home to parents. This is the first experience of Shakespeare, for the majority of children – and some have struggled with the transition.
In order to support the understanding of Shakespeare, students have acted out all of the reading so far. This has including the school’s stage within the hall. Students have completed one task that assesses LAO1a and LAO2 – and need to continue to develop these skills to meet their Christmas targets.
Social: Students have been engaging closely with developing their social skills. This has been encouraged most through their use of group work and paired work, furthermore students are beginning to develop skills in peer and self-assessment. Students have also had to develop their social skills through the high expectations expected of this class.
Moral: Students have been developing their moral skills through their examination of the treatment of women within Shakespearean times.
Spiritual: Spiritual development relates to that aspect of inner life through which pupils acquire insights into their personal experience which are of enduring worth. Students are therefore developing their own voice and viewpoint on what it means to be independent, and how own actions develop consequences to other people. Students have also begun their own views and values towards independence.
Cultural: Students have been exploring what culture impacts there were in the Shakespearean play and how this would have been visualised on the stage.
Reading:Students have read up to Act 2, Scene 1. The Shakespeare play is above most of the students’ reading ages (15years 6months) uses complex vocabulary. We therefore have spent time summarising and understanding the play, whilst also developing our reading skills. Comprehension has been supported through drama.
Writing:Students have been developing their writing and literacy through the use of the literacy codes. Students have also been taught to develop upon given by targets. Students also drafted their letter to their parents.
Comprehension: Students’ comprehension is developed through the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy questions – also, we track comprehension through systematic information retrieval and understanding.
Numeracy:Students basic numeracy skills are challenged through systematic learning checks.
Summary of recent lessons directly related to this lesson. (eg since this module or topic):
Students have read up to Act 2, Scene 1.
We have completed one task on analysis – which is the frame-work behind this lesson. Students within the class have varying learning styles, and needs. Some students can recall information easily, and are struggling more to engage with the text.
Information about targeted groups, e.g. SEN, EAL, AG&T, CIC (Children in care), PA (Persistent absence), FSM (Free school meals), etc.:

Jay is a very confident reader, and often takes leading roles in class performances. Due to his fine motor skills being undeveloped, he cannot physically write in comprehendible manner. Jay therefore uses a laptop. He is a wonderfully happy learner.

First ‘assessment’ task This initial task was undertaken in the first week of Passmores Academy, and was the first time that the students had used the PE(T)A(L) formula [where T (technical term) and L (language) were extension tasks]. Students then improved upon these pieces using the purple penprogression task, and so levels have improved by an average of a part level.
The Flight Path

Information about students not on track, details of your intervention to support them and its impact:
All students are currently on track to achieve their target grade, and above on their coursework. This will be gained through designated lesson time, and supported intervention before the Summer term.
Jack Denny (SEN) (recently removed from his epilepsy medicine: at immediate risk of fitting)
Cavan Jonas (PA)
Katie Comben (PA + PPG)
Sydney Thomas (PA + PPG)
Lewis Wakeman (Poor literacy)
Raising boys’ achievement:
Boys are supported in the class by weekly ‘boys vs girls’ competitions as well as contentious grouping.
PPG students:
All PPG students are tracked closely (as are all of my students); Currently, Katie Comben does not attend school, and she has been sent specialised work to support her. Due to bullying, Sydney Thomas’ is also receiving ‘catch-up’ work due to her low attendance rate.

Additional information:

Books are labelled as the following:

Board work = work completed from the board, or developed slightly from framed/modelled ideas. This work can also include paired and group work. This work will checked for literacy and understanding

Assessed work = this work is assessed based on the mark scheme set by the current assessment being undertaken by the student.

Homework = this work is completed at home, and is marked in the same fashion as the ‘Assessed work. Students complete two homework pieces per week. One is a written task, and the second is a literacy task completed on the Quia website. The quiz is made by myself based on the literacy errors most common in the class’ exercise books. This homework is set to ensure that all students are developing their literacy skills, and developing upon literacy targets set.

Status: Q - Qualified, NQT, S - Supply