“Kokua’s Mission is to provide citizens with disabilities the support they need to lead full and meaningful lives.”
November 10, 2008 Volume 4, Number 11
Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 27, 2008
Kokua Holiday Party – Wednesday, December 10 at St. Marks Church in Lacey.Details will be announced in the next week or two.Mark your calendar & plan to come!
Many Holiday bazaars are scheduled throughout November & December. Watch local papers for listings. One that is very popular:
Olympia High School BEARzaar You’ll BEARly believe all the crafts, antiques and food. Free, although canned food donations are appreciated. November 22, 9a-4p, Olympia High School. More info: 956-4667
25th Annual Film Festival Olympia Film Society, November 7-15
43 different films, workshops & events. More info: visit
Contact us to have your newsletter delivered by e-mail. Contact us: (360) 705- 4665 or e-mail
The October cooking class was wonderful! The class made pumpkin muffins, and the smells were divine!
Elisabeth began by showing the class what they would make and then everyone went to the kitchen to get their muffins into the oven. While they were baking, Elisabeth held the nutrition portion of the class. After the muffins were done and cooled a bit, the class frosted and decorated them with their individual style and flair! Elisabeth brought little boxes for each person to carry the rest of their muffins home to enjoy later.
Thank you to Elisabeth for these classes – they give so much to those who attend. Those who come to the cooking class know that they can cook anything they want if they have a recipe – how terrific!
Also, thank you to the staff members that support the clients at the class. Each of you contribute to making the cooking classes a success. You are so appreciated! Below is a picture from the last cooking class.
All of us at Kokua want to thank Rebecca (who works at 31st) and her husband Ken for their very generous donation of a conference table for our conference room. It is beautiful and uniquely configured so it can be used in multiple shapes and sizes – perfect for Kokua’s varying activities & events. Warmest thanks & appreciation for your very thoughtful generosity.
KOKUA EMPLOYEES: If you’re having Family Problems, Stress, Anger, Job Concerns, Alcohol- Drug Problems, Depression-Anxiety, Parenting, Grief, or Relationship Problems, Call Employee Assistance Service 493-7867
We want to introduce three new Kokua employees who shared some information about themselves.
Evelyn Baker joined the team at the Chambers house. Evelyn was born in Sendai, Japan (a military brat – her words). Her special interests are her grandchildren, gardening and cooking. She likes being a team player and helping others.
Robin deVries joined the 31st house team. She was born in Seattle in 1957, and is the mother of three girls, ages 27, 24, and 18. She has lived in the Olympia area for 24 years and her family had a dairy farm until 5 years ago. She keeps busy caring for her parents, who live nearby, her family, her two dogs (a toy poodle and a Cocker Spaniel) and her yard work. She says she enjoys working at the 31st house and finds everyone she’s met at Kokua to be fun and pleasant.
Thelma Swain also joined the 31st team. She has lived in Washington all of her life, is married with 3 children and 7 grandchildren. She loves baking and swimming. Thelma says “The staff and clients (at the 31st house) are wonderful. I look forward to bringing lots of fun to my new career.”
Welcome to Evelyn, Robin and Thelma – we’re glad to have you as part of the Kokua team!
Sunshine Rhodes, a team member at the Carpenter Hills Loop house is having a baby! She is due December 6th and will be going on maternity leave on November 25th. Sunny has worked at Kokua since June, so she is not yet eligible to use her leave hours. If anyone is willing to donate some of their vacation hours to Sunny, please get in touch with Diane at the Kokua office (705-4665 extension 107). Thanks to everyone for their kindness and generosity!
The Kokua craft classes have been meeting twice a month since September. In September & October we worked on fall crafts and now have started holiday crafts. This month we’re working on centerpieces for the Kokua Christmas party and making tissue paper flowers for the 8th Avenue dance. In December we will make gingerbread (graham cracker) houses and some tree ornaments. In January we will start working on photo albums.
If anyone has extra craft items that need a new home, please drop them off at the Resource office. Needed items are:
Fabric (cotton & fleece), fabric scissors, an iron, sequins, beads, glitter, string, balloons, old crayons, feathers or any other type of craft item.
If you’d like to join us for a class, call Carol at 705-4665 ext 119.
Explore The Wonder
by Sandy Cavinee
The mystery of the Universe unfolds along our way.
Never fully revealed to us, just pieces every day.
The earth, the sky, the oceans hold their secrets but show to man- How beautiful and mighty the Universe’s plan.
The greatest gift given to us-to share as here we dwell, are people just like you who know kindness so well.
And as we "explore the wonder" of what volunteering means, the WONDER is your service-you are the greatest theme!
We are blessed to have volunteers who generously share their time with those we serve or in the office to help keep things running smooth. Thank you, Dianne Grossman, Don Murphy, Judy Murphy, Linda Murphy, Kitty Center, Pat Clark, Tammy Stark, Terry Steinbrugger, Sandy Wilson, Elisabeth Schafer, Shannon Carroll, Cyrena Parker, and Julie Propp.
FOR SALE: 2 tables – a dining room table (no chairs) and a coffee table. Price for both is $50. If interested, call Ann Barrios-Ruiz at491-1569 or 556-1985. / What’s Happening at Kokua?
Charlie B had a huge birthday party on the 21st and everyone had a great time! He got some John Wayne videos, two Elvis CD’s and some new clothes. Danny Chas been doing a lot of job exploration with his job coach and options seem to be opening up everywhere! Danny’s been thrilled with being out of the house so much and being involved in so many activities. John C has had a great sense of humor lately – he’s even been playing tricks on his staff! He went out to breakfast at Denny’s recently and kept the waitress on her toes re-filling his cocoa cup! All three of the guys went together to pick out pumpkins for Halloween – it’s a Carpenter Hills tradition. Danny and Charlie were especially excited and are planning to be involved in more activities throughout the season.
The staff and clients at the Angela St house would like to welcome Jason Austin and Jodie Childress to the team. We are so happy to have them here!
Bev and Barb Oare having a special birthday. They are turning 70 on November 21st. They’ll be having a pizza party to celebrate. If you’d like to attend and need information, call Jessica at extension 109 at the Kokua office for more information.
Gary W and Jeff D are continuing to enjoy both of their cooking classes. They are learning to cook with Carol from the Resource Team. They are also happy to be participating with Elizabeth in monthly classes at St. Mark’s in Lacey. Jeff recently purchased a futon and is awaiting its delivery. Both Gary and Jeff are continuing their active social lives and recently attended the creepy Clearfield Halloween party.
Sue W joined Kim R and Laurie H at their 31st Ave house for some serious pumpkin carving. They had a great time. See pictures of their awesome pumpkins on the last page of this Kokua Spirit.
Bryan C has been doing well – still doing his shopping at Fred Meyer and going to work. He made it down to see his Mom on the 14th in Napavine. John W is starting to see his staff and feeling much better. Scott B is doing well with his work. He joined the cooking class and has been to two classes. At the first, he made blueberry pancakes and the second he made pumpkin cupcakes. He just bought himself a Playstation 3 and is enjoying it. Rick F and his staff go shopping on Tuesdays and fishing and lunch on Thursdays.
Continued on page 2
What’s Happening at Kokua, continued from page 1
Laurie H is looking forward to going on a trip to Disneyland with her sister and niece near the end of November.She has been going to craft class and really enjoying it. She went to breakfast with Michelle and is looking forward to going to breakfast with Roger soon. She and Kim R went to the Clearfield Halloween party. Kim went as a “mobster wife” and Laurie went as a geisha. (See pictures of both of them on the last page of this newsletter.) Kim R has recently started her new job – she really enjoys it. She rides the Dial-a-Lift by herself. Kim looks forward to her cooking class with Carol.Denise H has been going out on shopping trips with her Mom, which she always enjoys. She has been working then swimming with her Mom on Thursdays. Denise is currently looking for a new job. She is enjoying MELE and MEOW – music is very enjoyable for her.
Jenny D is looking forward to going out to do things with her friend Terry. She is closer to her goal of seeing Dr. Phil. She’s been busy reading her e –mails and sending Dr. Phil e-mails and listening to records and CD’s. She is looking forward to her shopping trip and spending Thanksgiving with her family. The staff and clients at the 31st house give a BIG welcome to Thelma Swain – we’re pleased to have you on our team. Our ladies are looking forward to doing crafts with you!
Beverly G will be having her 81st birthday this Saturday. She is looking forward to going out to dinner with her cousins Jim and Gretchen. Happy Birthday, Bev! Manuela C got her computer – hurray! – however, she still needs to get a desk and some help to set it all up. Maggie P has started her Christmas shopping. She loves picking out gifts. Cecelia M has been really busy lately. decorating for the holidays and also taking cooking and craft classes. All of the ladies at the 22nd house attended the big Clearfield Halloween party.
Joe L is super excited about his family coming to visit for an early Christmas celebration. Michael C recently visited horses in the area and he’s very excited to have the opportunity to see them again. In the coming weeks, he will get to ride one of the horses. Michael is working on art work to share with them all – owners and horses. He has also been visiting regularly with his mom. We all wish quick recovery for her, as she is back in the hospital again. Paul J has been taking part in the final preparations for the 8th Avenue Advocates dance. He has been getting out to the movies lately. Keith W has been using his “FC-ing” (facilitated communication) more and has been checking his e-mails. His parents are out of town, so he gets very excited when the opportunity arises for him to check his e-mail. The guys at this house (Clearfield) put on a big Halloween Party, and it was a smashing success! Thank you to Tim, Arthur, Amber and Sarah for making this go together for everyone.
Amanda B is doing great! She attends MELE and loves dancing and playing the drums. She likes to walk to Wonderwood Park each morning or around the neighborhood.
This month’s employee appreciation awards go to the following people:
Tony Benavente is appreciated for his strong work ethic. Tony is very proactive with home checks and is a wonderful support at the cooking class. Moreover, Tony approaches his day in the most positive way possible. Great job, Tony!
Amber Kitt-Trier is recognized for the time she has spent and the quality of care she has offered Rodney while he has been at the nursing home. Kokua appreciates her dedication to supporting clients to the highest level. Thank you, Amber!
Jill Ralph and Wendy Yarber are recognized for their assistance and vigilance in dealing with client issues. Their dedication to Kokua in carrying out policy is evident. You both are amazing!
31st Team is applauded for the way they have pulled together for the weeks they have been short staffed. Their willingness to work together shows how dedicated they are to each other and the clients. They are all a wonderful example of teamwork at its best!
“Everyone appreciates being appreciated. Try to catch people red-handed in the act of doing something right – and praise them for it.”
Many thanks to Nicole Ekar, Darcy Dentler, Susan Savard and everyone else who has filled in and worked extra hours at Carpenter Hills Loop. You guys have really hung in there and been lifesavers at times. We can’t thank you enough! From Hana Greer
Kudos to Hana Greer for all of your hard work and dedication to Kokua’s Mission. Your support of the clients we serve is very commendable. From Valarie Potter
I would like to thank Chris Rasmussen-Barsanti, Valarie Potter, Rose Hahn, MaryAnn Yarber, Dominique Gonzalez, Crissy Thompson, Andria Membreno and Crystal Pogue for the time you’ve given to training Team Leaders. Thank you. From Bea Rios
Thanks to Dominique Gonzalez for the great job she is doing hiring new employees. Also kudos to Nicky Crow for all the hard work she is putting into the history project, and to Kim Stewart for doing a great job as Team Leader of Chambers. From Crissy Thompson
Thanks to the Resource Team for all your help and for being there in the clinches. Kudos also to LaKeisha Allen and Sara Chafe for all your efforts.
Congratulations to Sara Chafe on your new promotion – we wish you all the best. From David Raddatz
Kudos to MaryAnn Yarber for doing such a great job of scheduling and training new staff. Scheduling this many new employees is not always an easy job. Thank you from Dominique Gonzalez.
Thank you to Tracey Baum for the time she was our team leader. She did an outstanding job. She was always there for our clients and us. We’ll definitely miss her. Also, I want to give a special thank you to Lynn Royal for working so hard filling in different shifts for the 28th house. We wouldn’t have made it without her. From Elke Cook
Kudos to Team Leader Hana Greer and the Carpenter Hills team.Your home check went very well and you’re always on top of your paperwork and client care. You ROCK! From Crystal Pogue
I’d like to give kudos to Sean Bonneprise, Wendy Yarber, JessieZierk the whole team for all they do. You are awesome. Also thanks to Crystal Pogue for filling in for me and taking Rick fishing.Tony Benavente
Kudos to Sarah A and Paul J at the Clearfield House for doing such a great job on the flyers for the dance. Also, thanks to Andria M for all your help with the 8th Avenue Advocates. From Diane Porter
Kudos to: Bruce Walton, Lynn Royal, Diane Lamb, Sally Lewis, Sarah Anderson, Tim Hartzell, Zach Wedlund, the 31st team and the Resource Team – for all the hard work you do! From Kevin Preston
Kudos from 31st to: Lynn R– thanks for being there for all of us – you do a great job! To Chris R - we are thankful for all you do for staff, clients and Kokua as a whole-you’re fantastic! To Judy C – with the many hats you wear, we like the 31st hat best. Thank you. To MaryAnn, thanks for the fantastic job training you do and also for answering all of Oline’s questions! To Andria M– Thanks for your hard work on schedules and filling in for us. To Dominique G – We are thankful for all you do in finding new employees. To Diane L – Thanks for being available so early when we need something and being a breath of fresh air when we feel down or frustrated. Your smile is great! To Sally L – Thanks for keeping us all in health insurance, doing the newsletter and keeping us all on track. To Val P & Geoff B – Thanks for assisting with Dr. appointments and when our clients need you. To Cary R – for finding our volunteers and allowing everyone to have their very own buddy. To the Resource Team- Thanks for music, crafts, going out to eat, cooking class, getting new wheelchairs, beds and anything else we might need. Great Job! If we’ve missed anyone, we are thankful to have you as Kokua teammates! Kokua Rocks!
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone from 31st Avenue
To Chris, Judy, Sally, Diane, Rose & Lynn –thanks for your support after my car accident &thanks for your support of the 28th team.From Cristina Del Valle
October flew by and the 8th Avenue Advocates were a busy bunch!
At the October 11 meeting the group discussed the upcoming dance on November 15. Paul J. also shared information from his recent “SAIL” (Self Advocates in Leadership) and “STAKS” (Striving to Achieve Real Success) conferences and also the 2009 Legislative Agenda. The group is looking into getting more involved in SAIL. The group also signed and delivered the letter and estimate for automatic doors to the Kokua Board.
Paul J, Manuela C, John, Keith W and Michael C met October 22 at the Clearfield house to finalize dance plans.
On October 25, the Advocates enjoyed lunch at Denny’s. Paul J, Manuela C, Michael C, Keith W, and Patrick M were in attendance, along with staff members Amy, Sarah, Candice and Carol.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 22 from 11-1.
The 8th Avenue Advocates group is hosting a dance with a Hawaiian theme on Saturday, November 15th from 4pm to 7pm. The dance will be held at the River Ridge Covenant Church, 7945 Steilacoom Rd SE in Lacey. Admission is $4 and tickets will be sold at the door. Please bring your favorite finger food to share with everyone. Be creative – bring bite size appetizers, fruit, veggies, or dessert. Come, forget the rain and “Aloha” in November with the 8th Avenue Advocates! For more information, contact Diane at 705-4665 ext 130.
November is here already, and that means Thanksgiving is coming up. Here is a simple recipe for dinner rolls that are very good and easy to make. You’ll “wow” your guests with them – even if you’ve never made a yeast bread before!
1 pkg (or 1 tblsp) dry yeast
1 cup warm water
2 eggs(at room temperature), beaten
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup oil
3 ½ cups flour
Dissolve yeast in warm water. In a large bowl, mix eggs and sugar. Add salt and oil. Stir in yeast mixture. Mix in the flour 1 cup at a time, stirring well. Cover the bowl with a cloth and let rise in a warm place until double in size. Punch down the dough to let out the air. Make into any shape rolls, place in a greased baking pan. Cover and let rise until double in size. Bake 10-15 minutes at 400° or until golden brown.
Kokua is still giving out bonuses for referrals. Here’s how it works.
Refer (or give an application to) people who would make great Kokua team members. Have them call Kokua (705-4665 ext 105 to reach Dominique) and say that you’ve referred them. A referral form will be completed at hire. A referral form must be completed and in the new employee’s file for you to receive the bonus. If your referral is hired and completes the 90 day probation period, you will receive a $50.00 cash bonus. If your referral remains a Kokua employee for a year, you will receive a $100.00 cash bonus.