APSE Recorded WebinarInformation Registration Form

We have a selection of recorded webinars that are available at special member rates. Please complete the registration form below and return via email, fax or mail to purchase recorded webinars.

Developing a Meaningful Day
The type of supports people are asking for is changing, and the funding and regulations for support arrangements are changing too. Now is the time for service providers to start adapting their service array to provide the supports that people want and need to achieve community based outcomes. This session will focus on helping people with disabilities achieve active, full, and respected lives as valued members of their community through very individualized Person-Centered Planning processes. “Getting great services” is obviously not the ultimate goal for people with disabilities - “GETTING A GREAT LIFE” is! Self-directed supports will be discussed, including how Community Living Services, a large service agency in Michigan, has paired Person-Centered Planning with individual budgets in a Medicaid funded environment. Audience members will hear inspirational success stories and will be encouraged to think outside the box when assisting people with disabilities in planning for their futures.
Presented by: Annette Downey & David Taylor

Financial Literacy Skills: Budgeting and Banking
Traditional education often does not prepare students (with or without disabilities) to manage the basics of budgeting and banking. Students with disabilities have added needs which may include unearned income and other benefits restrictions. In transitioning youth to adult life it is important that students not only have the knowledge they need but the ownership in order to make wise financial decisions. This webinar will outline a program developed, specifically, to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. It guides them through the basics from identifying needs and wants, through information around work related incentives, to money in the bank.
Presented by:Susan Tacheau and Tracy Beck with PATF

Understanding ABLE
The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (“ABLE”) was signed by President Obama in December 2014 and has been hailed as the most significant piece of legislation for the disability community since the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ABLE Act amends the tax code to allow states to offer tax-exempt savings (“ABLE”) accounts to qualified individuals without jeopardizing their eligibility for means-tested public benefits. Each state must pass its own version of an ABLE Act before the accounts become available.The webinar will explain the basics of the federal ABLE Act and the status of ABLE on the state level. This could be a game-changer for many families and individuals with disabilities who will now be able to save for the future.
Presented by: Chris Rodrieguez, Senior Public Policy Advisor, National Disability Institute

WIOA: What It Means for Employment First

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), was signed into law in July 2014, with a primary goal of improving employment outcomes for citizens with disabilities across the United States. By joining this two-hour webinar, you will:

Getan overview of WIOA.

Be updated on thelatest news on WIOA implementation.

Understand the potential impactofWIOA and what it means for the advancement of Employment First.

Learn new requirements for the public vocational rehabilitation and general workforce systems under WIOA, including major changes in services supporting transition from school-to-adult life, new restrictions on use of sub-minimum wage, and an increased focus on disability issues by American Job Centers/One-Stop Career Centers.

Discussengagement and advocacy strategies to ensure WIOA delivers on its promise of good jobs at good wages for individuals with disabilities and all citizens.

Presented by: David Hoff, Program Director,Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston

Assistive Technology to Support the Independence of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism in Employment Settings

The purpose of this webinar is to provide participants with strategies for identifying appropriate assistive technology (AT) supports for individuals with disabilities in employment settings. Participants will be provided with strategies for determining appropriate AT based on the needs of the employee, the employment setting, and requirements of the job and will also be given an overview of various low to high tech AT supports that can be used to support and promote independence of learners across a variety of jobs and skill sets. The focus of this webinar will be on supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorders in employment settings and links to additional resources will be provided.

Presented by: Toni Van Laarhoven, Associate Professor in the Department of Special and Early Education at Northern Illinois University

Crucial Components of Effective Transition Program: 10 (actually 17!) “Things” Every Transition Program Should Have Recording

This webinar will overview the 17 evidence-based predictors of post-school success from the correlational literature – focusing on those predictors most relevant transition planning for students with intellectual disabilities, as they prepare for integrated employment. Participants will get information about resources for examining the quality of transition programs, using these predictors.

Presented by: Lauren Bethune, Special Education doctoral student with a concentration in transition services at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a Graduate Research assistant with the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC)

Employers Don’t Bite!...Really

This webinar will highlight the basic philosophy and foundation of the rapidly growing Corporate Development model. The Corporate Development model emphasizes the creation of units that will provide a variety of disability focused services to businesses. The vision of the Corporate Development model is to foster a "one company" approach to serving business customers through a team that specializes in employer development, business consulting and corporate relations.

Presented by: James Emmett, APSE’s HR Connect Director and Corporate Disability Consultant

Person Centered Thinking for Goodness of Job Fit

Person centered planning is under the spotlight again with the HCBS Final Rule and WIOA. How do employment providers include person centered planning in job development? This webinar will provide a practical review and discussion of how person centered thinking supports well prepared job developers and job seekers in matching preferred work tasks and environments, thereby increasing job retention. Various person centered planning and functional vocational approaches will be briefly reviewed.

Presenters: Sherry Beamer

Organizational Change: Communication Strategies for your Board of Directors and Senior Management
Communication is the most essential element in closing your sheltered workshop. Communicating early and often with each of your stakeholders to make sure they are well informed is vital. This webinar will provide strategies on how best to communicate the change within your organization to your Board of Directors and Senior level management. In this session, hear first-hand from Ability Beyond, a provider from Bethel, CT, about how they kept communication at the forefront of their project while closing their sheltered workshop in 2005. You will leave with real life examples, tips, advice, tools, and recommendations on how to successfully communicate when, why and how you will be closing your workshop to make the transition quicker smoother, and as efficient as possible.
Presenters:Carrie O’Connell andKate Travis.

APSE Recorded Webinar Registration Form

Please complete the information below and return via

email to or fax to 301-279-0075

After payment is processed, webinar login instructions will be emailed.

A certificate of attendance is available upon request.

Webinar Opportunities:

Recorded Webinars Available / Member Rate / Non-Member Rate / APSE Chapter
Developing a Meaningful Day / $25 / $50 / $100
Financial Literacy Skills: Budgeting and Banking / $25 / $50 / $100
Understanding ABLE / $25 / $50 / $100
WIOA: What it Means for Employment First / $25 / $50 / $100
Assistive Technology to Support the Independence of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism in Employment Settings / $25 / $50 / $100
Crucial Components of Effective Transition Program: 10 (actually 17!) “Things” Every Transition Program Should Have Recording / $25 / $50 / $100
Employers Don’t Bite!...Really  / $25 / $50 / $100
Person Centered Thinking for Goodness of Job Fit / $25 / $50 / $100
Organizational Change: Communication Strategies for your Board of Directors and Senior Management / $25 / $50 / $100

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APSE | 414 Hungerford Drive, Suite 224 | Rockville, MD 20850

P: 301.279.0060 | F: 301.279.0075