Table of Contents

Pastor’s Page 3

From the Church Council President 4

Church Council Highlights, Kids B.L.A.S.T. 5

Goodbye Pastor Lees

Welcome Barb!, Girls’ Spring Fling 6

Card Ministry, Altar Guild, Fellowship & Sew Day 7

Noisy Offering Update, Elmwood at the Springs

Faith Filled Travelers 2016 8

Thank you…, Love Your Neighbor Day Spring Event 9

Helping Those in Need 10

Birthdays, Anniversaries, The Over 50 Club 11

LIFT News 12

FLCW Calendar 13

A Look into Our History 14

VBS-Barnyard Roundup 15

The Messenger

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church APRIL 2016

Pastor’s Page

This Sunday we begin our holy walk through Holy Week. We begin with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The people on both sides of the street are shouting Hosannas to the King. It is a time for celebration. It is a parade. You won’t find any trucks, horses or bands. But you will find King Jesus, riding on a donkey. I hope I see many of you at our Palm Sunday worship. As we try and reenact Jesus’ journey to the Cross, it is our journey as well. And it begins on Palm Sunday.

Then we worship on Maundy Thursday. And why worship on Maundy Thursday? Because this is the day that Jesus will be taken away from His people. We will read and learn that just before that, and knowing that He is going to Jerusalem to die, he washes his disciple’s feet. Then at the close of the service, the altar area will be stripped. Symbolically, Christ was stripped of His power and glory and is now in the hands of His captors. The plot begins to thicken. The Cross is ever so near.

Then we worship on Good Friday. Come and feel Jesus’ pain as He speaks His last seven words from the Cross. And why did he speaks these words? Because, even though He was dying on the Cross, he had compassion for others, for you and I. I hope that you come to this worship service. Christ’s last seven words will be read and then some words of reflection will be said in regards to the scripture just read.

People, you cannot properly have Easter without Good Friday nor have Good Friday without Easter. As words of reflection are read, come and listen as you and I will be on those pages, as we, at times, crucify our Savior with our sin. Then, finally, listen to Parm, our organist, as she plays the dirge, we hear the lightning and thunder of that awful night.

-Continued next page

“Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” Were you there? Come and “be there.”

And as you “are there” on that Good Friday night, Easter will be even more special to you. Yes, we will dress up and we will sing, sing, sing, but I think Easter will be even more special to you.

May your journey be blessed.

Pastor Bob

From the Church Council President’s Desk:

Congratulations!! Congratulations to all the members of this Church. Your support of this ministry is overwhelming. For the first two months of this year, our attendance is up 425 people and our giving is up $14,580 over the first two months of last year. In 2015 the current fund decreased $13,952 for the first two months and was sitting at a negative balance of $1,940. Through the first two months of this year, our current fund has increased $4,407 and shows a positive balance of $6,543. Wow! Thank you for a great start this year. Let’s make 2016 a year to remember.

Lenten services were very well attended. I even hear we ran out of food for two of the services. This past Sunday, six new members joined our congregation and I hear we have some more waiting to join. It appears the train has left the station and everyone is getting on board to be part of our ministry.

Everyone should give themselves a pat on the back for a great start to this year, but let’s not slow down. We have activities here for everyone, so please come and participate. Thank you.

God Bless All of You

Larry A. Leow, President Faith Lutheran Church Council

Highlights from the March Council Meeting

·  * Barb Kocsis has been selected and hired as our new Church Secretary. Please welcome her to her new role.

·  * We have 6 new members that have joined our Congregation on Palm Sunday: Erika Garlock, Kelly Masella, Rebecca Sterling, Mike & Toni Cooper and Judy Smith.

·  * Culligan Cups should only be used for the water cooler, not for kitchen use.

·  * Seminarian will be here on April 10th. Pastor Rios will be here on April 24th.

·  * Responsible for Elmwood at the Springs in May & June.

Kids B.L.A.S.T.

(Bible Learning and Sharing Together)

All children ages 3 through 11 are invited to attend Kids B.L.A.S.T. on Saturday, April 2, 2016. A light snack will be provided. Any questions may be directed to Jackie Seibert at 419-665-4124.

“Stewardship and Finance Committee met on March 8th 2016 at 7pm. The last two months of financial statements were reviewed at the meeting. It was moved to table future meetings until the July time frame unless a need would arise. Future meeting dates were selected as follows:

Monday July 18th 2016 at 7:00 PM; Monday August 15th 2016 at 7:00 PM; Monday September 12th 2016 at 7:00 PM”

“Goodbye Pastor Joe Lees” Pastor Joe, St. Johns Fremont, has taken a call as the new Assistant to the Bishop for Vital Congregations, Vital Partnerships, St. Paul Area Synod. He and his wife, Katy Ross, will relocate to the Twin Cities next month. Pastor Joe will begin work for the synod on April 11th.

Welcome Aboard I would like to welcome Barb Kocsis as the new secretary for Faith Lutheran Church. She was recently offered the position and accepted to come to work for us. She started working this week side by side with Becky to familiarize herself with all the tasks that the secretary performs. If you get an opportunity, stop in the office and welcome her to our staff. Welcome aboard Barb!

Larry A. Leow, President Church Council

New Church Secretary – For those of you who don’t know me very well, let me introduce myself. I am Barb Kocsis. I have been married to Dave Kocsis for almost 24 years. We don’t have any kids, or pets either, at the moment. For the last nine years I’ve worked at Dollar Tree in Fremont. I’ve also been a Certified Supported Living Provider for my friends from Clyde. I am quitting both of those jobs to better serve you here at the church. I am a member of the Senior Choir, Treasurer of the Women, active in Esther Circle, and served as an Elder on Church Council in the past. I’m Co-Chair of Visitation of the Homebound and the Prayer Chain. I enjoy crocheting prayer shawls and other items, playing Pinochle, and reading. I also like to ride bicycle and go camping with my family. I look forward to serving Faith Lutheran Congregation.

Girl’s Spring Fling

Scoops of Blessings – Ice Cream with Blessings on Top!

Reserve the Date - April 17 (2 until 4 pm)

The annual Girl's Spring Fling will be held on April 17th. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend and bring a friend, daughter, mother, granddaughters, etc. We will enjoy Sharon Moenter sharing about "Scoops of Blessings" and all go home with a lighter heart being reassured of all of God's blessings in our lives.

Tickets will be on sale on Sunday, April 3rd & April 10th following the early and late services in the hallway near the coatroom. Tickets will be $2 for adults and $1 for children (12 and under).

Hope to see you there. Come with a hardy hunger for ice cream treats.


Come, join us the second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. In order to expand this ministry we need your help. We also work on cards the first and third Thursdays from 9 -3. No experience required. Just a desire to reach out to others with God’s love.

For the month of March, altar duties were handled by Margie Roach, Linda Woessner, Donna Fought, Nancy & Ron Root and Mary Lou Cooper. Thank you!

For the month of April

Special “thanks” to Ron Root for setting up the big cross, also to Becky Fox for making the communion bread and to Jerie Young for always helping. -Mary Lou Cooper, Chair

Fellowship & Service Sew Day

Come out and join the fun. We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month and begin at 9:00 am and end at 3:00 pm, but come and leave whenever you wish. We work on quilts, health kits and sewing kits. Greeting cards are made and are available for purchase in Lounge for a donation. Come join the fun!

Noisy Offering Update-“Change for Change”

The next Noisy Offering will be April 17, 2016, at both worship services. The Noisy Offering is given so Children from our Companion Parish of Bumila Lutheran Church have the opportunity to attend school in the Mpwapwa Region. Thank you for your support of the children of our sister congregation in Bumila, Tanzania.

We are again blessed with the opportunity to lead worship at Elmwood at the Springs in Green Springs during the months of May and June. Signup sheet is on the hall bulletin board. See mike Tooman with any questions. Take advantage of reaching out to others with God’s Word.

Thank You!

·  To Faith Church I want to thank Randy Brown for brining me communion today. It was nice of him to do that for me. Had a nice visit with him. God Bless all of my Church members for thinking of me. All the prayers and visits were appreciated. A beautiful day with the sun shining in my window. I thank God for his help in making the room available. I enjoy all visitors. God Bless all of you. –A Faith Church member and friend, Marie Wagner.

·  On behalf of our unborn son and ourselves we would like to say thank you to everyone in the Faith Lutheran Church Christ Care group that meets on Saturday morning for the beautiful quilt and the Prayer Bible. With great thanks-Kurt, Marie, and son Reiselt.

·  We would like to thank the Faith Fellowship Club for the stroller travel system, wipes, rattle, pacifiers, and pacifier clip, “Baby on Board” sign, Diapers and Blanket. They will come in handy for our new addition to our family. With great thanks-Kurt, Marie and son Reiselt.

·  I would like to thank Randy Brown for communion, to the ladies of the church for their visits. I enjoyed them very much. I would also like to thank everyone who sent me cards. You are a great Church family. I am in therapy now and I hope to get back to Church soon. –Carnetta Weber

·  Thank you! Thank you for the cards, visits, and prayers for Dad during the past couple years as he became home-bound. Thank you to Sandy Schneider and her group for putting together the luncheon and Pastor Bob for the message at the Memorial Service. We celebrate now because Dad is finally pain-free. – The Family of Jack Smith Sr.

·  Thank you to Church Council Executive Committee for the lovely Goodbye lunch at Ole Zims, the lovely flowers delivered to the office and the Potluck given by the Ladies of Faith. I appreciate all the well-wishes as I begin a new chapter in my life. –Becky Seibert

Love Your Neighbor Day Spring Event is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 2016. Included in this newsletter are the signup forms for volunteering and Requested Projects. Please return to the church office as soon as possible.

april Birthdays 2016

1  Donna Fought, Caleb Seibert

3  Brent Fahle

5  Polly Wagner

6  Cheryl Willey

9  Bob Schneider

10  Daniel Diekman

11  Pastor Bob

12  Scott Miarer, Journey Smith

13  Gloria Root

15 Mason Harder

16  Allyson Brown

17  Joy Decker

18  Whitney Norris

19  Julie Garner, PG Gerber, Evelyn Hannum

20  Ruth May, Christina McBride, Judi Neill,

Nancy Root, David Wagner

21  Taylor DeMars

22  Ethan Longoria, Jerie Young

23  Marcia Roberts, Matthew Young

24  Carnetta Weber

25  Rebecca Burmeister, Gary Overmyer

26  Steve Harder, Christopher Pollock

27  Jennifer Frederick, Judy Longoria, Paula Zimmerman

28  Kim Smith

30  Samantha Durnwald, Marian Flickinger-Hirt

The LIFT agreement has been approved by Grace Lutheran Church, Fremont, St. Mark Lutheran Church, Fremont and St. John’s Lutheran Church, Fremont; and Trinity Lutheran Church, Fremont. Faith Lutheran Church, Fremont has agreed to join as an Associate Member.

New Pastor Called for LIFT! Pastor Scott Mauch, a native of Hammond, IN., has been unanimously called to Fremont to serve as our first LIFT pastor! Pastor Scott is very interested in being part of efforts to create new models of shared ministry. Pastor Scott is married to his high school sweetheart, Sherry, a registered nurse. Scott and Sherry have four children ranging in age from 30-37. Pastor Scott will be installed on Sunday, April 24 at 2 p.m. at St. Mark Lutheran Church. Come and join this historic event in the life of our community!


·  Mark your calendars for LIFT Day Camps and VBS next summer. Fremont Eastside Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be held at St. Mark Lutheran on June 26-30, 2016.

·  A Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOMO) Day Camp will be at Faith Lutheran on July 10-15, 2016.