





WebsiteforHolyAngelsandOLG: holyangelsclifton.org

Mission Statement of Holy Angels

WeareaCatholicCommunitydedicatedtoproclaimingtheGoodNewsandservingourchurchandneighborsunder theguidanceoftheHolyAngelsnourishedbythesacraments,especiallytheEucharist.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

You will show me the path of life, the fullness of joy in your presence, O Lord. Cf. Psalm 16 (15):11











11:30 a.m.Rosary



5:00p.m. First Friday ExpositionoftheBlessedSacrament

6 p.m. Mass

OurOfferingsto GodLastweek

Sunday Offertory Collections $1,872


PRAYERLISTasof11-5-2017. PleasePrayfor:FatherIsaac,MargeSchafer,JimSchultz,Carolina Padron,M.Bibeault,JohnTyree,PaulHicks, BrianaDanahy,KellySpanabel,PamSitler,LisaLopez,WayneWinn,Sr., MarkazieMarieDanahy, Leon Lucero, Gena Mahon. Please include the victims of natural disasters and of terrorists in your prayers. Remember Veterans and their families in your prayers.

Put a note in the collection basket or contact theParishOfficeifsomeone needstobeaddedtoorremovedfromthePrayerList.Please includeyournameandphonenumberincase wehave questions

November 4-5,2017 Upcoming Events and Announcements

National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annualweek-long(Nov 5 - Nov 11)celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations. For young men discerning priesthood, pray that God will make His call heard and that men will have the courage to sayyesto Christ’s call to “Come, follow me.”

November 11 is Veterans Day. “Father, please turn your gaze to those men and women who in their military service have sacrificed time, comfort, strength, ambition, health and prosperity for the peace and safety of family and friends and others they’ve never even known. Please reward them a hundredfold for all their sacrifice and service. Bless them far beyond all their expectations. Reward them richly for all they have given.”

All parents with children preparing for First Communion or Confirmation MUST attend a meeting November 12 at 10-10:45 am in the Parish Hall

On November 12 there will be a second collection for Christmas Flowers. Your contributions help make our church beautiful at Christmas and present a beautiful, living memorial to your deceased loved ones. Please include names of your loved ones to be remembered along with your donation.

Religious Education Classes are on Sundays from 10 am to 11 am in the Parish Hall. For more information or to register a student, contact the parish office at 254-675-887

Praise and Gratitude



Safe and Sacred Training

Safe & Sacred Classes will be November 11 from 9 am to Noon in Parish Hall. You must sign up if you want to attend the class. Sign-up sheet is in the back of the church. Please contact the Parish Office if you can bring food or drinks for the class.


Andrea Agin / Luisa Alvarez / Jerry Anderson / Debbie Aust
Stephanie Bell / Estela Canapi / Becky Cano / Cathy Cassidy
Michael Cassidy / James Cathcart / Michelle Colon-Cruz / Kerry Courtney
Ginny DiLeo / Mario DiLeo / Bernie Dutton / Delia Felan
Cinthya Fernandez / Catherine Gaertner / Doel Garcia / Carmen Garza
Elona Garza / Jessica Gonzalez / Lisa Green / Shepherd Green
Lorena Heredia / Berta Herrera / Katie Jung / Heidi Kelso
Lydia Luna Gonzalez / Carlos Martinez / Ernestina Martinez / Sandy May
Ruth Ann Pieri / Maribel Ponce / San Juana Rabago / Juana Ramirez
Pam Sitler / John Sitler / Mimi Wright

You can complete this training on-line. Call Parish Office (254-675-8877) to receive instructions on how to do on-line training and to receive forms that must be completed to complete training..

You are welcome to use Parish computers, and we will gladly help you complete the training. Contact the Parish Office (254-675-8877) to schedule a day and time if you are interested in having our help.