Partner search – Offered Competency
Date (24/06/2015)
· (*) Relevant topic in work programme
· Visible, IR and THz detection and Imaging· Hyperspectral and multispectral sensors in IR range
· Detection, imaging, identification of drugs, weapons, CBRNE materials using THz active sensors or IR bolometers
· Quick description of your competencies
CEA-LETI is a major european research institute for microelectronics applications in the region of Grenoble, France, gathering more than 2000 researchers and over 7000m² clean room facilities processing 8’’ and 12’’ silicon wafers.In particular, CEA-LETI has developed focal plane arrays, FPA, in the visible, the infra-red and the THz range for more than 20 years. CEA-LETI offers a comprehensive background in designing FPAs, from physicist and opticians to electronic and CAD designers.
· (*) Description of the expertise offered (up to 1000 characters)
The “Laboratoire d’Imagerie Bolométrique” (LIB) is a team of 28 people covering all activities of the waferlevel realization of bolometers and THz imagers, from the physical designing of the components to the final characterisation.The LIB is developing all size of bolometers, from VGA to low size imaging (80x80) and various size of pitch, from 17µm to 34µm depending on the application. These imaging sensors exhibit state of the art NETD around 50mK, featuring our patented pixel level packaging leading to low price sensors. In addition, the LIB has developed patented subwavelength structures on the bolometer plane, paving the way to a Bayer-like array of pixels in the IR range. Possible applications are the detection of gas or the precise measurement of temperature.
in addition, the LIB has developed a strong expertise in optics ray tracing to design the optical systems, including refractive lens as well as Fresnel, diffractive or subwavelength lens.
The LIB is developing various THz focal plane, for spatial as well as CBRNE application. Typical FPA exhibit 320x240 array, 50µm pitch, in the 1-2THz and 2-3THz with a detection limit as low as 30pW. Typical application includes detection of organic material (drugs, food) and explosives.
· Keywords describing the expertise offered (up to 10 words)
Key expertise:· System analysis (radiometric, optical)
· Physical design of FPA
· Waferlevel realization
· Opto-electronic characterization
Organisation information
Organisation and country: CEA-LETI, FranceType of organisation:
□ Enterprise □ SME □ Academic xResearch institute □ Public Body □ Other: Association
Former participation in FP European projects?
□ Yes x No
Web address:
general description of the CEA-LETI:
Scientific report of CEA-LETI
(*) Contact details
Contact person name / Luc ANDRETelephone / +33 (0) 438 782 918
E-mail /
Country / France
(*) –Mandatory