Parkman Township Zoning Commission

September 23, 2008 Meeting

Zoning Commission Members Present: Carlos Nieves, Renee Patry, and Scott Villers and Debbie Wilson

Not Present: Freeman Miller, Len Hall, James Vaughan

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM by Carlos Nieves.

Mr. Nieves congratulated Debbie on her appointment to the board.

A motion was made by Mr. Villers and seconded by Mrs. Patry to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2008 meeting. Motion passed, Mrs. Wilson abstained.

Mrs. Patry made a motion to rescind the changes proposed to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution in numbers 2008-02 and 2008-03 due to the planning commission notes being received late. Mr. Nieves seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Villers moved to initiate changes to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution Articles II and IV, identified as number 2008-04. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nieves.

Roll Call

Renee Patry No

Scott Villers Yes

Carlos Nieves Yes

Debbie Wilson Yes

Mr. Villers moved that the Parkman Township Zoning Commission conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment, identified as number 2008-04, to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution on the 28th of October, 2008 at 7 o’clock pm at the Parkman Township Community House, First Floor. Mr. Nieves seconded the motion.

Roll Call

Renee Patry No

Scott Villers Yes

Carlos Nieves Yes

Debbie Wilson Yes

Mr. Nieves made a motion that the Parkman Township Zoning Commission submit a copy of the motion for the proposed amendment to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution, identified as number 2008-04, to the Geauga County Planning Commission. Mr. Villers seconded the motion. The motion passed by a majority vote, with Mrs. Patry voting no.

Mr. Nieves moved to initiate changes to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution Articles II and VII, identified as number 2008-05. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Patry.

Roll Call

Renee Patry Yes

Scott Villers Yes

Carlos Nieves Yes

Debbie Wilson Yes

Mrs. Patry moved that the Parkman Township Zoning Commission conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment, identified as number 2008-05, to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution on the 28th day of October, 2008 at 7 o’clock pm at the Parkman Township Community House, First Floor. Mr. Nieves seconded the motion.

Roll Call

Renee Patry Yes

Scott Villers Yes

Carlos Nieves Yes

Debbie Wilson Yes

Mr. Nieves made a motion that the Parkman Township Zoning Commission submit a copy of the motion for the proposed amendment to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution, identified as number 2008-05, to the Geauga County Planning Commission. Mrs. Patry seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Nieves brought up wind turbines. He asked if we need to consider looking at wind turbine regulations. It is covered in the revision we did of Section IV last year, 402.7, maximum height. Mr. Nieves will contact Mr. Dietrich to discuss this issue.

Our revised version of Article X: Administration was passed out to the committee for review.

The committee briefly discussed looking at the Model’s Landscaping language. Mr. Nieves made a motion to not consider Landscaping Regulations for Parkman Township at this time. Mrs. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The agenda for the October, 2008 meeting includes:

● Initiate Article X

● Discuss Section 901.0 meaning and possibly Initiate Article IX

● Begin review of Article XI: Enforcement

The committee decided not to meet in December 2008.

Mr. Nieves made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. Mr. Villers seconded the motion. All were in favor. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Connie M. Hasman

Parkman Township Zoning Commission Secretary

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