Tel: +254207202136 Fax:+254207622091 or +254207622928

Date of Travel: ------

/ Passenger Name / Nationality / FROM /
/ Agency
a) This is a free service available to humanitarian agencies and implementating partners involved for Kenya Emergency reponse operations.

b) Implementing partners will have their booking done through the sponsoring agency. Each agency is allowed to book two seats per flight. Upto four booking can be made on this form however agency doing the booking should

list such booking based on it’s travel priority. Where more than 2 seats are booked, the rest (3 & 4) will be placed on standby list and only confirmed if seat is available 12 hours before date of intended travel.

c) Booking is to be sent via fax at least 3 working days but not more than 14 days before date of intended travel. A booking where the travel is no longer required should be canceled at least 24 hours before date of intended travel.

d) Manifest with confirmed booking will be circulated to agency focal point at least by 12.00hrs, a day before date of intended flight except for travel on Monday where manifest will be posted on Friday 12.00hrs.

e) This free service is available three days a weeks as per schedule below:

i) Monday (Nairobi- Garissa – Wajir – Elwak – Mandera – Nairobi) Elwak will be included on request basis.

ii) Wednesday ( Nairobi – Garissa- Dadaab – Garissa – Nairobi)

iii) Friday- (Nairobi – Mandera – Elwak – Wajir – Garissa – Nairobi) Elwak will be included on request basis.

f) Aircraft is avialable on full recovery basis for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Agency intending to charter aircraft on full cost recovery on this days should submit such request at least seven working days but not more

than one month before date of intended travel.

g) Each agency will provide a list of names of it’s employees/duty station and updated on a monthly basis unless there’s no change to provided list. Only staff members appearing on that list will be allowed to benefit from this service.

h) Before boarding, tickets will be issued to confirmed passengers. Only passengers who are able to identify themselves will be issued with a ticket and hence allowed to travel. A working ID, Passport or driving license is acceptable for purpose of identification.

NO CHILDREN WILL BE ALLOWED ON THIS FLIGHT. Passenger check-in baggage limited to 15KGs per person

Cleared by………………………………… Approved by (Agency to be charged)……………………………………

(Name & Signature) (Name & Signature)

Reasons for Travel:------

Revised: 8th Nov. 2005