

Beer distributors source beer from a wide range of importers and manufacturers, and play a significant role

in increasing product adoption for multinational beer brands and microbreweries alike. And the beer distribution industry is booming; craft brewers in the U.S. produced 16% more beer in the first six months of 2015 than all of 2014, and will continue to rise as new breweries are emerging all over the country. Quite similar to spirit and wine distribution, the beer distribution industry is filled with challenges.


Anytime you’re dealing with perishable goods, effective inventory management is crucial for successful distribution,especiallyinanindustrywheredemandoftenoutpacessupply.Onaverage,around$1million ofkegbeerperdistributoriswastedduetofreshnessconcernsresultingfrompoorinventorymanagement.

Accounts receivable also poses a significant challenge, especially for newer distributors that offer attractive terms for buyers, which can limit cash flow available to pay sales representatives and even suppliers. From poor inventory control to deliveries and beer freshness concerns to cash flow struggles, an end-to-end solution for the industry has yet to be implemented – until now.


Dynavistics offers a complete beer distribution software solution for Microsoft Dynamics GP to help you conquer these challenges. The core beer distribution software solution provides everything you need to manage purchasing, inventory, sales order, and vehicle loading. The premium solution adds delivery and accounts receivable management functionality, providing you and your business with a significant competitive advantage in your industry with an end-to-end solution.



Have the Right Amount ofInventory &ImproveCustomer Service

Inventory / ImproveInventory Visibility & GuaranteeSupply / •Reserving inventory for certain customers
•Improving visibility of inventory transferred between sites
SalesOrder / Increase Sales, Reduce PricingErrors & ImproveCustomer Relationships /
Loading / Optimize FleetUse & Identify Most Efficient Delivery Routes / •Specifyingvehicleweight,volumecapacityandavailability

The Premium Beer Distribution Software Solution offers the following benefits &functionality:

Delivery / Acquire Proof of DeliveryIncrease Logistics Efficiency / •Communicatingroutemanifestupdateswithdrivers
•Knowing when your customers’ orders are delivered
•Invoicing immediately after delivery confirmation
Accounts Receivable / Get Paid Faster, ReduceBadDebt& Improve CashFlow / •Automatingcollectionsworkflow
•Attaching invoices & statements to emails
•Tracking collector duties with calendar & task list
•Providing a complete audit trail for all collection efforts