Grace Lutheran Church Council

Regular Meeting Minutes:December 10, 2017

Council Members Present:Chris Sloop, Randy Basinger, Brandi Overby, Megan Bame, Michael Miller, Anita Miller, Jeff Ritchie, Mike Stout, Monty Brown, Leslie Sechler, Jack Roberson, Gene Stirewalt

Council Members Elect Present: Brent Yost, Karen Hurst, Tony Sechler, Tim Sloop

Officers Present: Pastor Jerome Cloninger

Members Absent:Dolly Moose

  1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 AM by Chris Sloop.

  1. Devotions

Pastor opened the meeting with devotion and prayer.

  1. Approval of the Minutes

The Minutes from the November 12, 2017 regularly scheduled Council meeting were unanimously approved as amended.The Minutes were amended to show that a member would assist in funding one year of service and a new computer for the FLC sound system, if appropriate upgrades can be made.

  1. Officers’ Reports
  1. Pastor’s Report

The installation date of new council members will be January 7, 2018.

Communion assistants are needed for the Christmas Eve services.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The current Fund Bank balance is $36,278.54.The year-to-date total is $2,226.18 in the black.

The remaining principal balance owed on the Family Life Center is $485,627.04.

  1. Team Reports
  1. Finance

The Current Fund for the month of November was short $3,344.87. The reason for the shortage was

-$2,200 went to payemployees who were under compensated in previous years and -$2,465 went to make an insurance payment.

Finance committee members have agreed to serve on the committee an additional year.

  1. Worship & Music:

It will bemid-January before Rebekah Safriet is available for the dedication of the piano.

  1. Cemetery:

No report

  1. Christian Education:

Kristi Miller is directing the Christmas play which will be Christmas Eve.

The Exploratory Committee for a future Director of Christian Education met. A future meeting will be held to meet with Tammy West from the SYNOD.

A motion was made to approve the Kids of Grace to go caroling at the nursing homeand shut-ins on December 17, 2017. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.

  1. Social Ministry:

There were 65 people served at the Homeless Shelter on December 5.

  1. Evangelism:

Exam Bags have been prepared and distributed to college students taking exams.

The Lutheran Men In Mission has agreed to be a co-sponsor for an annual BBQ Cookoff.

  1. Stewardship

No report

  1. Communications:

The Committee met with Walser Technology to discuss upgrade options for wi-fi services on our campus. The Committee plans to meet with another company to get their opinion on upgrade options as well.

  1. Property

New lights were installed in the office. As lights need to be replaced in the future,replacement lights will be energy efficient.

  1. Forward Together

The Committee will meet December 13, 2017.

  1. Mutual Ministry

No report

  1. Security Team

Dusk to dawn lights have been installed at the back of the shelter and the back of the Parrish Hall.

A door monitoring system has been installed to assist the Secretary.

  1. Old Business:

A motion was made to put the front pews back into the church. The vote showed that 5 approved, 4 objected, 4 abstained. The motion carried.

  1. New Business:

The following members are completing their Council service: Chris Sloop, Anita Miller, Michael Miller, Jeff Ritchie.

  1. Election of 2017 Council Executive Committee Officers


Mike Stout made a motion to appoint Randy Basinger as President. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.


Randy Basinger made a motion to appoint Tim Sloop as Vice President. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.


Pastor Jerome made a motion to appoint Brandi Overby as Secretary. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.


A motion was made to appoint Dolly Moose as Treasurer. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.

  1. Committee Appointments

Finance:Gene Stirewalt agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Property:Tony Sechler volunteered. Unanimously approved

Worship & Music:Jack Roberson agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Cemetery: Brent Yost volunteered. Unanimously approved

Christian Education: Leslie Sechler agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Stewardship:Karen Hurst volunteered. Unanimously approved

Social Ministry:Monty Brown agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Communications:Megan Bame agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Evangelism:Mike Stout agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Mutual Ministry:Brandi Overby agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

Forward Together:Randy Basinger agreed to serve. Unanimously approved

Risk Management: Monty Brown agreed to continue. Unanimously approved

  1. General Discussion

9.Announcements – reminder of communion servers/teller forDecember:


DecemberGene Stirewalt Mike Stout

Robin Bernhardt

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Sloop, Chairman

Brandi Overby, Secretary

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