Parkway Towers Board of Directors
June27, 2017
Owners Present: Jim McTiernan, 1101; Debra Hamon, 906; Homer Gallan Jr., 1208; Phil O'Brien, 202 and 1106; Joseph Page, 207; Lisa Sullivan, 605-07; Joanna Sullivan, 601; Jared Miller, 703; Sondra Tutela, 405; Cruz Burges, 101; Bob Simon, 504.
1.Call to Order -- 6:31 p.m. by Branislav Strizak, vice president.
Jeff Teter, treasurer; Robert Boczkiewicz, secretary; Jill Hrobsky, director at large
Roberta Seligof Weststar Management Co., off-site manager assigned to PWT.
Absent: Glenn Mottau, president. Cathe Mitchell, on-site manager.
2.HVAC Project Report
Ms. Hrobsky said Xcel Energy and EVStudio engineersrecentlyconsulted on one aspect of the designof possible additional renovation of the HVAC system. Xcel is requiring that the design includereplacement of electrical equipment in the Electrical Room. She said this requirement has delayed the design by a little bit.
3.ApprovalofMay Board Meeting Minutes.
4.Review of Current Financials
a. Financials for the period endingMay 31, 2017
Mr. Teter said revenue "is coming in as planned." The balance in the Operating account was $66,652. The balance in the Reserves account was $267,985. He said it looks like spending is less than projected.
In the month of May, the regular monthly addition of $4,000 was added to Reserves; $7,000 was taken from Reserves to pay expenses, mostly for repairs to a metal panel on the exterior of the north side of our building.
5.Unfinished Business
a. Unit 105- Update
Ms. Selig said renovation of Unit 105 is about done
b. Pool Repair -Update
Ms. Selig said Metro Pools company is going to provide bids for removing the damaged pool liner and for resurfacing the pool. One bid so far for replastering the pool is $22,000. She said Palace Construction company is going to start work on July 24 to repair the deteriorated beam under the pool, and the job is anticipated to take five days. Therepair is contracted to cost $16,000.
There is only $15,000 allotted in budget for all pool costs. The Board will need to find a way to pay for pool expenses in excess of the $15,000.Options include: (1) Reducing or eliminating projects that were contemplated in other categories of the budget, (2) a special assessment in the range of $45,000, (3) dipping into Reserves. Reserves already are quite low and are being tapped to pay for pre-construction planning and engineering costs of possible HVAC additional renovation.
c. Pool Bathroom Roof Repair Bids
She said she still is waiting for more bids for repair of roof of bathrooms near the pool. One bid so far is $7,780.
d. Parking Deck Repair Update
She said she is waiting for another bid. One bid so far is $8,823. Another bid is $24,862.There is only $7,000 allotted in the budget for parking deck repairs. The Board will need to find a way to pay for repairs in excess of $7,000. Mr. Miller asked if the previous repair had a warranty. She said that side of the building was out of warranty.
6.New Business
a. Additional Items from the Board
Ms. Selig said a new survey of owners is needed to determine owners' willingness forour HOA to apply for a bank loan to finance the HVAC project. Mr. Miller asked if the survey will include context regarding the amount of interest that our HOA would have to pay on the loan. Mr. McTiernan asked why consideration is being given to obtain a loan inasmuch as no interest would have to be paid if owners paid directly to the HOA for the project. Mr. Gallan said the survey should include an item for ownerswho wantto show they want no financing. Ms. Hamon said the previous survey was not thoroughly thought out, a comment which other owners also made. Ms. Selig said she will send a draft of the survey to Alpine Bank, a potential lender, for review.
Mr.Strizak saidMs. Bullert, an owner, recently had damage to windshield of her car from what appears to be a piece of concrete. She wants our HOA to compensate her for the damage. He and Ms. Hamon and Ms. Hrobsky said there is no way to know whether the damage was caused by concrete falling from PWT.
Mr. Boczkiewicz saidthere continues to be frequent malfunctioning of the south elevator: People have been trapped in it at least three times in recent weeks. It was not working on the past two weekends. Our HOA pays $710 monthly to KONE company for a maintenance service contract. KONE charges overtime to work nights and weekends, such as occurred when people were trapped. He asked if there is any objection to obtaining bids from other elevator maintenance companies before the current contract automatically renews. No objection; Ms. Selig will seek bids.
Ms. Hrobsky and Mr. Boczkiewicz pointed out that last year KONE recommended improvements to the elevators be phased in over a period of a few years. The cost was estimated at somewhat more than $250,000.
7. Association Manager's Report
Ms. Selig reported she has ordered replacement, at a cost of $600,of the malfunctioning running belt on the treadmill.
Mr. Boczkiewicz asked Ms. Selig to find out what possible flood damage is referenced in a reportregarding testing done 5/26/17 on PWT's backflow assembly.
9. Homeowners Open Forum
Mr. Page said he saw on Zillow web site that it looks like Mr. Mottau has sold his unit. Mr. Page asked if Mr. Mottau is resigning from the Board. Ms. Selig said she thinks sale of his unit is set to close this week. Ms. Hrobsky said he can't be on the Board after he sells his unit.
Mr. Page said a RTD bus driver parks a bus on Hale Parkway adjacent to PWT property and dumps bus trash between the sidewalk and the street. Mr. Page encouraged residents to call RTD, per RTD's request, to reportwhen dumping happens in the future.
Discussion about possibility of painting the elevator room at the highest point of our building.
Mr. Boczkiewicz stated that Joanna Sullivan regularly cleans the elevators and lobby, and sometimes the floorin the mailbox roomout of the goodness of her heart as a volunteer to keep our building looking better.She does it on days when the cleaning service is not here. The cleaning service is here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. [Applause.]
Ms. Tutela said she will volunteer to pull weeds from the front garden.
Mr. Solzan asked what is the ratio of units occupied by owners compared to the number of units that are occupied by renters. Ms. Selig said she thinks 60 percent are occupied by renters.
Ms. Hamon said she has had to go to a hospital because of experiencingasthma due to dust at the construction project across Ash Street from PWT not being watered down.
Mr. Teter said three owners have paid a total of approximately $70,000 in advance toward the cost of a possible additional HVAC renovation. Ms. Selig said those payments are an open credit on the owners' accounts at our Association.
Mr. Miller asked what is the rate of interest being earned on our Association's Reserves account. Mr. Teter said the rate is between 0% and 1%. He said the account is available for quick access.
Adjournment:7:25 pm