[TEMPLATE 1- WRITTEN CONSENT FORM FOR QUALITATIVE INTERVIEWS: When using this template, please insert your details where indicated and remove the highlighting from the text before submission – in addition you should delete this instruction]
Participant Consent form for Research Project: “Title of Project”
Dear participant,
This research is being carried out by [student’s name] under the supervision of [supervisor’s name].
We are investigating[briefly describe the aim of your study in 2-3 sentences]
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be interviewed by the researcher.
The answers which you provide will be recorded throughnotes taken by the interviewer/audio recording/video recording (delete as appropriate)
All information collected will be kept securely and will only be accessible by myself and my supervisor.
Data will be anonymised and if data which you provide is used in any publications or reports then a participant number or pseudonym will be used and identifying details will be removed. A list may be kept linking participant numbers or pseudonyms to names, but this will be kept securely and will only be accessible by myself and my supervisor.A copy of the information which we record about you, but not other participants, will be provided, free of charge, on request.
You are free to withdraw from the study at any time, without giving reasons and without penalty, even after the data have been collected. However, if publications or reports have already been disseminated based on this data, these cannot be withdrawn.
We would be very grateful for your participation in this study. If you need to contact us in future, please contact me () or Dr [supervisor’s name] (). You can also contact us in writing at: EBS, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ.
[Student’s Name]
Statement of Consent / Please initial each box- I agree to participate in the research project, “Title of Project”, being carried out by Student’s Name.
- This agreement has been given voluntarily and without coercion.
- I have been given full information about the study and contact details of the researcher(s).
- I have read and understood the information provided above
- I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research and my participation in it.
Participant’s signatureDate
[TEMPLATE 2 –WRITTEN CONSENT FORM FOR HARD-COPY QUESTIONNAIRES: When using this template, please insert your details where indicated and remove the highlighting from the text before submission – in addition you should delete this instruction]
Participant Consent form for Research Project: “Title of Project”
Dear participant,
This research is being carried out by [student’s name] under the supervision of [supervisor’s name].
We are investigating [briefly describe the aim of your study in 2-3 sentences]
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire.
All information collected will be kept securely and will only be accessible by [say who will have access to the data].
You will not be asked provide your name but you may be asked to provide some demographic information for analysis purposes. Data collected through this questionnaire will be aggregated and you will not be individually identifiable in any reports or publications from this research.
We would be very grateful for your participation in this study. If you need to contact us in future, please contact me () or Dr [supervisor’s name] (). You can also contact us in writing at: EBS, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ.
[Student’s Name]
Statement of Consent
By returning a completed version of this questionnaire I consent to the following:
- I agree to participate in the research project, “Title of Project”, being carried out by Student’s Name.
- This agreement has been given voluntarily and without coercion.
- I have been given full information about the study and contact details of the researcher(s).
- I have read and understood the information provided above
- I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research and my participation in it.
[TEMPLATE 3 – CONSENT FORM EXAMPLE FOR ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE: When using this template, please insert your details where indicated and remove the highlighting from the text before submission (blue text may be added after approval when the final version of the questionnaire is compiled) – in addition you should delete this instruction]
[Example text for FIRST page of online questionnaire]
“Title of Project”
Dear participant,
This questionnaire is investigating [briefly describe the aim of your study in 2-3 sentences]
This research is being carried out by [student’s name] under the supervision of [supervisor’s name].
You will not be asked provide your name but you may be asked to provide some demographic information for analysis purposes. Data collected through this questionnaire will be aggregated and you will not be individually identifiable in any reports or publications from this research. All information collected will be kept securely and will only be accessible by [say who will have access to the data]
For more information about your rights as a participant in this research please download a copy of the participant information sheet which can be found at this link [insert hyperlink to participant consent form]
We would be very grateful for your participation in this study. If you need to contact us in future, please contact me () or Dr [supervisor’s name] (). You can also contact us in writing at: EBS, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ.
[Student’s Name]
Statement of Consent
By submitting a completed version of this questionnaire you are consenting to the following:
- I agree to participate in the research project, “Title of Project”, being carried out by Student’s Name.
- This agreement has been given voluntarily and without coercion.
- I have been given full information about the study and contact details of the researcher(s).
- I have read and understood the information provided above
- I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research and my participation in it.
[Example text for LAST page of online questionnaire]
Thank you for your participation in this study “Title of Project”
You are reminded that by submitting a completed version of this questionnaire you are agreeing to participate in this research.
If you have any queries, please contact me () or Dr [supervisor’s name] (). You can also contact us in writing at: EBS, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ.
[Student’s Name]
[TEMPLATE 4 – SCRIPT FOR ORAL CONSENT: When using this template, please insert your details where indicated and remove the highlighting from the text before submission – in addition you should delete this instruction
Please note that Oral consent should only be used where written consent is not possible. You must explain in your ethical approval form – question 7 – why you are unable to obtain written consent. Oral consent should ideally be recorded in a separate audio file to the main interview]
Script for Oral Consent form for Research Project: “Title of Project”
Thank you for agreeing to talk to me today.
My name is…[student’s name] and I am a student at Essex Business School. This research is being carried out as part of my [insert module title/final year project/Masters dissertation] under the supervision of [supervisor’s name].
We are investigating [briefly describe the aim of your study in 2-3 sentences]
If you agree to participate in this study, I will be conducting an interview with you today. It should take around…[insert estimated time]
The answers which you provide will be recorded through notes taken by the interviewer/audio recording/video recording (delete as appropriate)
All information collected will be kept securely and will only be accessible by [say who will have access to the data].
Data will be anonymised and if data which you provide is used in any publications or reports then a participant number or pseudonym will be used and identifying details will be removed. A list may be kept linking participant numbers or pseudonyms to names, but this will be kept securely and will only be accessible by [say who will have access to the data]. A copy of the information which we record about you, but not other participants, will be provided, free of charge, on request.
You are free to withdraw from the study at any time, without giving reasons and without penalty, even after the data have been collected. However, if publications or reports have already been disseminated based on this data, these cannot be withdrawn.
[I have provided for you today/you should have already received via email (delete as appropriate)] a copy of the participant information sheet which outlines your rights as a participant in this research and also contains contact detail of myself and my supervisor should you need to contact us in the future.
In a moment I will ask you to provide consent orally that you are happy to take part in this research, but first, do you have any questions? [answer any questions which the interviewee has]
I will now turn on the recorder to record your consent; this will be kept separate from your interview data. [Turn on any audio recording equipment now]
Today is [insert the date and time of the interview]. Could you please state your name for the tape? [Participant should give their name]
Are you happy with the information which you have received about the researcher and the study, do you understand this fully? [Participant should answer yes or no]
Do you agree to participate in the research project, “Title of Project”, being carried out by Student’s Nameand thatthis agreement has been given voluntarily and without coercion? [Participant should answer yes or no]
Thank you very much
[Turn off any audio recording equipment now, you may then restart the audio and begin the interview]