Decade of Centenaries Fund


Application Pack

Part A Registration deadline – 24th August 2017

Part B Application submission - 12 noon 8th September 2017

Applications must be submitted by via email to:

General Guidelines


The guidelines for the Decade of Centenaries grant programme are to help potential applicants understand the scope of the grant programme and the application process.

It is important for applicants to read this document carefully before starting the process of applying for funding.

2Decade of Centenaries - Council Motion – July 2015

“That Derry City and Strabane District Council mark the decade of 100th anniversary from 1913 – 1923 in a fitting and dignified manner, by giving recognition to the diverse narratives of the period, including the 1916 Easter Rising, the Battle of the Somme and other significant events by putting in place a working group that will compile a commemorative programme’’.

This working group is made up of elected members and Council officers and is chaired by the Director of Business & Culture. The key role of the Working Group is to lead the development of the DCSDC Decade of Centenaries Programme. The working group have identified a budget to support the work of groups within the Council area who intend to run programmes or events which;

 Remember in context,

 Remember the whole decade,

 Remember the future,

 Remember ethically

 Remember together

4About the Grant Programme

Derry City & Strabane District Council wants to develop a programme of events to mark the key anniversaries that will take place in 2017/18. Community funding is now available for local groups to play their part by developing an event or initiative to mark the events of 1917/18.

DCSDC is committed to working with community groups and organisations to share ideas, pool resources and be part of the creation of a unique and distinctive local programme to mark the Decade of Centenaries.

5Criteria for Funding

The following criteria must be demonstrated for events/initiatives to be eligible for funding:

  • Outline how the proposed event/initiative is aligned to the purpose of the Decade of Centenaries Working Group
  • Demonstrate how the event/initiative will lead to greater community cohesion and improved community relations
  • Capacity of the applicant to deliver the event i.e. the Community event organiser(s) must provide evidence of and have a clear plan for delivering the project
  • Project/initiative must take place between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018

6 What funding is available?

The small grants fund for the Decade of Centenaries scheme 2017/18 is £30,000.00. The Council has considered a two tier grants process open to all groups in the community as the most inclusive way forward.

Tier One – Budget Allocation Total £10,000
5 x Grants Awarded up to £2,000
Tier Two – Budget Allocation Total £20,000
2 x Grants Awarded up to £10,000

7 Who is eligible to apply?

Constituted Community and Voluntary Sector organisations may apply. You will have to prove you have good governance in place – including insurance, financial accounts and relevant documents. Your project must benefit people living in the Derry City and Strabane District Council Area. Groups which already hold any other funding or who have applied for other funding (e.g. Service Level Agreements, Community Support Grant) from Derry City and Strabane District Council are also eligible to apply to this fund.

The fund is limited and eligible applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis.

8What items and expenses are excluded from the fund?

  • Late submissions
  • Projects / initiatives that are not based in and/or do not directly benefit Derry City and Strabane District Council residents..
  • Projects / Initiatives that promote a political or religious purpose.
  • Projects / Initiatives were the applicant will have a personal financial benefit.
  • Projects / Initiatives that improve or benefit privately owned land that has no public access.
  • Council will not fund alcohol costs.
  • Any hospitality allocation must not exceed 25% of the total Council allocation.
  • Costs that are not auditable (i.e. cash payments) will not be eligible for Council funding.
  • Council will not fund salaries.
  • Council will not fund towards repayments of debts, retrospective grants or capital build expenditure.
  • Council will not fund projects / initiatives with the primarily objective to raise money for charity.

9 How do I apply?

You should apply directly to Derry City & Strabane District Council. Only completed submissions received via the approved application form will be considered. The completed form can submitted electronically to

For any queries contact Margaret Edwards

Forms are available in other formats. Please contact

for other formats.

10 How will I know if my group has been successful?

The DCSDC Decade of Centenaries Working Group will evaluate each application. Each applicant will be informed of the decision at the earliest opportunity. Successful applicants will receive a letter of offer. This letter will form the contract between DCSDC and the organiser and will detail all conditions and requirements.

12 Closing date for receipt of completed applications

Part B Applications must be received by 12 noon 8th September 2017

Decade of Centenaries Fund

Section A – Registration and Pre Assessment

This document is available upon request in a number of formats including large print, Braille, PDF, audiocassette and minority ethnic languages. For further information on alternative formats please contact: telephone (028) 71 253 253, text phone: (028) 7138 1335 or email:

You must email your registration and pre assessment no later than 24th August 2017

Applicants must remain within the allocated maximum words stated in the Application Form questions. Please do not attach additional information to your application unless expressly requested on the form.

Essential Details

Name of Group
Group Address and Postcode
Group Contact No.
Event Title
Main Contact Name*
Contact Address
and Postcode
Contact Telephone No.
Contact Mobile No.
E-mail Address

*Please note that all correspondence will be sent to the main contact name and address outlined above.

Applications which successfully meet the pre assessment criteria will be subject to Equality Screening and if appropriate Equality Impact Assessment process.

Initial Eligibility Check

Applicants should note that if a Letter of Offer in Principle is issued all the information below will be checked. Furthermore, copies of all essential documentation must be provided by an agreed date before a formal Letter of Offer will be issued.

Please answer questions below:

2.1 / Has your initiative already taken place? / Yes No
2.2 / Does your group have a Committee? / Yes No
2.3 / Is your committee a Constituted Group and adhere to the requirements of the governing document? / Yes No
2.4 / Is your group a ‘Not for Profit’ organisation? / Yes No
2.5 / Are your beneficiaries from the Derry City and Strabane District Council areas? / Yes No
2.6 / Does your group have up to date accounts duly certified by a qualified Accountant from one of the following accounting bodies: A.C.C.A or C.I.M.A or C.I.P.F.A. or I.C.A?
Or all of the following:
i. An up to date annual statement of Income and Expenditure certified by the group’s current Chairperson and current Treasurer (or other equivalent Committee members if the posts of Chairperson and Treasurer are not constituted within the group)? For new groups these records must cover a period of at least 6 months.
ii. An up to date list of creditors or debtors with balances certified by two committee members as outlined in (i) above. Or letter to state there are no creditors and debtors certified by two committee members? Photocopies are NOT acceptable.
iii. An up to date original Bank Statement? / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
2.7 / Does your group have current Public Liability Insurance which will cover the proposed festival?
If no, is Insurance Costs included in your application? / Yes No
Yes No
2.8 / Will your initiative involve working with children/young people or vulnerable adults? / Yes No
(Only generate these questions if yes box above is ticked.)Does your group have a Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy? / Yes No
Has your group completed all necessary Access NI checks? / Yes No
2.9 / Will your initiative promote a primarily political or religious purpose? / Yes No
2.10 / Is your group committed to good relations, equal opportunities and Section 75 Legislation in terms of Policies and the delivery of services? / Yes No
2.11 / Is any part of funding applied for going towards repayments of debts, retrospective grants or capital build expenditure? / Yes No
2.12 / Does your application include funding salaries? / Yes No
2.13 / Is your groups’ primary objective to raise money for charity? / Yes No

Applicants Authorisation

Chairperson Signature:
Date: / Day / Month / Year
Secretary /Treasurer Signature:
Date: / Day / Month / Year

Data Protection Notice Freedom of Information Act

The details you submit on this form are confidentialUnder the Freedom of

Council staff will use them to assess your eligibility to Information Act, anyone may

receive public funds.make a request to access to

recorded information held by

We may check the information you give us, or the Council, including the

Information someone else gives us about you, withinformation you submit on this

other information we hold. We may also get informationapplication (and any subsequent

from other Council departments, or give details to them, correspondence).

to check the accuracy of information, to prevent or

detect crime, and/or to safeguard public funds inWe will not release any

accordance with the law.Information that would breach

the Data Protection Act and we

We will not give information about you to anyonewill not release information that

outside Derry City and Strabane District Council,could be considered

or use information about you for any other purposeconfidential or commercially

of the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want to knowsensitive. If you are unsure

what information we have about you, or the wayabout the implications of the

we use your information, you can contact aAct, then please seek further

Council Officer (details to beincluded with thisguidance from the Museum

application on a separate sheet). and Visitor Services Team.

Decade of Centenaries Fund

Section B - Application Form 2017/18

Q1. Project Name
Q2. Project Dates / Start Date (dd/mm/yy) / End Date (dd/mm/yy)
Please note projects must take place during 2017/18
Q3. Please describe your project (600 words Max)
N.B. Include ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘why’ and ‘how’. For example:
Who – Who will participate, facilitate, benefit, organise, manage? How many will participate?
What – What are the activities, events, workshops?
When – When will this happen? (Planning, Delivery, Completion)
Where – Where will this happen? Where are beneficiaries from?
Why – Why is this project needed? What evidence have you of that need?
How – How will you deliver it? Monitor and evaluate it? Recruit for it?
Q4. Please describe how your project focuses on Good Relations and will help deliver upon the key Strategic Outcomes of the Together Building a United Community Strategy, namely Our Children and Young People, Our Shared Community, Our Safe Community and Our Cultural Expression?
(500 words Max)
Q5. Please describe how the project / initiative meets the following principles of Shared and Ethical Remembering? (200 words Max per theme)
Remembering in context – remember the event in the context of 100 years ago rather than in the context of the present.
Remembering the whole decade – specific events should not be commemorated in isolation.
Remembering the Future – having a vision for the future that is based on the learning from the past.
Remembering Ethically – be prepared to look at the decade in a critical way without apportioning blame or sitting in judgement.
Remembering Together – remembering in an inclusive way.

Q 12. How will the costs for the Project / Initiative be broken down? Your answer should provide a detailed breakdown of exactly where the funding will be used. The following table may be used to assist you.

Expenditure Details / Itemised Costs
(if applicable) (£) / Total Cost
(£) / Amount Required from Derry City and Strabane District Council / Who will fund remainder
If the cost of the Project / Initiative is more than you have applied for, have you identified the rest of the funding you need? /
Yes No
If yes to the above please indicate:
(a) Amount Secured / £
(b) Amount Pending / £

Please note, any hospitality allocation must not exceed 25% of the total Council allocation.

Applicants Authorisation

Current Chairperson Signature:
Date: / Day / Month / Year
Current Secretary or Treasurer Signature:
Date: / Day / Month / Year

Derry City and Strabane District Council Decade of Centenaries Fund Application Form 2017/18

Section B -Page 1