Wayland Weekly
November 18, 2011
Our Mission:Every Person, Every Day, Working Together in a Proficient Way! / Happy Thanksgiving!
No school
Nov. 23, 24, & 25
Dates to Remember
Nov. 23: Hispanic/ESLDinner 11:30 -1:00
Beaver Dam School
Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving
Break – No School
Nov. 29: No Wayland
Dec. 7: Christmas Club 2:30
Dec. 8: Show Choir Holiday
Performance and
PTO meeting 5:30 PM
Dec. 20: School-wide
Holiday Assembly
Dec. 21- Jan. 3: Winter Break
No School
Mar. 1: Dr. Seuss Night
4H Poster Winners
The following students were the classroom winners for 4H posters: Sixth grade- Blaine Gillim, Madison Gilbert, Wyatt Hundley, and Cayden Rambo. Blaine Gillim was the overall 6th grade winner and the county winner for the 6th grade. Fifth grade- Ronnie Burden, Jessica Cox, Tracy Pullen, and Raine Ward. Ronnie Burden was the overall 5th grade winner. Fourth grade – Austin Sexton, Tori Christian, Austin Ward, and Hannah Logsdon. Austin Sexton was the overall 4th grade winner.
Head Lice
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Can wigs or hairpieces
spread head lice?
Head lice and their eggs (nits) soon perish if separated from their human host. Adult head lice can live only a day or so off the human head without blood for feeding. Nymphs (young head lice) can live only for several hours without feeding on a human. Nits (head lice eggs) generally die within a week away from their human host and cannot hatch at room temperature lower than that of a human scalp. For these reasons, the risk of transmission of head lice from a wig or hairpiece is extremely small, particularly if the wig or hairpiece has not been worn within the preceding 48 hours by someone who is actively infested with live head lice.
Christmas Club Dec. 7
On Wed., Dec. 7, at 2:30 Audubon Area Community Services and the Wayland FRC will host a party for the Christmas Club. We will have food, fun and a gift for all members. The kids will join us when a special guest arrives around 3:00. For more information, call 298-4063.
Wayland Weekly
Distribution List
To have the Wayland Weekly sent to you electronically, email.
The next Wayland Weekly will be available the week after Thanksgiving Break. /“Test” One Call
Parents, we will be issuing a “test” one call on Monday, Nov. 28, from 5:30 -7:30 PM. If you do not receive this One Call and would like to receive One Call Notifications from Wayland, please send a note with your child that includes the names of people to add, along with their phone numbers. An accurate information system will help us in relaying information regarding school closings once the weather
becomes inclement. We appreciate your help in insuring that our information on how to contact you is current.
Parent Portal Mobile App
There is a new mobile app for Infinite Campus’ Parent Portal. Directions for downloading the app are under the parent portal link on the Ohio County Schools webpage. The access code is KPYSRY.
Developmental Asset
of the Month
Together We Care and Ohio County Schools have partnered to promote Developmental Assets in Ohio County. This strength-based model focuses on “building blocks of healthy development that help youth grow up healthy, caring and responsible”. The developmental asset for November is #9 – Service to Others. Encourage children to help others. Ideas include raking leaves for an elderly neighbor, helping a sibling with homework, picking up trash on the playground,
setting the dinner table, or making a card for a sick relative. Make someone’s day!
Medicaid Managed
Care Program
Medicaid Managed Care changes went into effect on Nov. 1, 2011. If your child has a Medicaid or KCHIP card, the school needs to update your information, so please return the form sent home from the Green River District Heath Department as soon as possible. Call 855-446-1245 for information.
We are thankful for all of our Wayland parent and community volunteers! / Transportation Changes
Parents and Guardians, if you have a transportation issue, such as a child not getting off the bus or not being picked up, please call the transportation department directly at 298-4832. Someone is available at the school to answer the phones until 4:00, but often the transportation department can remedy the situation in a quicker, more direct manner. Also we remind you that any and all transportation changes need to be made by 1:00 in the afternoon. We encourage you to only make transportation changes in the event of an emergency, as it causes confusion for both staff and students.
Thank You
Dr John Schertzinger recently donated a free youth eye exam for each of Wayland’s two math nights. Wal-Mart Optical Center in Central City also donated a free pair of youth glasses, lens wipes, and a portable DVD player for each event. We appreciate the prizes and the community involvement. Other businesses and groups that wish to participate can call the Family Resource Center at 298-4063.
Next Week’s Lunch Menu (4)
Monday – Turkey wrap or Rhode Island burger or chef salad; potato puffs, sun chips, green beans, tossed salad, veggie sticks/dip, fruit, milk.
Tuesday – Vegetable or chicken noodle soupwith grilled cheese and crackers or hamburger on bun with sun chips or chef salad; fruit, milk.
Nov. 28 – Dec. 2 Lunch Menu (1)
Monday – Taco with refried beans and rice or chicken on bun or chef salad; veggie sticks, fruit, milk.
Tuesday - Spaghetti with meat sauce & breadsticks or turkey wrap & Sun Chips or chef salad; peas, tossed salad, fruit, milk.
Wednesday – Cheese/pepperoni pizza or mac & cheese with mini corndogs or chef salad; green beans, garden salad, fruit, milk.
Thursday – Chicken strips with gravy & toast or BBQ chicken on bun or chef salad; oven fries, broccoli/cauliflower, dill spears, fruit, milk.
Friday – Cheeseburger or hamburger or ham wrap or chef salad; potato wedges, Sun Chips, sandwich toppings, fruit, milk.
Free Christmas Party
The Junior League of Owensboro is sponsoring a free children’s Christmas Party on Monday, December 19, from 5-7PM. It will be held at The Edge Ice Arena located in Owensboro at 1400 Hickman Ave. Join the fun and ice-skate. If you do not know how, there will be people at the arena to help you. Each child will receive treats, holiday snacks and a free gift. A very special guest will be there too. The party is free to anyone under 18 years old. For more information call