Parkwood Hall Co-operative Academy

Job Description – Business Manager


Responsible to: Principal

Responsible for: Administration Group of 7 staff

Site Manager plus 14 staff

Catering Manager plus 6 staff

ICT & Network Manager

To provide leadership and guidance for support staff including direct line management responsibility for Administrative, Financial, Maintenance, Grounds, Domestic and Catering staff and the the ICT Network Manager

Key Tasks: As a member of the School Leadership Team to co-lead the vision and ethos of the academy.

To be responsible for strategic planning and leadership for the above staff groups, ensuring that the academy makes the best possible use of human and physical resources available and facilitate the curricular and residential education of the students.

To be a co-leader of all aspects of school life, Curriculum, Residential Education and Business Resources with the Principal and Deputy Principals.


Parkwood Hall Co-operative Academy aims to provide a caring and safe environment with a specialised and holistic approach to education, allowing each individual to reach their maximum potential and to prepare them for life outside the school

“Parkwood Hall Co-operative Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment”. The Governing Body

1. Financial Management

School Leadership Responsibility: To have the lead responsibility for the financial management of the school, to deliver sustainable and improving performance in budget monitoring and provide specific expertise in long term financial planning.

To include –

To advise the Principal and Governors on financial policy and be project manager for the development of a business plan for the future development of the academy.

To prepare for approval and to advise the Principal and Governors on the annual estimates of income and expenditure. To obtain agreement of budgets and to ensure monitoring of accounts against budgets

To ensure the preparation of regular management reports for budget holders.

To attend Governing Body meetings as required to report on the financial position of the academy to the Governors.

To use financial management information and to be outward looking in order to identify areas for development, assess trends and directly advise the Principal and Governors accordingly, then take leadership responsibility for the implementation of plans.

Lead the design, implementation and monitoring of internal controls.

To have lead responsibility by writing financial guidance documents ie Academy Financial Policies and ensuring compliance across the organisation.

To ensure that the academy financial procedures, software and tools are most appropriate and fit for use, to review changing needs.

Preparation of statutory financial reporting.

To lead, manage and monitor all accounting procedures and resolve any problems including procurement, bank accounts and statutory returns, including compliance with audit processes and regulations.

To have lead responsibility for ensuring detailed management accounts for the Principal, Governors and central government according to the agreed schedule are prepared, reporting immediately any exceptional problems and facilitate clear analysis of data.

To lead on reconciliation of payroll.

To lead in the preparation of any financial returns central government agencies within statutory deadlines.

To lead in maximising income generation within the ethos of the school.

To be the lead in contact with central and other agencies with regard to grant applications, gifts and other donations.

To lead in the responsibility for securing bid-based competitive funds by effective use of bidding systems and contacts.

To lead in the negotiation, management and monitoring of contracts, tenders and agreements for the provision of support services.

To lead the responsibility for seeking professional advice on insurance and advising the Principal and Governors on the appropriate insurance for the school, implementing the approved insurances and handling any claims that may arise.

To lead the responsibility for securing sponsorship funding and developing contacts.

To lead in promoting the academy to different audiences and raise the profile within the local community and liaise with local businesses for fundraising.

To line manage the relevant administration and finance officers in ensuring compliance of financial requirements.

2. Administration Management

School Leadership Responsibility: To have the lead responsibility for the administration management of the academy, to achieve demanding service standards and improvements in the provision of service and to enhance and develop positive relationships with all stakeholders, guests and visitors to Parkwood Hall.

To include –

To have lead responsibility for the administration function including the administrative ICT facilities, school reception, records and communication channels including social networking where appropriate.

To have lead responsibility for the systems and general management of the academy’s computer network including management information systems.

To have lead responsibility in writing administration guidance documents eg Academy Administration Policies and ensuring compliance by all relevant staff across the organisation.

To have lead responsibility in ensuring the provision, preparation and production of all academy records, publications and policies.

To have lead responsibility in ensuring the maintenance and archieving of pupil records, liaising with the Deputy Principals and Student Liaison and Inclusion Manager.

To be the lead contact for the school for online communication and submissions to statutory bodies eg. Census.

To have lead responsibility for obtaining the necessary licences and permissions and ensuring their relevance and timeliness.

To line manage the administration manager to ensure compliance of administration requirements.

3. HR Management

School Leadership Responsibility: To have the lead responsibility for the HR management of the academy reporting to the Principal and Governors. To ensure that the principles of equality of opportunity and of child protection and safeguarding underline all HR policies, procedures and practise.

To achieve effective inter department working relationships throughout the organisation and achieve fairness and compliance following required HR procedures and employment law. To maximise performance and ensure equality of opportunity to allow every member of school staff achieve their potential. To manage change as directed

To include-

To have lead responsibility for ensuring HR requirements are met in the school in compliance with statutory procedures.

To have lead responsibility and give advice to the Principal and Governors on all HR issues and advise on the policies needed to comply with employment legislation concerning employment protection, equalities etc and lead the implementation of these policies in the school.

To attend at Employment Tribunals as necessary.

To have lead responsibility to ensure confidentiality of staff records on site.

To be the lead point of contact for all school personnel in dealing with any grievance, in accordance with the school grievance procedures.

To act as investigating officer in relation to potential disciplinary matters.

To have lead responsibility in writing administration guidance documents eg Human Resources Policies and ensuring compliance by all relevant staff across the organisation.

To have lead responsibility for the recruitment of all staff.

To have lead responsibility for ensuring the professional development and performance management of all staff through liaison with all managers and to lead the implementing of these procedures as laid down by the Principal and Governing Body.

To have lead responsibility to formulate, monitor and implement the academy’s safety policy to comply with the requirements of Health and Safety at Work Act and other legislation.

To line manage the administration manager to ensure compliance of HR administration requirements.

4. Facilities Management

School Leadership Responsibility: To have the lead responsibility for the facillities management of the academy, to identify and manage risk, ensure compliance, procure services effectively and efficiently and ensure all resources are sustained to a high standard to facilitate the education and safety of the students, staff and visitors.

To include –

Premises and Grounds -

To have lead responsibility in ensuring the maintenance of the academy site and buildings, the preparation of maintenance schedules and the efficient operation of all facilities on the property including plant and equipment.

To lead on project management for new buildings, tenders, planning permission and liaison with contractors.

To have lead responsibility for the negotiation, management and monitoring of contracts, tenders and agreements for the provision of support services.

To have lead responsibility for the effectiveness of access facilities.

To have lead responsibility to monitor the installation and maintenance of equipment and procedures for protection against and escape from fire and to ensure statutory records of regular fire practices and alarms tests are maintained.

To advise and alert the Principal and Governing Body of any areas of concern on school security as highlighted by the Site Manager.

To have lead responsibility in writing premises related guidance documents eg Health and Safety Policy and ensuring compliance by all relevant staff across the organisation.

To have lead responsibility in the letting of the school premises ensuring compliance with academy policies to maintain the school ethos and security of students.

To take the lead in the development of a comprehensive disaster recovery plan as a member of the School Leadership Group.

To have lead responsibility in ensuring the cleaning provision at the academy meets all necessary legal standards within the compliance of Health and Safety at Work and all local standards to ensure a safe environment for students and staff, to include both external contractors and in house service to ensure high standards of cleanliness in the whole school.

Catering –

To have lead responsibility, for the nutritional and health requirements of the catering service ensuring that –

o  A nutritious and balanced diet is provided for all students

o  The special diet of any student is followed if due to medical reasons

o  Staff training is provided to meet the required standards in health, hygiene and nutrition and student need.

To have lead responsibility for the negotiation, management and monitoring of contracts, tenders and agreements for the provision of catering services to ensure a cost effective provision is available.

To have lead responsibility in writing catering guidance documents eg Food Safety Policy and ensuring compliance by all relevant staff across the organisation.

To have lead responsibility in monitoring the catering provision with the students through the Student Council and other methods such as questionnaires etc.

Vehicles –

To have a lead responsibility for the provision of appropriate and adequate vehicles as required to support the students education. To include the procurement, maintenance and compliance of such vehicles and to lead on ensuring that they are driven in a way that complies with MIDAS and with the terms of insurance.

To line manage the Site Manager, Catering and Nutritional Manager and School Development Officer to ensure compliance of Estate and Services requirements.

ICT & Network Management –

To have lead responsibility for the strategic planning and management of hardware, licenses and networking provision across the academy in order to support the educational and welfare needs of the students.

To have lead responsibility in writing IT related guidance documents eg Acceptable Use Policy and ensuring compliance by all relevant staff across the organisation.


To maintain confidentiality in all aspects of Parkwood Hall Academy. The nature of the working environment entrusts people with confidential information. Any breach of this confidentiality will constitute gross misconduct.

To co-operate with all Parkwood Hall Academy staff in maintaining good relationships with outside agencies and the general public in order to promote and uphold the school’s image.

To perform any other duties as are within the scope, spirit and purpose of the position as requested by the Principal.

This job description reflects the current requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the job description will be reviewed and is subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.

Signed …………………………………………………………….Post holder

Signed …………………………………………………………….Principal

Date …………………………………..

Specification and Competencies

Education and Training

The post holder –

§  Must have a relevant professional or academic qualification to demonstrate a high level of expertise in Finance.

§  Must have a good understanding of leadership or management of human resources.

§  Must have a minimum of 5 years relevant senior or executive management level experience and training.

§  Must be able to demonstrate a continued and continuing commitment to professional development, evidenced through further study on one or more recognised relevant courses at an appropriate level, which may be funded by the school but may make demands on the post holder’s time outside of normal working hours.

§  Must be a strong pro-active individual, able to quickly establish personal credibility with others at all levels of the organisation.

Qualities, Knowledge and Experience

The post holder will have experience of management relevant to the responsibilities of the post, to include –

§  Ability to set clear vision and direction and take account of the bigger picture, managing change and identifying challenging, achievable and appropriate targets.

§  Bring creativity and innovation to the workplace.

§  Effective communication, listening as well as advising and directing.

§  Managing resources, structure and infra structure to enable effective and efficient service delivery.

§  Must have proven commitment and interest in public sector education provision.

§  Must keep abreast of developments in public policy.

§  Ability to manage and motivate staff, including skills in relation to delegation, training, target setting and performance management.

§  Ability to establish and maintain constructive working relationships at all levels and develop communication systems between teams.

§  Financial management skills to support the preparation and control of the academy budget.

§  Analytical skills including the ability to interpret and summarise data, legal documents and other regulations affecting education.

§  Written communication skills, including the ability to write clear reports for a variety of audiences.

§  Oral communication skills, including the ability to contribute to discussion and decision making in meetings and to handle difficult situations with sensitivity.

§  Efficient and accurate administrative skills, including the ability to be well organised, to prioritise tasks and to meet deadlines.

§  A high level of ICT skills including the use of Excel, Word, management information systems and ideally experience of SAGE or other accounting software.