Partners in Prevention Funding for
DWI Checkpoint/SaturationOperations
Support for this program provided with federal highway safety grant funds from the Missouri Department of Transportation
“The federal highway safety funding in Missouri supports programs that reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes occurring on our roadways and reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. Areas of emphasis include alcohol- and drug-impaired driving, speeding, safety belt and child safety seat use, inattention or distracted driving, young drivers, mature drivers, and traffic crash data collection and analysis.”
MoDOT web site
Intended Recipients of Funding Program: Police and public safety departments at Missouri’s colleges and universities and/or police or sheriff’s departments located in municipalities where Missouri’s colleges and universities are housed.
Funds from the Missouri Department of Transportation-Highway Safety Division can be used for DWI checkpoint operations or saturation patrols which focus on increasing safe driving behaviors of students in Missouri’s college communities.
Sponsored projects must include at least one law enforcement agency in the planning and implementation of the projects, but special priority will be given to those who collaborate with other entities for support for the operations. For example, campus and community law enforcement are encouraged to collaborate with your local sheriff’s department or the Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop in your region.
Funds can be used for any expense related to the enforcement such as overtime pay for officers, equipment, and or other supplies for those working the detail. The only unallowable expense is reimbursement for salary or regular pay as this cannot be supplanted with federal funds. However, reimbursement for overtime funding is allowed.
Funds can be used for a one-time enforcement activity or a series of scheduled checkpoint or saturation operations over a period of time.
In the application process, please describe the need for funds, how the operation will be setup, and the amount of funding needed for the operation(s). Please do not exceed $1000 for your funding request.
Please submit this request for funds at least one month before the proposed checkpoint.
Direct all questions to Jessica Schlosser at Missouri Partners in Prevention, , 573-882-9335.
Partners in Prevention Funding
Funding for DWI Checkpoint or Saturation Operations
Primary Contact for Application:
Title of Primary Contact:
E-mail of Primary Contact:
Agency Name:
Address, City, State, Zip:
Phone Number for Primary Contact:
Dates of Proposed Checkpoint(s)/Saturation(s):
Location of Proposed Checkpoint(s)/Saturation(s):
Collaborating Agencies:
Describe how the operation will be implemented:
Describe your funding needs:
Total Amount of funding requested: ______
Please provide a detailed budget of how funds will be used. Please describe your need for each item listed in the budget and provide information about services or equipment that will be paid by another source (your department, etc).
**Since you are requesting funding to conduct an underage drinking enforcement law enforcement project such as a DWI checkpoint operation you will be asked to submit a follow-up report within three (3) weeks of the operation.**
Partners in Prevention will respond to you within two weeks of receiving your request for funding.
Partners in Prevention Law Enforcement ProjectFollow-Up Report:
DWI Checkpoint/Saturation Operations
Please provide the following information in report formatwithin three (3) weeks of the opearation.
Primary Contact for Application:
Title of Primary Contact:
E-mail of Primary Contact:
Agency Name:
- Provide a brief description of the enforcement operation conducted (include date(s) and time).
- Number of officers involved in the event and the agencies represented.
- Number of people directly affected by the enforcement operation.
- Total amount spent on operation (include all funding sources).
- Crime statistics.
- Strengths and weaknesses of the event.
- Did you meet the goals described in the request for funding? Please elaborate.
- Please provide any artifacts (pictures, etc.) of the operation.
Timeline for Special Projects
October 25th, 2013Applications Available- applications will be reviewed upon submission. Funding is available on a limited basis.
August 1, 2014Last day to submit applications
September 1, 2014Last day to complete special projects
3 weeks after special project is completed, a Follow Up Reportis due to PIP