Parkwood Elementary School Council
Date: 09/24/2015
The Parkwood Elementary School Council met in regular session on Day: Thursday Date: 09/24/2015
Time: 7:30 A.M. in Parkwood Elementary School, Media Center Parkwood Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31093.
School Council Members Present:
Mr. Micah Emery
X Dr. Janet Sorrell
X Michelle Conley
X Alona Shenberger
School Council Members Absent: Ms. Nykinia Parker
Members were present, representing a quorum. 4/5= 80%
The following visitors attended the meeting:
1: Call to Order
____Dr. Sorrell______called the meeting to order at _7:30______AM.
2. Inspiration
_____Dr. Sorrell______delivered the inspirational message:
“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” - Saint Francis of Assisi
3. Pledge of Allegiance
__Dr. Sorrell______led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag.
4. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Mr. Emery Second: Mrs. Shenberger
Vote: __4__ Yes __0____ No 4:0
5. Approval of Minutes
Motion: Mrs. Shenberger Second: Mrs. Conley
Vote: ___4__ Yes ___0___ No 4:0
6. Recognition of Visitors:
7. Presentation(s) to School Council
8. Old Business
Motion: Mr. Emery Second: Mrs. Shenberger
Vote: __4___ Yes __0____ No 4:0
9: New Business:
Dr. Sorrell-
a. Review Schoolwide Improvement Plan for 2015-2016. Goals and plans for academic achievement will be met in the following ways: focus will be on implementing individual instruction with fidelity, improving consistency in implementing school discipline plan, and increasing stakeholder participation. For the benefit of all members present, Dr. Sorrell reviewed the structure of the GA Response to Intervention progression.
b. Data Summary: CCRPI data was reviewed to focus on Parkwood’s trending positive growth over the last 3 years. School ratings are derived from scores in areas of academic achievement, achievement gap, progress (value added), and school climate. In addition, Parkwood ranks among top schools in the state for “Beating the Odds” when compared to schools across the state with similar demographics. The Houston County Way is being stressed to remind us that we are proud of the work we put into our schools and into our students.
c. Budgeting: Parkwood anticipates 325,000 to be allocated among the following areas:
· Instructional Coach (Mrs. Stephanie Bennet)
· Intervention teacher (Mrs. Angela Rodgers)
· Class reduction teacher for fifth grade (Mr. Hilton)
· Parent Involvement Coordinator (Ms. Violet Martin)
· Books and supplies
· Saturday School, after school tutoring, and on-site Professional Learning
· Parent involvement activities
· Residual funds will be reallocated to books and supplies.
Council then decided there was no further business to discuss.
Motion: Mr. Emery Second: Mrs. Conley
Vote: __4___ Yes ___0___ No 4:0
10 Executive session:
Motion: Second:
Vote: _____ Yes ______No :
11 Adjournment
With no further business to come before the school council, the meeting was adjourned at
__8:00 A.M.______
Motion: Ms. Shenberger Second: Mr. Emery
Vote: ___4__ Yes _____0_ No 4:0