St. Michael's Catholic Primary Academy and Nursery

Part of the Bishop Cleary Catholic Multi Academy Company

a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (company number 08578428)

whose registered office address is Compton Park, Wolverhampton, WV3 9DU

Telford Gardens, Merry Hill, Wolverhampton WV3 7LE

Telephone 01902 556368 Fax 01902 556370

Principal Mrs S McHale

Dear parents/carers and children,

Exciting news!

St Michaels Catholic Primary Academy are starting a new maths club weekly challenge called ‘Number Club’.

For a number of years Key Stage 2 classes have completed a weekly challenge called 55 club, this has focused on learning times tables facts. Following a staff and pupil review of maths across the school, 55 club will be coming to an end over the next few weeks and it will be replaced by Number Club.

Number club will take place in both Key Stage 1 and 2 and will cover addition, subtraction division, fractions and percentages in addition to the very important timetables facts. Naturally there will be progression through the club from simple number facts, to more complex questions as and when each child is ready.

Children, when you complete a test with no errors you will progress to the next level, you will also receive a certificate to celebrate during assemblies. If you make one or more errors on a test you will receive the same test the following week until you are secure in these maths facts. (This is very similar to how 55 Club currently works)

Attached to this letter is a breakdown of subject matter covered at each level of number club as a guide for parents and children. Remember to practice as many number facts at home including +, -, x, ÷, this will really help you progress.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Starkey and Mrs Brereton

Maths Coordinators