Partnership Agreement between

Name of Organization and Name of Company

This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the name of organization, herein referred to as abbreviation of organization name and thename of company herein referred to as “commercial partner”.In consideration of the premises and mutual promises set forth herein, the parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follow:

  1. Event.Organization agrees to conduct the name of activity/project which will be held on/from [date/s of activity].
  1. Responsibilities of the Organization. Organization will:
  1. Provide a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), which is sanctioned by the Loyola Schools – Office of Student Activities (LS-OSA).
  1. Abide by the sponsorship package the commercial partner has agreed to enter into.
  1. [Enumerate the benefits included in the sponsorship package]
  1. General Provision # 1: (ex. Secure all logistical permits for the partner’s entry to Ateneo at least 2 days before the activity)
  2. Specific Task # 1.1: (ex.Obtain the needed information and details from the commercial partner i.e. list of names, vehicle plate numbers,etc.)
  3. Specific Task # 1.2: (ex.Accomplish the reservation procedures with the OAS.)
  4. Specific Task #1.3: (ex. Provide the commercial partner with the approved vehicle passes.)
  1. General Provision # 2: (ex. Assist the commercial partner in the set-up and dismantling of promotional materials.)
  2. Specific Task # 2.1: (ex. Recruit at least ten (10) members to assist the commercial partner)
  3. Specific Task # 2.2: (ex. Orient the selected members about their tasks.)
  1. Have to first consult, collaborate or take into consideration any change(s) to nameofactivity intended to be made by organization and act on any of company concerns and suggestions (if deemed legal, effective and achievable by organization in collaboration with OSA).
  1. Commercial Partner’s Responsibilities. In exchange for promotional tie-ins with the event, the Commercial Partner will:
  1. Sign this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  1. Terms of Payment: Give the organization, [amount] pesos through cash/check/x-deal by [date] in exchange for the promotional benefits specified in the sponsorship package.
  1. All check payments have to be addressed to Ateneo de Manila University.
  1. Specific Task #2: (ex. Provide the organization with the needed information about the company at least two weeks before the activity.)
  1. Specific Task #3 (ex. Provide the organization with the promotional materials, i.e. streamers, flyers, etc.)
  1. Consult with and channel their concerns or requests throughorganization.
  1. Abide by all rules and regulations provided by the Ateneo de Manila University.
  1. Receive the benefits brought about by the option of being a sponsor.
  1. Promotional Limitation
  1. Except as expressly provided herein, neither the Commercial Partner nor organization shall have the right to use in any way the corporate or trade name, trademark(s), service mark(s), logo(s), or other identification of the other party after name of activity/project without their written consent.
  1. Commercial Partner hereby grants organization a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use and display the trademarks associated with products. Such use shall be limited solely to the duration of the partnership of the event and any advertising or promotional activities relating thereto. Organization shall not use any of the Commercial Partner’s trademarks in a way affiliated with or otherwise acting on behalf of organization. The Commercial Partner and organization acknowledge that the provisions of this paragraph do not convey any right, title or ownership interest in the trademark.
  1. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of the signing of this Partnership Agreement through the end of the aforementioned events. If when cases a breach of contract happened, the Ateneo de Manila University - Loyola Schools Office of Student Activities shall intervene in behalf of the organization in seeking legal actions.
  1. Termination for Default. Organization by written notice, may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part for failure of the Commercial partner to perform any of the provisions herein. In such event, the Commercial partner shall be liable for damages, including the excess cost of procuring similar supplies or services.
  1. The commercial partner will provide cash equivalent to the value of the materials/equipment/services originally to be provided, if the materials/equipment/services are not in good condition or adequate quality.
  1. The Ateneo de Manila University has the right to remove promotional materials and/or merchandise in cases where Commercial partner doesnot perform their responsibilities.
  1. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be responsible for events beyond its reasonable control, such as acts of God, weather delays, or other fortuitous events. If the event is postponed due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond organization’s control, it may be rescheduled for another time. The Commercial partner shall then be entitled to the advertising and sponsorship package originally agreed upon at no additional charge to Commercial partner.
  1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes any all prior agreements, arrangement, communication, or representations, whether oral or written. This Agreement may not be amended, altered, modified or changed except through a written document signed by both parties.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed.

For Name of CompanyFor Organization’s Name

Name of RepresentativeName of Representative



– Leadership Formation through Organization Development –

LS-OSA moa 70909

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