Part 2
Part Two (Academic Fees, Resources and Legislation)
Academic Fees
Note that special arrangements apply for collaborative courses. Please contact the Senior Assistant Registrar (Teaching Quality).
1.Will the course be independently funded?
(i.e. will it generate sufficient income from fees (including bench fees) to cover all its expenditure including overheads).
Yes [ ]No [ ]
Please contact the Finance Contact Officer for your department in order to discuss the financial plan for the course and to obtain approval before submitting the proposal to the Faculty Undergraduate/Graduate Studies Committee.
Has formal approval, in writing, been obtained from the Finance Office to run an independently funded course, on the basis of an agreed business plan?
Yes [ ]No[ ]
If the course is independently funded, a schedule of the fees incorporated in the business plan approved by the Finance Office should be submitted with this course proposal.
2. Fees
Please consult the Student Finance Office for the current band 1 & 2 undergraduate and postgraduate fees. Will the course attract standard academic fees? All non-standard academic fees need to be approved by the Fees Working Group before they can be advertised or charged.
Yes [ ]No[ ]
If not what fee will be charged? Please note that Postgraduate Awards are usually independently funded and do not attract standard academic fees.
Has this been discussed with the Academic Registrar (or the Finance Office for Independently Funded Courses) and what was the outcome of these discussions?
3.Will a bench fee be charged?
Yes[ ]No[ ]
If so, what will the fee be and what costs will be met from the additional charge?
Has the bench fee been discussed with the Academic Registrar and what was the outcome of these discussions?
4.Fees for postgraduate courses only:
If your proposal is for a Master’s course and it is intended that a Postgraduate Award, Diploma, Certificate will be available, will the fees for the Postgraduate Award, Diploma or Certificate be pro-rata?
Yes[ ]No[ ]
If not, what are the proposed fees for the Postgraduate Award, Certificate, or Diploma?
You should outline on this form any resource requirements for the proposed course which are over and above the department’s or the academic service area’s baseline resources as approved by the Academic Resourcing Committee. If new resources are required this must be discussed with the appropriate officer before submitting this proposal. The outcomes of these discussions should be indicated below. The Course Leader will be expected to answer questions about resources at the Undergraduate/Graduate Studies Committee.
Any resources which are not listed on this form and have not been approved by the appropriate University Committee/Officer will have to be met from within the department’s existing resources.
Please list the additional resources required under the following headings. If no resources are required under a particular heading please write ‘Not Applicable’. All additional resource requirements should be raised with the appropriate officer (listed below) and the outcome of these discussions should be given under the relevant heading.
Question / Additional resource required / Contact Details1 / Staff / Academic Registrar, Mike Glover (x22785)
2 / Additional student numbers (undergraduate courses only) / Academic Registrar, Mike Glover (x22785)
3 / Staff Development / Learning and Development Manager (Academic), Letizia Gramaglia (x73109)
4,5 / Accommodation, high use of centrally-timetabled rooms (including during vacation) / Senior Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling), Emma Melia (x22634)
6 / Minor Works /
7 / Library requirements / Your departmental Academic Support Librarian
9,10 / Central Audio-Visual
E-Learning /
11 / Vacation Study requirements / Academic Registrar, Mike Glover (x22785)
1.Staff Requirements:
Academic Staff
Technical Staff
Clerical Staff
2.Additional Student Numbers: (undergraduate courses only):
3.Staff Development: (e.g. for part-time staff, postgraduate teaching assistants, or for new teaching methods):
4.Academic Accommodation Requirements: (Departments should note that the results of a bid for additional locally timetabled accommodation will not be known until June each year).
5.Impact on use of centrally timetabled rooms:
6.Minor Works:
7.Academic Equipment:
8.Library Costs:
9.Central Audio-Visual Facilities:
- Central Computing Facilities:
11.Vacation Study Requirements:
12.Other Resource Requirements:
13.Collaborative Provision:
Has a site visit been conducted in order to assess the adequacy of the resources and facilities at the partner institution?
Yes[ ]No[ ]
If not, indicate when the site visit will take place.
Staff developing course proposals will need to be aware of related legislation and seek advice as appropriate. Further details are available at
14.Immigration Legislation
When developing a course proposal which is likely to recruit international students coming to the UK on a Tier 4 visa, you are asked to contact the International Office to assess whether there are any issues that will need to be taken into consideration in relation to compliance with immigration legislation. In particular, this may apply where there are periods of study away from the UK or work placements. This should be discussed with the International Office before submitting the proposal and the outcomes of the discussion indicated below. Please contact the Head of Immigration Services on ext. 75209.
Signature of Course Leader:
Signature of Chair of Department: