Monthly meeting minutes / محضر الاجتماع الشهري
Date: / August 16, 2017 / Venue: / MoEHE - Ramallah
Meeting agenda
Agenda Item / Time / LeadOpening remarks / 10:00-10:05 (5 mins) / Co Chairs
MoEHE updates / 10:05-10:15 (10 mins) / MoEHE Field Follow Up
HRP and HNO overview- multiyear planning / 10:15-11:00(45 mins) / Fadi Baidoun- Michelle/OCHA
Violations updates and MoEHE transportation program / 11:00-11:30 (30mins) / MoEHE Field Follow Up
World vision presentation on their Humanitarian Pool Fund project / 11:30-11:40 (10 mins) / Rania Maayeh
Advocacy update / 11:40-11:50 (10 mins) / Advocacy Working Group
AoB / 11:50-12:00 (10 mins)
Participants list is at the end of this document
Meeting discussion and action points
Agenda item / Discussion / Action points / Focal pointMoEHE updates / MoEHE spokesperson Mr. Sadeq Al Khdour provided the following updates:
- Academic year starts August 23rd and the Ministry is planning for field visits that day. Ministry will invite partners to participate.
- The MoEHE will introduce the new curriculum for grades 5-12 The national Education Committee meeting has met early August and identified education in emergencies as a key pillar in the new strategic plan.
- In terms of contingency planning, the MoEHE is now in the final stages of approving the plan and meanwhile a crisis cell has been formed by the Minister to lead this process.
- In regards to the Early Retirement issue the Minister Dr. Saidam has requested the Cabinet to treat Education staff as a special case, so that Education is not negatively affected in Gaza.
- In order to ensure Education in Gaza doesn’t get disrupted MoEHE has printed the books in Gaza in order to ensure timely distribution to schools, and this has also been the case in Jerusalem.
- MoEHE is focusing on engaging Gaza children in co and extracurricular activities, Examples are the UNICEF funded art exhibit of Gaza children’s mural painting that was held at the Ministry in early July, and the national reading competition initiative which honors several Gaza students.
- In regards to area C, the MoEHE is concerned over the Israeli escalation towards Education facilities. MoEHEaskedpartners to advocate to stop the Israeli attacks, support communities’ legal efforts and provide psychosocial support to the affected population.
- MoEHE is open and welcomes partners’ feedback at any time as they keep open communication channels with all stakeholders.
HRP and HNO overview- multiyear planning / OCHA presented the basics for the Humanitarian Program Cycle and developing a multiyear Humanitarian response plan (presentation attached).
UNICEF discussed HRP timelines with the partners and the approach for identifying People in Need for 2018 and the following was agreed upon:
-Identifications of schools in need for Humanitarian assistance will be based on the Vulnerability School Matrix developed by MoEHE.
-Involve preschool sector in the needs analysis and in identification of needs caseloads.
-UNICEF will share a draft Humanitarian Needs Overview with partners for feedback once finalized. / Share OCHA presentation
UNICEF to circulate HNO once finalized / Co Chairs
Violations updates and MoEHEEmergency program / MoEHE presented the following violations during the last month (presentation attached):
-Arrest of 2 school staff and one teacher
-Arrest of 5 school students
-Confiscation of Abu Nuwwar school solar panel system.
-Blocking of all education staff working in the old city of Jerusalem from reaching their schools and offices during the closure of the old city in July and August.
MoEHE presented information on the schools that were built in Bedouin communities during the last academic year and the plans for the coming year (presentation attached)
-OCHA finalized a mapping of the needs of vulnerable schools in area C. The information will include the need of school transportation or school construction. / Circulate PowerPoint presentation
MoEHE to circulate monthly violations report
MoEHE and OCHA to coordinate in regards to the needs assessment of communities in area C. / Co- Chairs
World vision presentation / World vision presented a brief summary of their EiE project in South Hebron funded by OCHA HPF and monitored by the EiE WG. (presentation attached) / Share WV presentation / Co Chairs
Advocacy Update / Advocacy Working Group has published and circulated a Protecting Education from Attack briefing focusing on Abu Nuwwar case in the second week of August.
AoB / -NRC and MoEHE will start piloting “Alert Mechanism for legal responses to attacks against Education” which was recently developed.
-The issue of education staff early retirement in Gaza needs to be followed up at the AWG meeting.
-This will be Fadi Baidoun last EiE WG meeting as he will leave his role with UNICEF SoP at end of August 2017.
Next meeting
20 September2017
MoEHE, UNICEF, Save the Children, NRC, World Vision, Terre De Hommes, UNESCO, Afkar, Teachers Creativity Center, BTC, Finland Representative
- OCHA Power Point presentation
- World Vision Power Point Presentation
- MoEHE presentation