{Culinary Essentials}
Parsons Senior High School
Family and Consumer Science Curriculum
Spring Semester 2016
Instructor: Mrs. Kirbie Howard
Room #: 102/104
{Instructors Information}
Email Address:
Alternative Email Address:
Phone Number: 620-421-3660 Ext. 102
Personal Number: 620-724-3471
{Course Description}
Within this course student’s will demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures, as well as, examine the principles of food production management and service methods. Opportunities in this course include understanding industry standards in selecting, using and maintaining food production areas and equipment and measuring techniques in relation to a standardized recipe. Students will also be demonstrating common food production skills and applying the principles of nutrient to food preparation.
{Certifications and Training}
SerSafe Food Handler Certification
This course MUST be taken to be able to participate in Culinary Arts I {Full Year Course}.
Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts: Level One, National Restaurant Association, Pearson Education, Inc., 2011. Revised 2014.
Food for Today, Glencoe, the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2010.
*these will not be checkout by students at the beginning of the semester/year unless there is a need for them to complete assignments on an individualized basis. Per situation will require students to checkout a book that they are responsible for returning. If a book is not returned, it is assumed lost and will be recorded on the students debit record.
{Needed Materials for Course}
Blue or Black Ink Pen ONLY * Pencil *1 to 2 inch 3-Ring Binder
*Please note that due to the professional nature of future Culinary Essential projects, students may be required to purchase a professional polo and/or shirt to participate in catering or competition opportunities. Pricing will be kept to a minimum in consideration of our students. Please contact Mrs. Howard for any questions/concerns you may have about this expense. Please note that if the school were to purchase these items, they would be considered a uniform and would need to be checked in at the end of the course. Having the students purchase their own insures ownership and adequate sizing per student.
{Classroom Guidelines}
1. Respect: Student will show proper respect for every member of the Family and Consumer Science classroom.
2. Proper handling of materials and equipment is expected at all times. No exceptions.
3. Prior arrangements must be made with the instructor before late assignments are accepted.
4. Plagiarism and cheating will NOT BE TOLERATED. A ZERO is inevitable.
Failure to abide by these rules will result in action taken from the disciplinary guidelines set forth by the instructor, combined with the districts procedures. Please note that these are general classroom rules. Other rules may be implemented for proper procedures within other aspects of the FCS classroom, including the kitchen area, etc.
{Classroom Procedures}
· Upon your arrival to the classroom there will be one to three questions posted up on the smart board. These questions will pertain to objectives that were to be met the previous class meeting. You will have 5 minutes from the start of class to think and make note of the answers, as well as, prepare yourself for the class activities.
· Approximately 5 minutes after the tardy bell a 5-10 minute class discussion will take place over these questions.
· At the completion of the discussion, you will be made aware of what objectives will need to be met for the current class period and instruction/activities will begin promptly. Objectives will be posted somewhere within the classroom per unit. These objectives will also be posted online {on teacher website} for parent/guardian and administrative awareness and support.
· You will be awarded weekly participation points {25 points per week; 5 points a day} for their involvement in the class discussions. Criteria for these points consist of student preparedness and engagement in discussion. These points will be 20% of your awarded grade.
· Approximately 2 minutes before the conclusion of class an {ending warning} will be given to allow you time to finish up activities, get your materials in their proper place, and prepare yourself for your next class.
{Cell Phone & Electronic Policy}
*Non-Negotiable terms adopted May 2014
Violations will result in the following:
1.} This notice is your official FIRST warning.
2.} First offenders will have their phone placed in the desk drawer for the hour. Devices will be given back at bell.
3.} Repeat offenders will have their phones placed in the office for the day and will be able to retrieve it after their last hour OR at 3:15pm. Additional discipline may be awarded by administration at this point.
{Quiz and/or Exam Retake Opportunity}
{Procedures, Rules, & Regulations}
In order to help students achieve their highest success possible, I implement my own incentive opportunity to help students with lacking test scores. As a human being, and student myself, I know that “life” happens and test anxiety is a real thing. The following Procedure, Rules, & Regulations have been implemented by me, Mrs. Howard, and are only acceptable to use for exams and quizzes that I myself administer. PLEASE NOTE: These incentives will NOT be available for mid-term OR Final examinations.
• After an exam/quiz is given and a score is awarded, you have 7 school days from the time of the score awarding to fill out a request form to be approved by Mrs. Howard.
• Request forms will be available within the classroom and labeled accordingly. PLEASE make sure they are dated for appropriate documentation.
• When turning in a retake form, make sure you make Mrs. Howard aware that one was submitted so it can be addressed as soon as possible.
• Retakes will need to be scheduled and taken as soon as possible on the students own time and must be approved by Mrs. Howard.
• If you shall be declined a retake request, you will be given a full explanation why. In that event, you have 2 days from the decline to meet with Mrs. Howard to appeal.
• Everyone will be given only TWO (2) retake opportunities a semester.
• You may only use ONE retake per exam/quiz.
{Grade Scale} {Grade brake down by %}
100%-90% A Participation Points 20%
89%-80% B Exams 15%
79%-70% C Final Exam(s) 15%
69%-60% D Assignments & Projects 50%
59%-0% F