Practice Profile Activity –Working Towards Innovation Fluency
Part Two:Now that we have an “it” in the form of a practice Profile, let’s dig into the implementation issues - This template asks us to take the Ideal and/or the acceptable variation and then analyze the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities needed to execute the practice profile. What skills will be necessary to put “it” into place. And what impact or outcome can we expect and measure to demonstrate that we’ve “got it”.
Please complete the following the following table.
Critical Component(Non-negotiable) / IdealImplementation/
Acceptable Variation / Knowledge/Skills and Abilities / Driver Analysis / Areas of Impact (Outcomes)
Description of the critical component / Summary of ideal and acceptable variations of implementer behavior / Describe what we know is necessary to put “it” in place. / This is how we ensure that “it” is in place! / Describe how we will prove that we’ve “got it”
TIP Model Guidelines
TIP Model Core Practices / Everyone working with TAY that need additional support (e.g. Adolescent Outreach Workers, mental health/addiction workers, probation, CAS, Student Success teachers, youth justice programs, Ontario Works, developmental services TAY workers, etc.) will offer services/ supports consistent with TIP guidelines.
Everyone working with TAY that need additional support (e.g., Adolescent Outreach Workers, mental health/addiction workers, probation, CAS, Student Success teachers, youth justice programs, developmental services TAY workers, Ontario Works, etc.) will be trained in the use of TIP Core Practices and will use them, with fidelity, when appropriate. /
- Commitment from organizations working with TAY to adopting TIP Model Guidelines.
- Training of front line TAY workers in how to integrate guidelines into their work.
- Supervisor training in how to support and monitor front line TAY workers’ implementation of the guidelines.
- Commitment from organizations working with TAY to use TIP Model Core Practices.
- Training of front line TAY workers in how and when to use TIP Core Practices.
- Supervisor training in how to support and monitor front line TAY workers’ use of TIP Core Practices.
- Memorandum of Understanding with organizations indicating that they agree to provide TAY services/support consistent with TIP Model Guidelines.
- All TAY frontline workers and their supervisor receive TIP Model training.
- There is evidence that TIP Model guidelines are being implemented appropriately (TIP Model Fidelity Assessment Measures)
- Memorandum of Understanding with organizations indicating that they agree to use TIP Model Core Practices when working with TAY.
- All TAY frontline workers and their supervisor receive TIP Model training.
- There is evidence that TIP Model Core Practices are being implemented appropriately (TIP Model Fidelity Assessment Measures)
Youth Engagement / The TIP model is continuously adapted in collaboration with TAY to meet the needs of the diverse groups of TAY in Simcoe and Muskoka, particularly priority populations (e.g., Aboriginal, Francophone, and LGBTQ youth).
TAY networks and participating agencies systematically integrate youth participation in the governance and implementation of TAY services. TAY will be involved in ongoing advisory structures, running youth-led initiatives for TAY using a peer mentor/support worker model, and as TIP trainers and assessors of fidelity measures. Best practices in youth engagement will be employed. /
- Commitment from organizations and staff working with TAY to engage youth in governance and implementation of TAY services.
- Training of managers and front line TAY workers in how to effectively engage TAY from diverse backgrounds.
- Interest from TAY to participate in governance and implementation of TAY services.
- Skill development opportunities and ongoing support for TAY to strengthen their capacity to meaningful participate in governance and implementation of TAY services
- High level of TAY involvement in TAY Networks and participating agencies.
- Sustained involvement of TAY during TIP implementation.
- TIP model is adapted in response to local TAY needs and priorities.
Coaching/Service and Support Coordination / When fully implemented the following structures, programs and processes will be in place across all of Simcoe Muskoka. Each geographical area will have
- a cross sector TAY team made up of TAY workers providing services/ supports in the area
- area TAY Teams meet regularly for PD and problem solving including use of TIP Solutions Review process
- a LIFT-like Supper Club, one evening a week, facilitated by trained TIP workers
All supervisors trained in TIP model will use tools e.g., TIP Supervisory Model, Solutions Review process with fidelity and will also monitor the TIP work their direct reports are doing for fidelity.
A Community of Practice structure that will encourage, at local as well as regional area, the learnings identified in TIP model manual e.g., group discussion, review of case files, problem solving, etc.
A Simcoe Muskoka regional oversite/TAY Network will provide leadership, monitoring and oversite to the TAY network as well as assessing TIP implementation across the Network (e.g., outcome and fidelity measures, professional development areas, etc)
A data system to describe youth profiles, outcomes, fidelity, etc to inform the TAY service system as well as TIP implementation.
A pool of at least 5 NNYT TIP Model Site-Based Trainers established and then providing TIP Orientation Workshops Advanced level TIP model training to personnel as needed to sustain the model.
TAY and family members are involved in all aspects of TIP programs/systems.
Quality Improvement, fidelity and program evaluation methods are in place and being used for the continuing enhancement of TIP services. /
- Establishment and on-going support of cross sector TAY teams (Community of Practice?) in each geographical area.
- Organizing/hosting of monthly TAY team meetings for PD and TIP Solutions Review process.
- Program guidelines for weekly LIFT-like Supper Club.
- Identification of staffing, location and funding for LIFT-like Supper Club.
- Establishment and on-going support of Simcoe Muskoka regional oversite/TAY Network to provide leadership, monitoring and oversite to the TAY Network as well as assessing TIP implementation across the Network.
- Identification of Lead Agency for above Simcoe Muskoka TAY Network/TIP implementation.
- Determine performance, fidelity and outcome data that need to be collected at youth, program/service and TAY system levels to monitor performance, fidelity and outcomes.
- Determine how above data will be collected, analyzed, reported; who and how it will be shared; where it will be housed.
- Provide NNYT TIP Model Site-Based training for at least 5 TIP workers.
- Engage TAY and family members in the planning of TIP Model ‘launch’ and in the on-going development, implementation and evaluation of TIP.
- Identify opportunities and provide support for using QI tools/approach in the implementation of TIP model.
- TIP Model trained TAY workers will be meeting monthly for PD and problem solving.
- TIP Model trained TAY workers will find TAY team meetings helpful in their work with TAY.
- LIFT-like Supper Clubs taking place across Simcoe Muskoka will receive high levels of satisfaction from TAY participating in Supper Clubs.
- Simcoe Muskoka TAY Network is meeting regularly with high level of satisfaction being noted by TAY Network members.
- TIP Implementation is achieving identified Implementation milestones
- Decision Support Data System is in place and consistently used to monitor performance, fidelity and outcomes.
- At least 5 Simcoe Muskoka workers trained in TIP have received certification as a NNYT Certified TIP Model Consultant.
- TAY and family members are engaged in all levels of TIP implementation and report high level of satisfaction with respect to their involvement.
- Use of QI tools/ approach is documented.