July 28, 2014
UL 60730-2-12, Edition 2.0, Issued: June 30, 2014
Particular requirements for Electrically Operated Door Locks
This document is derived from the following Standard Development Organization (SDO) bulletin(s) or other documentation publicly available to UL subscribers:
Standard Development Organization (SDO) / Document Type / Document Designation / DateUL Inc / Bulletin / B60730-2-12_2_20140314 / March 14, 2014
Primary motivator for the Standards revision / Harmonization
CCNs Impacted / XAPX2/3, SDFY2/3, XATJ2/3, XABJ2
The following is a summary of the revised/new certification requirements.
Action is Not Required for current certified products and the new/revised certification requirements will be applied in evaluation of the new and revised products effective October 19, 2018.
Section Paragraph Clause / Summary of requirements1 / Action15DV / Modification of clause 15 to reflect US practices / Revised requirement
Clause / Modification of – aging period for self-cleaning ovens is 250 hrs. / Revised requirement
Clause 17.16DV / Endurance cycles for door locks used in self-cleaning ovens / Revised requirement
Clause 18.101.2DV / Modification to 18.101.2 – temperature excursion requirements for door locks used in self-cleaning ovens / Revised requirement
Clause H. / Addition to the IEC requirement – EMC tests to be done when the door lock is locked and when it is not / Revised requirement
Clause H. / Addition to the IEC requirement – EMC tests to be done when the door lock is locked and when it is not / Revised requirement
1 The summary of requirements pertain to only this part 2 standard. The total summary of requirements should include those that are described in the part 1 as well as this part 2 standard.
Resolution for Work Area NoticeUL 60730-2-12 Ed. 2 (Proposed) - Proposed Edition - UL 60730-2-12 Ed. 2
A resolution has been reached for the following Topics in UL 60730-2-12 Ed. 2 (Proposed) - Proposal Review - Opened 2014-03-14.
The Summary of Topics is as follows:
1a. ANSI approval of the second edition of UL 60730-2-12. - Publish
UL is pleased to announce the adoption of ANSI/UL 60730-2-12-2014 as the American National Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Electrically Operated Door Locks. Each member of the STP who participated by voting and/or commenting is to be congratulated for their role in accomplishing this important achievement.
UL has concluded the balloting and related comment resolution phase for the ANSI approval of the UL 60730-2-12-2014 proposals. UL has been authorized by ANSI as an Audited Designator. As such, UL has permission to designate UL Standards for Safety as American National Standards without Board of Standards Review. UL is now in the final stages of adoption of the material that was balloted and notification to ANSI has been submitted.
For your information, the final voting tallies can be found in the CSDS work area.
The following summarizes the milestones associated with this ANSI approval of UL 60730-2-12-2014.
Dates of Announcements in Standards Action: March 14, 2014
Date of Ballot: March 14, 2014
Date of Notification of Right to Appeal for Continuing Objectors: March 14, 2014
Date of ANSI/UL Designation: June 30, 2014
Anticipated Date of Publication of ANSI/UL Material: June 30, 2014
UL confirms that (1) the final version of the standard is within the scope previously registered with ANSI and (2) any possible duplication or conflict with other known national standards was addressed. UL also confirms that any substantive changes have been re-balloted and posted in Standards Actions on the dates noted above.
Thank you again for your participation in the ANSI approval process of ANSI/UL 60730-2-12-2014.
1b. The STP recommends for users of the standard that no action is required for currently certified products to maintain certification. This recommendation is being presented to assist users of the standard to appreciate the significance of the changes made to the standard. Please note these recommendations are non-binding. - Proceed
1c. The STP recommends these revisions be effective on October 19, 2018. For additional information regarding product reevaluations and effective dates, please visit - Proceed
To access the work area, click the following:
UL 60730-2-12 Ed. 2 (Proposed) - Proposal Review - Opened 2014-03-14
ALAN T. MCGRATH - Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Project Manager for STP 873E
Phone: 847-664-3038
2014-06-30 01:10:50 PM (CDT)
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Direct any specific questions and issues concerning CSDS to the responsible STP Project Manager.