Quality Assurance Review Team Report

Pass Christian School District


A Quality Assurance Review team representing the Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (CASI) of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) made a Quality Assurance Review visit to the Pass Christian School District (PCSD) in Pass Christian, Mississippi on January 27-30, 2008. The review visit is the final step in the process of seeking district accreditation by the Pass Christian School District from the Council on Accreditation and School Improvement of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. In seeking District Accreditation, the Pass Christian School District must provide evidence that the system:

  1. meets the Standards for Accreditation;
  2. engages in a systemic and continuous process of improvement; and;
  3. implements methods for quality assurance that provide for effective operations and functions.

In conducting the Quality Assurance Review, the team was responsible for:

1.  assessing the capacity of the system to meet the standards;

2.  assessing the efficacy and impact of the improvement process;

3.  assessing the effectiveness of the system’s methods for quality assurance;

4.  identifying strengths of the system deserving of commendation; and

5.  developing recommendations which are designed to help strengthen the school system.

In fulfillment of the team’s responsibilities, members:

1.  reviewed documentation provided by the school system;

2.  developed points of inquiry for the on-site review;

3.  established, in collaboration with district personnel, a schedule of activities and interactions that would provide for significant stakeholder involvement;

4.  conducted interviews of a representative set of stakeholders throughout the district; and

5.  engaged in professional deliberations as a team to consider the capacity of the school system to meet the requirements for district accreditation.

A timeline for completing the SACS CASI self-study was developed shortly after approval was granted to begin the District Accreditation process. Using opinion surveys, a sample of all K-12 parents, students, and all certified teaching staff and administrators were surveyed. A survey of organizational effectiveness was also given to all principals and school improvement teams.

During the spring, summer and fall of 2007, the Pass Christian School District revised their district continuous improvement plan by bringing together a group of stakeholders to study data from a variety of sources, examine current educational research, and respond to the SACS CASI self-study rubric. The team added strategies that would strengthen identified areas for improvement and align the continuous improvement plan with the SACS CASI District Standards.

The Pass Christian School District Leadership Team used the Breakthrough School Improvement Model to guide the process of goal identification for the 2007-2008 school year. Three major goals were identified and objectives for each goal were developed based on data compiled from stakeholder surveys and data derived from the District profile and achievement and student conduct information.

The Quality Assurance Review team is pleased to note that the school system provided many opportunities for various stakeholders to contribute throughout the process of seeking district accreditation. It is the perception of the Quality Assurance Review team that school system personnel, with community support, faithfully and effectively conducted the SACS CASI review of standards in fulfillment of the District Accreditation requirements and in preparation for the Quality Assurance Review visit.

In fulfillment of the requirements of the SACS CASI process, school system personnel provided documented evidence for each of the Standards for Accreditation, summarized the district’s systemic process of continuous improvement, and identified the methods and strategies implemented throughout the school district that provide for quality assurance of the district’s operations, procedures, and functions for the benefit of student learning. In addition to the summary of documentation provided to the Quality Assurance Review team, the district provided team members access to all system information including improvement plans at the school and system levels, student achievement data, policies and procedures, financial information, and all other information and data maintained and monitored by the school district.

During the on-site visit, members of the Quality Assurance Review team interviewed the Superintendent of Schools, 3 members of the Board of Education, 8 Principals/Assistant Principals, 9 Administrators (district level), 23 parents, and 35 teachers. In considering the evidence as provided through data, documentation, observation, and dialogue, the Quality Assurance team:

•  sought a district perspective;

•  pursued evidence that could be correlated through multiple sources;

•  examined the context and capacity of the school system in relation to its vision, mission, and beliefs; and

•  applied the criteria for accreditation.

Standards for Accreditation

The primary requirement for District Accreditation is that the Pass Christian School District provides evidence that it meets the seven standards for accreditation. The findings of the Quality Assurance Review team regarding the seven standards for accreditation are summarized on the following pages.


The Curriculum Department coordinated and facilitated the district’s compilation of evidence for each of the seven standards for accreditation. District and school personnel were also involved in various capacities throughout the process.


The system establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the system.

Through the work of the Pass Christian School District Leadership team the vision and beliefs of the School District were reevaluated during the 2006-2007 school year. The Team used the Breakthrough School Improvement Process to seek input from both internal and external stakeholder groups. Focused meetings were conducted, surveys were distributed and results of meetings and surveys were analyzed. Based on the analysis of results, the Team concluded that because of changes in the community resulting from the impact of Hurricane Katrina and the reality that the vision and beliefs did not appear to be driving District practice, it was determined that changes were necessary. Both the vision and belief set were revised and were adopted by the Pass Christian Board of Trustees in July 2007. The District now has a clear vision and a belief set that have become the focus of all district-wide decisions and practices.

The core beliefs of the Pass Christian School District are as follows:

Students excel when…

·  The curriculum is challenging

·  They are actively engaged in the learning process

·  All have an equal opportunity to learn

·  Learning is a shared responsibility

·  They are held to high expectations

Evolving from these five beliefs is the District vision: A Commitment to Excellence. This new vision appears to have unified this community of learners toward ensuring that EVERY CHILD will be the focus of every employee of the district every school day and that each student will graduate from high school postsecondary ready. The vision appears to be enthusiastically embraced by the entire school and system communities. This vision provides direction for the quality of work performed by students and staff and has received strong support from the community. The vision, mission, and beliefs provide a common thread that runs throughout all of the schools in the Pass Christian School District.

The vision is supported by excellent leadership, a positive environment that includes community/stakeholder involvement, alignment to high standards, equitable distribution of resources, high quality staff, accountability for learning, and a respectful, safe and orderly environment.

Leadership in the system, both at the school and system levels, is considered to be one of the most significant factors contributing to the success that the school system has enjoyed. The system will continue to review this standard and bring recommendations to the Pass Christian Board of Trustees for consideration of additions, deletions, and revisions. This ongoing process sustains the commitment to student, system, and school improvement and insures that the system will attain its goals.


The system provides governance and leadership that promotes student performance and system effectiveness.

The Pass Christian School District has sought to promote an understanding by all stakeholders of specific and general policies and procedures established for district operations. The district provided ample evidence to support its compliance with local, state, and federal laws. Aggregated data was presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of various forms of student learning as well as district effectiveness. Evidence of faculty professional development activities in excess of 70 days per school year reflected support for innovation and equity.

The school district demonstrated that all students have open and equitable access to all learning opportunities that are supported by meaningful leadership roles assigned by the district. The student bodies at each school visited are given the opportunity to engage and be recognized for student leadership at every endeavor.

The evidence of stakeholder support was abundant from the district and school levels. Communication between parents, school personnel and community is a two-way street.

Recommendations related to this standard:

·  Engage in additional procedures that provide for the orientation and training of the governing board.

·  Identify new revenue sources that will protect the financial stability and administrative operations of the district.

·  Enhance the roles of the stakeholders in the decision making process that will continue to promote a culture of participation, responsibility, and ownership.


The system provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.

The Pass Christian School District implements the Mississippi Department of Education Curriculum Framework and the Mississippi Extended Curriculum Framework. Both frameworks outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Curriculum guides contain teaching strategies and student activities. Pacing guides have been developed by grade level and subject level teachers to prevent learning gaps in the curriculum.

The Pass Christian School District has made a concerted effort to become “data driven” and to implement research-based instructional strategies. All new programs or curriculum must be completely aligned with the requirement of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001, No Child Left Behind. The District strongly supports programming for students at risk through financial resources, time and personnel. The Three Tier Instructional Model, Thinking Maps, Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, Advanced Placement classes, tutorials and compensatory classes, At Risk programming and Life Skills have been implemented to help all students succeed regardless of ability level, poverty issues or home problems. Jackson Bailey Henderson McNeil Education Group has been contracted to provide ongoing training and support for the effective implementation of the Three Tier Model. Interventionists have been added to the faculties of the elementary schools and the middle school. The community businesses support the school district commitment to equity in education by their involvement in job shadowing for high school students with disabilities.

The District has high expectations for maintaining a climate conducive to learning. Internal and external stakeholder survey information validates these expectations. Classroom interruptions have been minimized. Block scheduling and school-wide protected time for math instruction have been initiated. The Transportation and Food Services Departments are aware of their importance in protecting instructional time.

Professional Development in the Pass Christian School District is driven by student data, No Child Left Behind and the Mississippi Department of Education mandates. Data was compiled from four different teacher surveys to identify professional development needs. The District supports quality, data-driven professional development for faculty and staff. This research-based professional development reflects the needs identified through student test data and various surveys. District improvement goals, student data, district initiatives and state initiatives drive decision-making about the nature of the training provided. The Trainer-of-Trainers Model is used throughout the District to provide on-going professional development. Outside consultants are also being utilized in professional development. The District has 70 days of professional development consultant services planned for the 2007-2008 school year. Administrators attend teacher training sessions to assist in their role as instructional leaders. New teachers are assigned a mentor or a team, who help facilitate the new teacher’s orientation to the District and to give support and guidance.

The Pass Christian School District is still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina which destroyed the majority of library books and computers in the District. Media centers are in the process of being upgraded and replenished. The District is being diligent in providing up-to-date technology services and equipment to assure that all staff and students have access to comprehensive information, instructional technology and media services. At least one computer has been provided for every classroom and twelve computer labs are in operation. All of the high school classrooms are equipped with audio visual carts. Twenty-five of the district classrooms are equipped with Promethean ActivBoards. This equipment includes ActiVotes where teachers can poll students to find their level of knowledge in any area and display results instantly via graphs displayed on the ActivBoard. The purchase of more ActivBoards is being planned.

The Pass Christian School District has recognized the need for improving vertical articulation between all levels of schooling. Faculty surveys supported this assessment and work has begun to facilitate cross school planning. Kindergarten through Eighth Grade has designated a common faculty meeting day. Professional development has been arranged to encompass curriculum areas across the District. Teachers have been encouraged to visit classrooms across the District. This initiative needs to continue.

Commendations pertaining to the Standard worthy of note:

·  Creating a strong, seamless curriculum throughout the grade levels and continuously striving for improvement.

·  Providing numerous resources and programs to assure that the needs of all students are being met.

·  Surveying employees concerning professional development needs and promoting quality professional development and follow-up services.

·  Aligning programs, strategies and activities with current research and best practices in education.

·  Empowering teachers with the freedom to use a variety of instructional approaches and holding them accountable to validate their chosen approaches with reliable research.

·  Developing a positive school climate that fosters a strong connective bond among students and employees.

·  Promoting high expectations for student achievement among all stakeholder groups.