AGM 2015

Chairman calls meeting to order
Introduction & Welcome

Chairman -Steve Clark, Club Secretary David Hinch, Membership Secretary Nicky Robinson, Coaching Secretary Stephen Cannings, Race Secretary Paul Armstrong, Youth Chairman Jeff Chappill.

Apologies received from Steven Dolby - Club Treasurer, Sue Hoare - Coach, Nigel Smaller, Paul McEwan and Simon Wild.

Chairman's 2014 Report
Steve Clark reminded all of this year’s successful club events particularly the World Championship Quadrathlon which ended up being completely full – a first time for the club that an event involving the kayaks has achieved this feat. This was nt something considered when the club was awarded this event and is something all those involved in the event should be proud of.

Membership numbers increased to its highest ever since the original 7 members started the club in 2007.

Regular training sessions at Pods on a Sunday afternoon, Quibell running sessions on Monday evenings, swim sessions on Tuesdays at Ancholme Leisure Centre, Summer TT Series and Steve Cannings Thursday turbo sessions have all been well attended. The TT series again reaching capacity on occasions.

The Club continues to support our chosen charities with the Sportive and other events raising over £4000 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice and the North Lincs air ambulance.

The club continues to build it relationship with Glandford Canoe club who help us with safety kayaks during the Bomber as well as marshalling at the Brigg Sprint. As a thank you we have donated a new paddle and would advise any lincsquadders looking to learn or improve their kayaking to attend their sessions as well as enter their Kayak/Canoe marathon event held in May.

The LAYAS saw many talented athletes attend including first timers, GB Quadrathletes, triathletes and duathletes, first time ironmen, professional ironmen, triple ironmen, age group winners and champions. However the club is abundant with enthusiasm and desire, a willingness to have a go and test yourself no matter the level helping and supporting each other which is something we all should be very proud of.

Steve finished by stating how proud he was to have been chair and will be continuing to be an active member in 2015. He thanked the club and all its members for their support in 2014.
Treasurer's Report
In the absence of Steve Dolby the Treasurers Report was presented by David Hinch.

Firstly can I apologise for my non attendance, as I write this short script I have two legs in tact (Monday 5th Jan) tomorrow I hopefully have my ticket back to competing in Triathlon again in the way of an Osteotomy (Tuesday 6th January). And now (real time, Friday 9th January) I imagine I will be laid up at home on a speedy recovery…………..

So here goes………….

Once again it has been another successful year for 2014 which will takes the club into 2015 with a strong financial position.

Being a non for profit club always makes me anxious when our club funds starts to rise as I feel, along with the other committee members that the monies raised through membership and events should be put back in to the club and its members in one form or another.

2014 has indeed been successful in doing this in a variety of ways.

We have put on our three very regular events on this year with great success. These amongst other events raised the profile of Lincsquad not just nationally but internationally also. The Paul Kirk Sportive sore over 300 cyclists ride around the Lincolnshire Wolds. Our Quadrathlon, the Keyo Brigg Bomber was a World Championship and European Championship event which brought quite considerable press to the local arear with not only Lincsquad benefiting from this but also the local business community. Our Triathlon, The Keyo Brigg Sprint once again was a sell out and was equally as successful as previous years.

The Chris Brown Memorial ride once again went ahead with some generous donations after the event whilst we all quite naughtily got stuck in to some sausage and chips. This made the final donation to the air ambulance a massive £2500

The Paul Kirk memorial was again a very successful sportive with the two charities both receiving 100% of the profits made between them. The Lyndsay Lodge and the Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire Air Ambulance service both receiving a fantastic donation each of £1758.98

Cost of event circa £1700

As previously stated the World Championship Brigg Bomber was a fantastic spectacular and great success for both National and International athletes. Thanks go out to all the sponsors for these events including the financial sponsors. Funding for the Bomber from both North Lincolnshire Council and Brigg Council greatly assisted in the spectacular World Championship Quadrathlon. Also the continuous support and sponsorship from KEYO Agriculture was greatly appreciated.

Cost of event circa £12200

The infamous Keyo Brigg Sprint Triathlon gets stronger each year with more members getting involved with the successful set up and running of such a prestigious local event.

Cost of event circa £6500 with an outstanding invoice to pay of £1300 for the hire of the ALC facility (ongoing dispute)

Our coached sessions have once again been successful with all of our members and I am pleased to say that both the running and swimming sessions have been maintained throughout the whole year in 2014, even in the height of the season, when often the numbers drop due to club members competing in many duathlon and triathlons country wide. Both sessions ended with a positive accounts balance.

(We have also been able to carry out a full hire of the Pods on a Sunday and 2 lanes at ALC on a Tuesday).

Club kit

Current stock of club kit is £2783

Further Income and Expenditure

Swimming in £3949.40

Swimming out £3864.48

Running in/out included in Youth accounts

Coach out £495

Sundries £2050.88

(Includes AGM room hire/food, various flowers, Slateman refreshments, committee meetings and awards evening).

Club Kit stock £2783

Paypal £246.20

Account £2913.17

Total £5942.37

Thank you for a fantastic year in the Treasury post during 2014.

Steve Dolby

Full spreadsheet of accounts available on request.

Secretary Report
David Hinch reported on the future events the club will be hosting in 2015. The continuation of the TT Series, the Paul Kirk Sportive will be on 19th April 2015 and has been relocated to Brigg Town Football club. The Bomber will again include a Corporate and non-Corporate Team race and will be held on May 24th 2015. The Brigg Sprint will be at the same venue (Ancholme Leisure Centre) and will be on September 27th 2015. All Club events are now on the new entry system called ItsYourRace. The previous entry system is no longer available so an alternative had to be found. The new system allows us to control the full package but is still flexible enough to adapt to our needs. This is a big step forward for the club.

All races are now open for entries.

Membership Secretary's Report/Update
Nicky Robinson reported the membership for 2014 was 393 members with female membership up 37% and family/Youth membership growing as well. Nicky introduced the new membership cards will be shown prior to training sessions to allow numbers to be recorded as well as assist the coaches with identification of new members. Nicky finished by reminding everyone membership subs are now due and the price has remained the same for 2015.
Coaching Secretary Report
Steve Cannings started his report with a thank you to all existing coaches as well as the new starters who have massively helped with the running of sessions. Steve was especially grateful to Sue Hoare and Mark Clements who have coached the Saturday morning track cycling at Quibell.

New coaches are always welcome and Steve made the point that with a full coaching staff the swim coaching sessions only work out at two every eight weeks (one week as lead and the following week as assistant coach).
Race Secretary report
Paul Armstrong started by giving a history of the Bomber and Challenge races and how the original Bomber race started at the Reservoir at Market Rasen and the competitors cycled to Brigg to finish.

Paul highlighted the success of the World Championship Quadrathlon and the income it brought to the area. Paul was grateful to all who helped stage this race including those that worked with the local councils and other agencies to ensure the race took place. Paul mentioned the Events Committee and how the group is made up of both Committee and non-committee volunteers from the club who assist with the planning and preparations to our events. Without their help our events wouldn’t work so well and he thanked the group for all their help. The Events Committee is open to all and is an ideal way to assist with the running of events and an introduction to see how the Committee operates.
Youth Chair Report
Jeff Chappill reported on how the first 6-7 months of the year were difficult due to the building work at Quibell. This led to coaching sessions being re arranged at different venues which sometimes meant sharing with amongst others dog training classes! Following a lot of negotiation the hire cost of Quibell has been held until April 2015 however the management of the facility is still unclear.

The Youth sections financial position is good with income from membership, swimming, running and cycle sessions. The club has recently purchased new smaller sized track bikes as well as additional training equipment such as turbo trainers

Youth numbers continue to grow and Jeff suggested the club may wish to build on this and organise more youth races in 2015. He thanked all the committee, coaches and club members who have supported him in 2014.

Election of 2015 Committee & supporting roles (positions below)
As per our club constitution all positions are up for re-election each year.

Nicky Robinson – Nominated by Emma Wright Philips seconded by Emily Whall.
Club Secretary
David Hinch – Nominated by Rob Carpenter seconded by Steve Clark
Steven Dolby – Nominated by Kev Antwhistle seconded by Rick Stenton
Membership Secretary
Sallie Joseph- Nominated by Steve Beevers seconded by Paul Armstrong
Coaching Secretary
Stephen Cannings – Nominated by Cathy Walsh seconded by Andy Veitch
Race Secretary
Oliver Saxon – Nominated by Gary Horner seconded by Mel Lucas
TT Secretary
Rob Carpenter – Nominated by Steve Grocock seconded by Kev Fish
Youth Chair
Nigel Smaller – Nominated by David Hinch seconded by Rob Carpenter

Supporting Roles

Social Organiser – Alexa Sherry
Ladies Co-ordinator - not filled on the night
Press Officer - not filled on the night
Events Committee (led by Club Sec/ Treasurer/ Race Sec)
(These are roles essential for the running of our events eg organising marshals) volunteers will be asked to join this team on the night
AOB and questions previously submitted by members to be discussed
Open questions (time allowing)
1. Can the Brigg Sprint be expanded further to generate more income for the club?

No. We are already at capacity due to the restrictions on transition area space. Whilst the Sprint is a successful race and the income welcome we are a non-profit club and the extra income may lead to future issues. The Sprint income also supplements the Bomber which traditionally loses money.

2. Should we increase membership costs?

Membership coast will remain fixed for 2015 as per the above answer (non profit making club). Coaching sessions are already as cheap as possible (swim coached sessions are £2.50 verses £3.80 for a normal swim session!) and breaking even. TT entry is £3 of which £2 goes to the CTT, all profits from the TT Series are used for trophies, post race food in King Billy and commemorative mugs.

Prior to the draw for Lincsquads English Athletics affiliated club London Marathon place an explanation of who and why the club is affiliated to the relevant bodies was given. The draw was won by Alex Wall.

2015 Chair Nicky Robinson thanked Steve Clark, Paul Armstrong and Jeff Chappill for all their hard work in 2014 and closed the meeting.