



Created by LifeWind International


Date:1/09 / (1 HOUR)
OBJECTIVES: / After working through this lesson, participants will be able to:
Explain why it is important to wash your hands.
List times when it is important to wash your hands, and tell why.
Explain why it is important to use a bathroom or latrine.


This a basic lesson on hygiene which can be used with adults or with children and teens. The lesson should be taught after Safe Drinking Water.

This series of lessons is based on the Health Education Program for Developing Countries, 2009, which is available from The illustrated manual is also available through Foundation for His Ministry at lessons are accompanied by a series of health teaching booklets on the individual topics. These lessons are based on information and standards from the World Health Organization.






Role Play:A young child is playing outside in the dirt with his dog. His hands and face are dirty. / 5”
Mom: / Johnny! Time to eat!
Boy / I’m coming!
He runs inside and starts to eat, still with dirty hands
Boy: / I don’t feel so good. My stomach hurts. And I feel sick!
(He runs to the bathroom, clutching his stomach.)

----SHOWD questions----

S = What do you See?
H = What is Happening?
O = Does this happen in Our place?
W = Why does this happen?
D = What will we Do about it?
I. / Handwashing / 20” / I. / Handwashing
A. / Why is it important to wash your hands? (If the concept of germs is not clear, review the information from Safe Water.) / A. / Importance
If you don’t wash your hands, you can get sick.
Germs get from your hands to your mouth and your eyes.
That can cause stomach infections and eye infection.
You can also pass your germs on to other people and make them sick.
B. / When should you wash your hands? Why? Divide into small groups. Give each group a copy of When should you wash your hands? (Adjust the terms and answer to your local culture.) / B. / When should you wash your hands?
After you go to the bathroom and wipe yourself.
Why? Germs from your poop can get on your hands.
After you touch an animal.
Why? Germs from the animal can get on your hands.
After you cough or blow your nose.
Why? Germs from your nose and from your throat and lungs can get on your hands.
You don’t want to pass your cough on to another person.
Before you cook or serve food.
Why? Germs from your hands can get on the food.
Before you eat.
Why? So that germs from your hands don’t get on your food and in your mouth.
If you have an eye infection or a cough: wash your hands before you shake hands
Why? So that you don’t pass your cough or eye infection on to other people.


Two people are washing their hands, using the same bowl. They do not use soap and only wash their hands for a few seconds. At the end, their hands are still dirty with dirt under their fingernails. When they finish, they dry their hands and wipe their faces with a dirty towel. /


----SHOWD questions----

S = What do you See?
H = What is Happening?
II. / Handwashing technique / 5” / II. / Technique
A. / What did they do wrong? Why was this wrong? / A. / What did they do wrong?
They only washed for a short time.
They washed their hands in the same water in the bowl.
Why? Germs could spread from one person’s hands to the other person.
They didn’t use soap.
Why? Soap helps to kill germs.
They dried their hands with a dirty towel.
Germs from the towel could get on their hands and faces.
B. / What could they have done differently? / B. / Done differently
They should have poured water on their hands instead of using water in a bowl.
They should have used soap.
They could clean under their fingernails.
They should have dried their hands with clean towels.
The towels should be washed, and then dried in the sun.
III. / Using a latrine or a bathroom
Give out a handout, Why use a latrine or bathroom? Ask,
“What is happening here? Why did the boy get sick?” / 10” / III. / Using a latrine or bathroom
A. / What is happening here? / A. / What is happening here?
A young man and a dog are defecating (pooping) near a small tree.
Later, a young boy plays in the dirt there.
The boy puts his hand in his mouth.
Later, the boy gets sick with diarrhea.
B. / Why did the boy get sick? / B. / Why did the boy get sick?
When the boy and the dog pooped, germs got in the dirt.
The boy played in the dirt and got germs on his hands.
When he put his hand in his mouth, the germs got in his mouth.
Later, the germs made him sick with diarrhea.
C. / How could this have been prevented? / C. / Prevention
The young man should have used a bathroom or latrine.
Do not defecate (poop) near to where children play.
If an animal defecates near where children play, clean it up.
The boy should have washed his hands after playing in the dirt.
He can keep his hands out of his mouth.
IV. / Teaching booklet / 15” / IV. / Teaching booklet
A. / Divide into pairs and practice teaching other the Hygiene teaching booklet. / A. / Practice teaching
B. / During each other, teach your neighbors and friends using the Hygiene teaching booklet. / B. / Share with your neighbors and friends


Foundation for His Ministry,

Handbook, Health Education Program for Developing Countries. 2007. Available from

Health Topics. 2008. World Health Organization. Available from:

Illustrations, Health Education Program for Developing Countries. Available from:

ATTITUDE: / Know the importance of handwashing good hygiene.
SKILL: / Participants will know when to wash their hands, and the importance of using a latrine or bathroom?
EVALUATION: / Are the participants washing their hands? Are they using a latrine or bathroom?


/ -Newsprint, markers, masking tape
-When should you wash your hands? handout.
-Why should you use a bathroom or latrine? handout.
-Bowl, water, soap, nailbrush
-Hygiene teaching booklets

This lesson is used in: Health Promotion/ Basic Health Skills; and in Children/ Physical.

(Please add the new Health Trifolds to these folders as well.)


When should you wash your hands? Why?

Source: Illustrations, Health Education Program for Developing Countries. Available from:

Why should you use a bathroom or latrine?

Source: Illustrations, Health Education Program for Developing Countries. Available from: