Parkway News
ParkwayPublic School, 24 Duncan Bull Dr.
Brampton , OntarioL6W 1H4
Tel: (905) 451-8440
Mr. S. Kissoon-Singh, Principale-mail
H. Mason, Superintendent905-451-2862
D. Green, Trustee905-495-7050
Principal's Message
At Parkway we continue with our fine programs! Students continue to grow in their knowledge and skills. Together, we strive to help each child to do his/her best.
School Events: A’ Special Thank You’ to all parents and guardians for your generous contributions to our Terry Fox Run. Together we raised more than $700.00 for this charity event. Our School Council completed another very successful fundraising campaign. Our children enjoyed an exciting ARTS presentation by the Kaha:Wi Dance Theatre. We also held a very successful Hallowe’en Parade and dance. Our student had lots of fun and enjoyed these events!
Our School Council generously donated the juice and glow bracelets for our students –Thank You very much.
Program: Our staff have worked together to establish our school success goals for this year. These goals will help us to continue to build on our programs at Parkway. We have identified goals in 5 key areas: Literacy, Numeracy, Pathways, School Community and Safety.
Here are our School Success goals, simply stated: In Literacy - we will focus on improving students’ vocabulary development and Reading skills. In Mathematics we will focus on improving students problem-solving skills. Our 3 other goals for the school year are:
(i) to facilitate a smooth transition for students as they move from one grade to another,
(ii) to maintain positive, respectful and caring school-community relations and
(iii) to continue to implement the Board and school’s character attributes and values through our classroom programs and school activities.
We will use these goals to guide us as we use our school budget, organize school programs and support our students in their learning.
Safety: At our recent Parkway Pride assembly we focused on the value of ‘Caring’.
We reviewed ways in which each of us could show ‘Caring’. We also discussed our school rules and our school values. Often at school, we encourage our students to be safe, friendly and respectful. Parents can also play an important role with this school focus.
Home-School partnership: It is always a pleasure to meet with parents/guardians in my school yard walkabouts! Please come out and join us at our next School Council meeting. Our next meeting will be on November 17th, starting at 7:00 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to support our home-school partnership.
Remember, good things happen for our school when we work together!
S. Kissoon-Singh, Principal
Please join us at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, November 9 for our Grades 1 to 5assembly honouring Canadians in the past and who continue to serve as present day Peacekeepers around the globe. Their sacrifices enable us to enjoy our wonderful, peaceful way of life in Canada. Poppies will be available for the students and donations from our families are welcomed, in support of the Royal Canadian Legion and veterans' care across Canada. This assembly will be hosted by our Grades 5 students.
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields
School Councils are a valuable part of school functioning. Parents provide important suggestions and ideas about what their children need to learn to become responsible citizens. We encourage as many parents as possible to join us.Together we can make a difference. Please note the next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the library.
Progress Reports
Each student in Grades 1 to 5 will receive a Progress Reports on Thursday, November 8 along with interview request forms. Parents of all students from Grade 1 to 5 will be invited to attend the Parent/Teacher Conferences on the evening of November 15 and on the morning of November 16. We will attempt to schedule “Family Interviews” together, students are invited to join their parents for interviews where appropriate.
It is very important that you call the
attendance line
to report your child's absence. Thank you to the many families who routinely use the attendance line to report student absences!
If you plan on volunteering this year and are a new volunteer whether at the school, or on school excursions you must have a volunteer criminal record check in place. Please contact the office for the appropriate form. Thank you so much to the many parents who have already gotten their checks. We don't want any parents disappointed – give us a call if you are unsure of the process. We value and want your involvement in your child's school program.
The summer weather has finally come to an end. It is important that children come to school dressed appropriately for the colder weather: i.e. hats, gloves/mitts, jackets and boots. Along with these items children should have a pair of indoor shoes to wear in class and during gym class.
We are now in cold and flu season and many students get sick. Please make sure that when you send your children to school they are well enough to participate in all school activities including outdoor recess as we do not have the space or personnel to watch children during recess breaks. We also discourage medication being brought to the school. Peel District School Board employees are not permitted to administer medication without a 'Form A' (which is available at the school office). The Form A must be completed by a physician. This applies to non-prescription medication as well.
During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of bad weather.
The board decides by 6:45 a.m. whether to cancel buses or close schools. To find out if busing is cancelled or schools closed, visit or call 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146. You will receive one of the following messages:
Peel District School Board buses are cancelled. Schools remain open for students and staff, but buses are cancelled. Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities that require busing will also be cancelled. Permits, night school classes, daycare and other activities in schools will operate as usual.
All Peel District School Board schools and board offices are closed. Due to weather conditions, schools and board offices are closed to students and staff. All activities in schools and board offices are also cancelled, including daycare, night school and permits.
Winter Bus Safety
The following winter school bus safety tips will help to keep your child safe throughout the winter months.
- Allow extra time to get to your bus stop.
- Wear bright clothing so the bus can see you
- Stand away from where the bus stops Buses need extra room to stop when there is snow and ice
- Use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping on wet or icy steps
- Dress properly—winter clothing
- Don't throw snowballs at the bus or other children
- Don't slide on the snow or ice patches in driveways or on the street.
- Don't push or shove around the bus. On very rare occasions, buses are late because of weather conditions or mechanical problems. Talk to your child about what to do if the bus is late. Here are some suggestions:
- When possible, wait with your child for the bus
- Make sure your child knows a phone number where he can reach you or another trusted adult
- Teach your child how and where to get help. Talk to your child about what a "safe" stranger is
- Help your child set up a bus stop buddy system so your child has someone to wait with for the bus
Prevent the flu
It’s in your hands!
Hand washing is the most important way to prevent the spread of infection. Always wash your hands with soap and water when they are dirty.
Clean your hands before:
- touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- touching/preparing food or drinks
- eating or drinking
- caring for someone in your home who can easily get sick
(baby, elderly or someone who has an unhealthy immune system)
- first aid
Clean your hands after:
- touching pets or other animals
- touching raw meat, particularly chicken
- touching surfaces such as a railing or grocery cart
- touching money
- touching objects sick people have touched
- touching blood or body fluids such as urine, vomit or feces
- contact with those who have a cold, the flu, diarrhea or virus of any kind
- changing diapers
- wiping your own or a child’s nose
- sneezing or coughing
- using a facial tissue
- using the washroom
- removing gloves
- cleaning
- gardening
What to do when you cough or sneeze:
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve
- put used tissues in the wastebasket
- clean your hands with soap and water and use a hand sanitizer
For more information call Peel Health at 905-799-7700 or visit
Parkway Public School Parent Council News
We are very excited to have a new Parkway Public School Parent Council Facebook page. Please visit our Facebook page for upcoming news, events and information at:
Make sure you “like” us on Facebook and tell your friends.
Our Nestle Chocolate Fundraiser was a huge success. Thank-you to all our students and Parkway families for selling chocolates. There were many prizes awarded to students including an Android Tablet!
Are you ready to show some Parkway pride? We are pleased to announce the creation of our new Parkway Panthers T-shirts. Attached is the T-shirt order form. Please note the order and payment are due in full by November 9. The monies raised from this project will be used to support technology initiatives at Parkway.
On October 19th we had our 2nd parent council meeting – items discussed were to do with how to allocate our fundraising efforts for 2012-2013. Two big ticket items are an information LCD screen for our front hallway and investing in Parkways Arts program including Drama, Dance & Visual Arts, Music and French, Literacy and getting our kids active.
Our next meeting is November 17th @ 7pm in the Library – all are welcome.
We are always in need of parents who can offer their time to volunteer with our movie nights, as well as other events ….before we know it Spring fair. Please message us on Facebook or you can leave your information with the office.
Stay tuned and remember to check our Facebook page for more great initiatives and events organized or supported by Parkway Public School Parent Council.