
February 2, 2015

6:00 PM

A regular meeting of the Leeds City Council was called to order by Mayor Lloyd Himle on February 2, 2015, 6:00 pm at Leeds City Hall. Present were Council Members:Rob Nelsen, Linda Himle, Kyle Nelsen,and Terry Westphal. Also present were Brad Muscha, Moore Engineering,and cityemployees: Edythe Nelsen, Justin Nelsen andKari Follman.

Moore Engineering:

Part 2- water meter replacement

A motion was made byWestphal, seconded by Rob Nelsen, to approve change order No. 2 from Ferguson Waterworks for a time extension request to the contract. Completion dates would be extended 181 days with a final completion due June 30, 2015. The motion carried.

Part 3- Telemetry

Rob Nelsen made a motion to approve payment No.2 to Integrated Process Solutions, Inc. for the amount of $1,489.95 for services completed to date. The motion carried.

A motion was be by Rob Nelsen, seconded by Westphal, to approve contract change order No. 1 to close out the telemetry project and adjust the contract price to $29,799.00. The motion carried.

Kyle Nelsen made a motion to approve the definitive certificate of substantial completion with punch list items for the telemetry portion of the water tower improvement project. The motion was seconded by Westphal. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Rob Nelsen, and seconded by Kyle Nelsen, to approve Moore Engineering invoice #9501 in the amount of $1,747.50 for engineering services provided. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Kyle Nelsen to approve the final inspection and acceptance report for the telemetry portion of the project. Rob Nelsen seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Sanitary Sewer Improvements

Rob Nelsen made a motion, seconded by Westphal, to close out the Capital Finance Program (CFP) loan for the sanitary sewer cleaning and televising project. A revised debt schedule will be issued by the ND Public Finance Authority. The motion carried.

Public Works

Kyle Nelsen made a motion to accept public works timesheets. Westphal seconded the motion and the motion carried.

A motion was made by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Rob Nelsen, to accept Public Works SuperintendentReport. The motion carried.


Kyle Nelsen made a motion, seconded by Rob Nelsen, to transfer $321.00 from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Westphal, to approve auditor timesheets. The motion carried.

Kyle Nelsen motioned to accept the auditor’s report. The motion was seconded by Rob Nelsen and carried.

Westphal made a motion, seconded by Kyle Nelsen, to accept the financial reports. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Kyle Nelsento purchase a gift card to Dakota Farms as a thank you to Neil Lotvedt for providing the City an estimate for replacement of the city shop building for insurance proposes. The motion was seconded by Westphal and the motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Kyle Nelsen made a motion, seconded by Rob Nelsen, to accept the recommendations presented by the human resource committee on employee evaluations and pay raises.

Old business:

A motion was made by Kyle Nelsen, secondedby Rob Nelsen, to accept the prepared written agreement with Al Lundstrom, Leeds Body Shop. The agreement defines the City’s area behind the city shop and access to said area. The document was endorsed by the City and will be presented to Mr. Lundstrom for his signature. The motion carried.

Kyle Nelsen made a motion to send a letter to City resident, Gywene Owens, explaining that there are no existing ordinances or regulations pertaining to above ground fuel storage. Rob Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion carried.

New Business

Rob Nelsen made a motion, seconded by Westphal, to form an advisory committee to provide recommendations to the Council regarding the sewer improvement project. 6 to 8 residents will meet several times and will provide a report to the Council at the March 2, 2015 meeting. The motion carried.

A motionwas made byKyle Nelsen, seconded by Rob Nelsen,to authorize travel for upcoming employee training. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Rob Nelsen, to approvepayroll & accounts payable. The motion carried. The bills are as follows:

B & H Oil$306.90

Bank of North Dakota$3362.52

Benson County Press$543.75

Benson County Sheriff$600.00

Chad’s Amoco$800.50

Doubleday Book Club$92.88

Farmers Union Oil Co. –York$221.21

Ferguson Waterworks$47.02

Gibbens Law Office$630.00

Grand Forks Utility Billing$27.37

H.E. Everson Co.$110.76

Hardware Hank$95.74


Interstate Billing Service, Inc$466.57

Johnson’s Plumbing Service$55.85

Leeds Airport Authority$206.88

Leeds Body Shop$35.80

Moore Engineering Inc$3980.00

Mr. Justin Nelsen$100.00

Bonnie Himle$30.00

Municipal Finance Officers Ass$60.00


Northern Plains Electric$608.72

One Call$2.20

Ottertail Power Co.$2712.60


Payroll Liabilities$516.74

Paulson Supply$7.50

Railroad Management Co.$723.53

Rugby Sanitation$4088.03

Softline Data, INC$350.00

Tracy’s Market$54.49

Tri-State Coatings$6531.74

United Community Bank$2092.99

US Postal Service$79.22


A motion was made by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Rob Nelsen, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM.

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Leeds City Council

February 2nd, 2015