Part #1: Community Service Agency Research Project

Your assignment is to research and present on the services, operations, and constituents of one of the follow agencies or one approved by Mr. Beacom:

People’s City Mission

Matt Talbot Kitchen

Food Bank of Lincoln

Child Advocacy Center

Food Net

Habitat for Humanity

Friendship Home

Foster Care Closet

El Centro de las Americas

Cedars Youth Services

The ARC of Lincoln

Excite/Head Start

The Gathering Place

Meals on Wheels

Questions to address in your presentation:

• What is the history of the organization?

• What is the organization’s mission?

• Why does this organization exist? In other words, provide a detailed description of the social problem

that the organization is targeting.

• Who is served by the organization? Find actual numbers of people who use the services provided.

• Where does the organization’s funding come from?

• Provide, if possible, an example of a success story…one person’s story of how he/she

benefited from the organization’s services.

• What challenges does the organization face in providing its services?

• What are the volunteer opportunities available to your classmates?

To receive an A on this assignment:

You must make an in-person visit to the agency and interview a central figure in the agency’s operation. You must provide photographic proof (unless the agency prohibits photos). You could record the interview and play parts of it for your presentation.

You will present your information to the class with a brief PowerPoint presentation (10 slides maximum) to support your discussion.

Content= 25

Presentation= 15

Visit= 10


50 points

*Extra Credit points are available. See Mr. Beacom.*

Part #2: Community Service Journal Entries

10 journal entries for 10 different questions, 10 points each, 100 points total.

This is meant to be a starting point in your reflections about your community service experience. This must be completed before you move on to Part #3.

In your paper you must include the question with each of your 10 answers.

  1. What connections do you find between the experience and your course readings or lectures?
  2. What new ideas or insights did you gain?
  3. What skills can you use or strengthen through working with your community partner?
  4. What knowledge or skills did you learn from this experience that you will apply in the future?
  5. How were you different when you left the service location compared to when you entered?
  6. How are you similar/different to others (others in your service group? others seeking services? etc.)?
  7. In what ways did being different help/hinder the group?
  8. What have you learned about yourself?
  9. If you were one of the people receiving services, what would you think of yourself?
  10. How does this experience compare to other service experiences you have had?
  11. How does this course compare to other courses you have taken?
  12. What connections do you see between this experience and what you've learned in your high school courses?
  13. How has your service contributed to your growth in any of these areas: civic responsibility, political consciousness, professional development, spiritual fulfillment, social understanding, and intellectual pursuit?
  14. What have you learned about a particular community or societal issue?
  15. How did this experience challenge your assumptions and stereotypes?
  16. Do you think these people (or situations) are unique? Why or why not?
  17. What public policies are involved and what are their implications? How can they be improved?
  18. Describe an internal or external conflict that has surfaced for you during your service work. Explain the factors that contribute to this conflict and how you might resolve or cope with the conflict.
  19. Discuss a social problem that you have come in contact with during your service work. What do you think are the root causes of this problem? Explain how your service may or may not contribute to its alleviation.
  20. What could this group do to address the problems you saw at the service site?
  21. What could each participant do on his/her own?
  22. How can society better deal with the problem?
  23. How can this experience apply to other situations in your life?
  24. How can your solutions apply to other situations in your life?
  25. How can your solutions apply to other problem(s) of other groups?
  26. How can society be more compassionate/informed/involved regarding this community?
  27. What is the difference between generosity, charity, justice, and social change?
  28. Where do we go from here? What's the next step?

Part #3: Community Service Reflection Paper

The paper should be:

  • Written in complete sentences and with proper grammar
  • 12 point font
  • Double-spaced
  • 1 inch margins
  • A minimum of TWO pages in length

You should answer ALL of these questions in your paper:

Where you fulfilled your community service requirement

What are the goals of this organization? In what ways did you assist in the organization in meeting its goals?

Describe your duties in detail.

Describe the people you met or interacted with while doing the civic activity and the impact they had on you.

Explain what you gained by committing your time to community service by citing specific examples. How did this experience impact you?

Explain how you view community service in regards to the role of citizens. What role does the community play in your life?

  • Terms to consider: civic virtue & common good

Rate the overall experience on a scale of 1 to 10 with a 10 being high quality and well worth your time.

Offer advice to next year’s seniors in regards to completing the community service requirement.

  • What was good? What was bad? Would you do it differently if you had to do it all over again?

*This assignment is a 25 point summative grade*

  • 20 points for content (Address all questions/prompts above in a thorough fashion)
  • 5 points for neatness/organization