Grace Lutheran Church Council
Regular Meeting Minutes:December 10, 2017
Council Members Present:Chris Sloop, Randy Basinger, Brandi Overby, Megan Bame, Michael Miller, Anita Miller, Jeff Ritchie, Mike Stout, Monty Brown, Leslie Sechler, Jack Roberson, Gene Stirewalt
Council Members Elect Present: Brent Yost, Karen Hurst, Tony Sechler, Tim Sloop
Officers Present: Pastor Jerome Cloninger
Members Absent:Dolly Moose
- Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 AM by Chris Sloop.
- Devotions
Pastor opened the meeting with devotion and prayer.
- Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes from the November 12, 2017 regularly scheduled Council meeting were unanimously approved as amended.The Minutes were amended to show that a member would assist in funding one year of service and a new computer for the FLC sound system, if appropriate upgrades can be made.
- Officers’ Reports
- Pastor’s Report
The installation date of new council members will be January 7, 2018.
Communion assistants are needed for the Christmas Eve services.
- Treasurer’s Report
The current Fund Bank balance is $36,278.54.The year-to-date total is $2,226.18 in the black.
The remaining principal balance owed on the Family Life Center is $485,627.04.
- Team Reports
- Finance
The Current Fund for the month of November was short $3,344.87. The reason for the shortage was
-$2,200 went to payemployees who were under compensated in previous years and -$2,465 went to make an insurance payment.
Finance committee members have agreed to serve on the committee an additional year.
- Worship & Music:
It will bemid-January before Rebekah Safriet is available for the dedication of the piano.
- Cemetery:
No report
- Christian Education:
Kristi Miller is directing the Christmas play which will be Christmas Eve.
The Exploratory Committee for a future Director of Christian Education met. A future meeting will be held to meet with Tammy West from the SYNOD.
A motion was made to approve the Kids of Grace to go caroling at the nursing homeand shut-ins on December 17, 2017. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.
- Social Ministry:
There were 65 people served at the Homeless Shelter on December 5.
- Evangelism:
Exam Bags have been prepared and distributed to college students taking exams.
The Lutheran Men In Mission has agreed to be a co-sponsor for an annual BBQ Cookoff.
- Stewardship
No report
- Communications:
The Committee met with Walser Technology to discuss upgrade options for wi-fi services on our campus. The Committee plans to meet with another company to get their opinion on upgrade options as well.
- Property
New lights were installed in the office. As lights need to be replaced in the future,replacement lights will be energy efficient.
- Forward Together
The Committee will meet December 13, 2017.
- Mutual Ministry
No report
- Security Team
Dusk to dawn lights have been installed at the back of the shelter and the back of the Parrish Hall.
A door monitoring system has been installed to assist the Secretary.
- Old Business:
A motion was made to put the front pews back into the church. The vote showed that 5 approved, 4 objected, 4 abstained. The motion carried.
- New Business:
The following members are completing their Council service: Chris Sloop, Anita Miller, Michael Miller, Jeff Ritchie.
- Election of 2017 Council Executive Committee Officers
Mike Stout made a motion to appoint Randy Basinger as President. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.
Randy Basinger made a motion to appoint Tim Sloop as Vice President. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.
Pastor Jerome made a motion to appoint Brandi Overby as Secretary. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.
A motion was made to appoint Dolly Moose as Treasurer. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.
- Committee Appointments
Finance:Gene Stirewalt agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Property:Tony Sechler volunteered. Unanimously approved
Worship & Music:Jack Roberson agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Cemetery: Brent Yost volunteered. Unanimously approved
Christian Education: Leslie Sechler agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Stewardship:Karen Hurst volunteered. Unanimously approved
Social Ministry:Monty Brown agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Communications:Megan Bame agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Evangelism:Mike Stout agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Mutual Ministry:Brandi Overby agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
Forward Together:Randy Basinger agreed to serve. Unanimously approved
Risk Management: Monty Brown agreed to continue. Unanimously approved
- General Discussion
9.Announcements – reminder of communion servers/teller forDecember:
DecemberGene Stirewalt Mike Stout
Robin Bernhardt
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Sloop, Chairman
Brandi Overby, Secretary
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