Office of the Chief Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax
Hyderabad Zone
Kendriya Shulk Bhavan, L.B.Stadium Road, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500004.
Phone : 040- 23232028 Fax: 040-23230974
It is proposed to draw a panel of Senior / Junior Standing Counsels against the existing vacancies for handling cases of indirect taxes before the Hon’ble High Court of judicature at Hyderabad for the state of Telangana and the state of Andhra Pradesh. Hence, applications are invited by this office from the interested eligible advocates.
The applications should be submitted in Proforma-A or Proforma-A1 duly enclosing copies of documentary proofs. Last date for receipt of applications which was earlier indicated as 29.07.2016 is now extended to 22.08.2016. Applications received after the last date will not be considered.
For application proforma and other details, please visit

Proforma – A

Particulars to be furnished by an advocate/other eligible person applying for appointment as Jr./Sr/Standing Counsel.

1. Name of the person

2. PAN – Permanent Account Number

3. Father’s Name

4. Date of Birth

5. Address for correspondence

6. Permanent address

7* Educational Qualification

8. Category of counsel for which applied (Jr. Standing Counsel/ Sr. Standing Counsel)

9*. Date of enrollment in High Court as counsel.

10*. Date of empanelment as member of Bar Council of High Court.

11. If partner in a firm, name/names of the firm and other partners.

12*. Number of cases relating to indirect taxes dealt with during last 3 years as an Advocate.

13. Number of cases published in Journals/Newspapers etc.

14. Income from professional practice ( copy of the latest IT return to be attached)


I ,…………. D/o/S/o ……………. , do hereby declare that what ever has been stated in the above application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Dated :

Place :

* Applicant to submit documentary proof with respect to aforesaid items/Information.

Proforma A-I

Proforma for application by officers who have retired from the Custom and Central Excise Department or retired/resigned as Member /Vice President/ President CESTAT/ Chairman /Member of Settlement Commission

1. Name of the person

2. Pan – Permanent Account Number

3. Father’s Name

4. Date of Birth

5. Address for correspondence

6. Permanent address

7*. Educational Qualification

8. Date of joining Customs and Central Excise Department

9. Designation and office address of the last post held

10. Date of retirement/resignation from the service

11*.Date of enrollment in High Court as Counsel

12. Date of empanelment as member of Bar Council of High Court.

13 If a partner in a firm, name/names of the firm and other partners.

14. Category of counsel for which applied (Jr. Standing Counsel/Sr. Standing Counsel).



I ……………… D/o/S/o …….. do hereby declare that what ever has been stated in the above application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further declare that I have not been removed from the service due to any disciplinary proceeding and no disciplinary proceedings under service rules or Pension Rules are pending against me as on date.



Place :

* Applicant to submit documentary proof with respect to aforesaid items/information

Date: 05.08.2016 Sd/-
Location: Hyderabad. Chief Commissioner.
Office of the Chief Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax
Hyderabad Zone
Kendriya Shulk Bhavan, L.B.Stadium Road, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500004.
Phone : 040- 23232028 Fax: 040-23230974
It is proposed to draw a panel of Senior / Junior Standing Counsels against the existing vacancies for handling cases of indirect taxes before the Hon’ble High Court of judicature at Hyderabad for the state of Telangana and the state of Andhra Pradesh. Hence, applications are invited by this office from the interested eligible advocates.
The applications should be submitted in Proforma-A or Proforma-A1 duly enclosing copies of documentary proofs. Last date for receipt of applications is 29.07.2016. Applications received after the last date will not be considered.
For application proforma and other details, please visit
Date: 06.07.2016 Sd/-
Location: Hyderabad. Chief Commissioner.
Office of the Chief Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax
Hyderabad Zone
Kendriya Shulk Bhavan, L.B.Stadium Road, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500004.
Phone : 040- 23232028 Fax: 040-23230974
Reference is invited to the advertisement in News papers on 08th July 2016 inviting applications from the interested eligible advocates for drawing a panel of Senior / Junior Standing Counsels against the existing vacancies for handling cases of indirect taxes before the Hon’ble High Court of judicature at Hyderabad for the state of Telangana and the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Last date for receipt of applications is revised to 22.08.2016. Applications received after the last date will not be considered.
For application proforma and other details, please visit
Date: 05.08.2016 Sd/-
Location: Hyderabad. Chief Commissioner.