PDC Innovation Configurations
ParkwaySchool District
The PDC Rep Learns and Applies
Exhibits deep understanding and meaning of new concepts :- HQPD
- Data
- Social Justice
- Etc.
Shares new learning with others on a regular basis. / Gaining a deeper understanding of concepts and strategies and shares new learning with others but does not act upon new learnings. / Gains awareness of new content and skill. Passes on information to principal; no deep understanding. / Gains awareness of new content knowledge; no deep understanding.
NSDC Standard: Learning
The PDC Rep Advocates for HQPD
Advocates for high quality professional development(results driven, research based, job embedded) by collaborating in the planning of school based and district professional learning.Ensures that the needs of ALL staff members, including specialists are met by gathering input, planning accordingly, and evaluating professional development.
As member of district PDC, actively participates in discussions around the district PD plan. / PDC rep contributes to the planning of professional development at the building level. Development planned may include components of HQPD, but not all.
Input is gathered from staff for PD. Learning is differentiated to meet the needs of the majority of staff members.
Makes efforts to ensure the needs of specialists are met. / Is aware there is a definition of HQPD.
Building level development is planned and facilitated but does not reflect goals, collaboration or input from staff members.
Input is gathered from staff for PD. Learning is not differentiated, everyone hears the same message.
Is unaware of district PD plan. / Does not know definition of High Quality Professional Development.
PDC rep is not involved in the planning of professional learning at the building level. Development is a “one size fits all” model.
NSDC Standard: Leadership
The PDC Rep Acts as a Resource
Actively solicits self as a resource by:- sharing information from PDC district meetings
- regularly offering support to mentors and new teachers and others
- School and district goals
- 0-30+ Development and Evaluation model
- Mentors and new teachers
- District PD questions
Shares information with some.
Keeps in contact with mentors and new teachers and shares information from district PDC. / Shares information upon request. / Is not seen as a resource nor acts as a resource.
NSDC Standard: Resources
The PDC Rep Communicates
Has a system for regularly communicating with staff members in the building (newsletter, email after PDC meeting etc.) and routinely shares information on topics such as:UBD
Social Justice
The PD Calendar
PD days
The MSIP survey
District PD plan
Etc. / Collaborates and communicates with colleagues by engaging in meetings to maintain content.
Content shared is in relation to input gathering only.
Utilizes the Staff Development website for resources. Refers others to the website.
Reads information posted on the PDC MOODLE. / Communication limited to those who ask for information.
Utilizes the Staff Development website for resources. / Works alone without professional exchange with colleagues.
NSDC Standard: Leadership
The PDC Rep Evaluates Professional Development
Uses data to evaluate the impact of professional development including:- Yearly HQPD survey
- School goals
- PGP topics
- Evaluation from PD days
Evaluations are of a higher level: how will new knowledge be used? What is the impact on students?
Contributes to decisions surrounding PD funding (district level) / Collects data including:
Yearly MSIP survey
School goals
PGP topics
Evaluation from PD days
Data may or may not be used to plan development.
Evaluations are of a slightly higher level: assessing the learning, looking for connections to the classroom
Is aware and knowledgeable about issues surrounding PD funding (district level). / Collects evaluations from PD days and verbal information.
Evaluations are of a lower level: reactions and rating scales
Is aware of PD funding (1% funding). / No evaluation of professional development occurs at the school level.
NSDC Standard: Data Driven