Brief international curriculum

Key personnel:

First name: Hector

Family name (surname): Monterde i Bort

Official address:

Prof. Hector Monterde-i-Bort

University of Valencia (Spain). Faculty of Psychology.
Depart. of Methodology of the Behavioural Sciences. Psychonomy Research Unit.

Address: Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 21


Personal Website:


Professional Psychologist. Doctor in Psychology in 1989. Board member (1990-1996) of the official association of Spanish psychologists (Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos, COP). Representative in the Federal Coordinating Board of Psychology and Road Safety of the COP (1988-1996). International representative of Spanish associations of psychologists in the EFPA Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology (formerly EFPPA Task Force on Traffic Psychology, 1995-).

Associate Professor of the University of Valencia. Dept. of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences. Matters: Psychometry (psychological testing), Statistical Data Analysis and Computers. Responsible of the PsychonomyResearch Unitestablished in the Department of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences of the University of Valencia.

Extraordinary doctoral award by University of Valencia (1990). National research award “Gonzalez del Pino”, Spanish Ministry of Defence (1996).

Current research profiles:

Profile #1: Development of psychonomic resources (techniques and instruments of social and psychological measurement, tests construction, validity and reliability assessment, statistical and computer treatment of data, new technologies in Psychology, Psycho-informatics, electro-psychology, computational techniques,…).

Profile #2: Traffic and Safety Psychology (study and prevention of risk factors, incidents and accidents in vehicle handling, study of driver/pilot behaviour under risk conditions, efficiency and improvement evaluation of transport prevention measures, study of transport accidents, risk perception and take of decisions in traffic –ground and air- situations,…), measurement of risk exposition, prevention of occupational risks, evaluation of psychological damage due to accident or labour origin, ergonomy,…).

Profile #3: Human Mobility andSocial Prejudice(study of the social and psychological aspects related with migrations and vulnerable groups, change of attitude, measurement of prejudice against different collectives, sex and minorities –racism, misogyny, homophobia-, blatant and subtle prejudice research, developing of acceptance and rejectionindicators, study of the autonomy and life quality of elderly in the EU,…).

Some representative works of this research unit:

Monterde, H. (1999): Developing of a Computerized Battery of Tests for Psychological Evaluation of Attitudes established in Royal Edict 2487/98 for Gun Possession Licences. Private financing (LN-Deter, S.A.) by OTRI (Research Results Transference Office) of University of Valencia.

Pascual, J.; Monterde, H. y Moreno, D. (1996): Human error analysis on Aircraft Maintenance Operations. Spanish Ministry of Defence. Research National Award "General Gonzalez del Pino". Resolución 421/38910/1996 (BOE nº 287 de 28/11/1996).

Monterde, H. (1997): Assessment in Traffic and Road Safety. In Buela-Casal & Sierra (Eds.): Handbook of Psychological Evaluation. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

Monterde, H. (2000): M-7p: Brief Questionnaire of Seven Factors of Personality. Madrid: LNDeter, S.A.

Monterde, H. (2000): TID: Take-Decisions Test in Norm's Transgression. Madrid: LNDeter, S.A.

Monterde, H. y Gombao, J.C. (2000): The Official Psychological Check for Gun Licence. Madrid: LNDeter, S.A.

Moreno, D. (2000): Measuring of Perceived Risk associated to Helicopters' Management. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences. University of Valencia, Psychology Faculty.

1998-2000: Development of a formation program of High-Technicians in Occupational Risks Prevention for psychologists. OfficialCollege of Psychologists – University of Valencia.

Monterde, H. (2001): “An Initial Approach to the Problems of Mobility, Autonomy and Driving Attitudes in People Over 65 Years of Age in Spain”. 14th. ICTCT Workshop. Caserta (Italy), October. Electronic Publishing in

Latest relevant publications:

Frías, M.D.; Pascual, J.; García J.F. y Monterde, H. (2003): Diseño Estadístico en la Investigación Actual(statistical design in current research). VIII Congress of Methodology of Health and Behavioral Sciences. Valencia (Spain).

Pascual, J.; Frías, M.D. y Monterde, H. (2003): Incomprensión de los Conceptos Metodológicos y Estadísticos (misunderstanding of statistical and methodological concepts). VIII Congress of Methodology of Health and Behavioral Sciences. Valencia (Spain).

Monterde i Bort, H. (2004): Factorial Structure of Recklessness: To What Extent are Older Drivers Different?. Journal of Safety Research,35, pp 329-335. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2003.11.009

Frías, M.D.; Pascual, J. & Monterde, H. (2004): Hijos de Padres Homosexuales: Qué les Diferencia (children of homosexual parents: are they different?). V Congreso Virtual de Psiquiatría (INTERPSIQUIS-2004). Electronic Publishing in

Frías, M.D.; Pascual, J. & Monterde, H. (2004): Impacto de la Búsqueda de Evidencia en la Formación Universitaria del Psicólogo (evidence in the university formation of the psychologist). V Congreso Virtual de Psiquiatría (INTERPSIQUIS-2004). Electronic Publishing in

Pascual, J.; Frías, M.D. & Monterde, H. (2004): Tratamientos Psicológicos con Apoyo Empírico y Práctica Clínica Basada en la Evidencia (psychological treatments with empirical support and clinical practice based in evidence). Papeles del Psicólogo, 87, electronic publishing (ISSN 211-7851) selected paper.

Monterde, H. & Moreno, D. (2004): Rural versus Urban Transport Conditions of the Elderly in Spain from the Perspective of Affected Citizens. 17th. ICTCT Workshop. Tartu (Estonia), October. Electronic Publishing in and Attitudes.

Moreno, D. & Monterde, H. (2005): The Ordinary Cellular Telephone as a Enhancing Factor to Older Adults Mobility. 18th. ICTCT Workshop. Helsinki (Finland), October. Electronic Publishing in Issues.

Monterde i Bort, H., Pascual, J. y Frías, M.D. (2006). Errores de Interpretación de los Métodos Estadísticos: Importancia y Recomendaciones (interpretation mistakes in statistical methods: their importance and some recommendations). Psicothema Vol.18, nº 4, pp. 848-856.

Monterde i Bort, H. (2006). Secondary Prevention in Spain: The Spanish System of MedicoPsychological Assessment of Drivers. In Nickel, W.R and Sardi, P. (Eds), FittoDrive. Bonn: Kirschbaum Verlag GMBH. Pp 68-74.

Monterde i Bort, H. & Risser. R. (2007) Senior Citizens: Keep Them Driving the Car? (A presentation using results of the EU-project SIZE - Life quality of senior citizens in relation to mobility conditions). In Nickel, W.R and Risser, R. (Eds), FittoDrive (zum 2). Bonn: Kirschbaum Verlag GMBH.

Monterde i Bort, H. & Moreno, D. (2008). Development of a Risk-Perception Scale Applied to Flight Safety. En Monterde-i-Bort,H. and Moreno, D. (Eds) Towards Future Traffic Safety Research. Valencia (Spain): Palmero Ediciones.

Moreno, D. & Monterde i Bort, H. (2008). The Senior’s Citizen Mobility Seen from the Expert’s Eyes: An Application of the SIZE-Interview Method in Spain. In Monterde-i-Bort,H. and Moreno, D. (Eds) Towards Future Traffic Safety Research. Valencia (Spain): Palmero Ediciones.

Monterde-i-Bort, H; Frias-Navarro, D. & Pascual-LLobell, J (2010) Uses and Abuses of Statistical Significance Tests and other Statistical Resources: a Comparative Study. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25: 429-447. Springer Link,DOI: 10.1007/s10212-010-0021-x.

Methorst R., Monterde i Bort H., Risser R., Sauter D., Tight M. & Walker J. (Eds.) (2010) PQN Final Report-Executive Summary (Pedestrian Quality Needs, COST Project 358).Cheltenham, UK: Walk 21.

Monterde-i-Bort H., Johansson C., Leden L. & Basbas S. (2010) ITS and On-Trip Tasks while Walking. In Monterde-i-Bort, H. et al. (Eds.) PQN Final Report-Part B1-Functional Needs (Pedestrian Quality Needs, COST Project 358). Cheltenham, UK: Walk-21.

Monterde-i-Bort, H. (2011) The Measurement of the Modern Prejudice:Against Elderly Drivers. 24th. ICTCT Workshop. Warsaw (Poland), October. Electronic Publishing in

Monterde-i-Bort, H. and Frias-Navarro, D. (2012) "Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Toward Elderly Drivers:detection and assessment among Spanish drivers".6th International Traffic Expert Congress, Fit-to-Drive. Barcelona, April.

Frias-Navarro, D. and Monterde-i-Bort, H. (2012) "A Scale on Beliefs about Children’s Adjustment in Same-Sex Families: Reliability and Validity”. Journal of Homosexuality, 59: 1273-1288. Tandfonline, DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2012.720505.

Nickel, W-R. and Monterde-i-Bort, H. (Eds) (2012) Fit-to-Drive, 6th International Traffic Expert Congress, Proceedings. Bonn: KirschBaum Verlag GmbH.

Monterde-i-Bort, H. and Sanchez, F. (2012): “Traffic Psychology in Spain: theMedico-Psychological Check-Up of Drivers”. Transport Psychology Trends 2012(2nd International Scientific Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology). 30/May-1/June, Bratislava, Slovakia. Invited speaker.

Gårder, P., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Johansson, C., Leden, L., Basbas, S. and Schirokoff, A. (2012) “To what extent can ITS improve Pedestrian Mobilityand Safety – Main Focus Children”. 25th ICTCT Workshop. Hasselt (Belgium), November. E-Publishing:

Leden, L., Gårder, P., Schirokoff, A., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Johansson, C.,and Basbas, S. (2013) “Improved Safety and Mobility through ITS?: results from two expert questionnaires”. TransportForum 2013.Linköping (Sweden), January.

Leden, L., Gårder, P., Schirokoff, A., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Johansson, C., and Basbas, S. (2013) “Is ITS the Solution to Creating a Safe Environment for Children?”. RS4C (Road Safety on Four Continents), 16th International Conference. Beijing (China), May.

Leden, L., Gårder, P., Schirokoff, A., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Johansson, C., and Basbas, S. (2013) “A Sustanable City Environment through Child Safety and Mobility – a Challenge Based on ITS”.Accident Analysis & Prevention62: 406-414. Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.1013.06.013

Frias-Navarro, D., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Pascual-Soler, M. & Badenes-Ribera, L. (2013) "Etiology of Homosexuality and Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting: A Randomized Study”. The Journal of Sex Research Online:1-11Tandfonline, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2013.802757.

Latest research projects:

a) as responsible/principal researcher(on behalf the University of Valencia):

2003-2005: Life Quality of Senior Citizens in Relation to Mobility Conditions (SIZE). 5th Framework Programme (EU): ‘Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources’, key action 6 (‘The Ageing Populations and Disabilities’). Contract number: QLRT-2002-02399.

2006-2007: Implementación Observatorio de Movilidad Urbana en Bogotá (implementation of urban mobility observatory in Bogotá –Colombia-) . Proyecto financiado por el Banco Mundial a través de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá (Colombia), y las empresas privadas Organización Pablo Bocarejo Ingenieros-Consultores (Colombia) y TOOL-ULEE, S.A. (España). Investigador responsable por parte española: Hector Monterde i Bort (contrato entre Tool-Ulee, S.A. y la Universidad de Valencia, a través de la OTRI).

2006-2010: Pedestrian’s Quality Needs (PQN). European Science Fundation (7th Framework Programme -EU-). Leader of the Working Group 1: “Functional Needs”. Ref.: COST Action 356.

2011-2013: Road Safety in the Ageing Societies – Concerns and Solutions (CONSOL). European Commission (7th Framework Programme of EU). Directorate General for Mobility and Transport(MOVE/SUB/01-2010). Directorate C-Innovative and Sustainable Mobility.Contract ref.: MOVE/C4/SUB/2010-125/SI2.601704/CONSOL.

2014-2015: Benchmark Traffic Safety Policy. Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. Ref.: D03091.000059.0100.

b) as co-researcher (not principal):

2002-2004: Estimación de Efectos: Usos, Abusos y Creencias en el Diseño y Análisis de los Efectos de la Intervención Psicológica (Size-Effect Estimation: uses, abuses and believes in the design and analysis of psychological intervention effects ).Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. Reference: BSO2001-3508. Principal Researcher: Juan Pascual-Llobell. Co-researchers: M.Dolores Frías-Navarro & Hector Monterde-i-Bort.

2004-2007: Revisión Crítica del Diseño Estadístico en Psicología: Análisis de los Programas Docentes y Protocolos Editoriales de Revisión (Critical Revision of Statistical Design in Psychology: Analysis of Educational Programs and Revising Editorial Protocols).Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. Reference: SEJ2004-08304. Principal Researcher: Juan Pascual-Llobell. Co-researchers: M.Dolores Frías-Navarro & Hector Monterde-i-Bort.

2009-2010: Impacto del Open Course Ware –OCW- en los docentes universitarios (impact of the Open Course Ware on university docents). Programa de “Estudios y Análisis” (EA2009-0168).Ministerio de Educación.Gobierno de España.Principal researcher: Mª Dolores Frías-Navarro.

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