Parking and Access Control Services

General Services Administration Building

204 – 2075 Wesbrook Mall

Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z1

The following information is required in order for UBC Parking to assess for approval. Please forward this information to the following email contacts and/or contact us if you have any questions with this approval process.

Facility Manager, Tyler Stangier Phone604 612 0360

Operations Supervisor, Terrence Hui Phone 604 822 4621

Event Coordinator, Marcy Tween Phone604 822 3139

In order to assess your event request, please forward the following information:

A.  Pre-Event:

1.  Event name

2.  Event start date/time

3.  Event end date/time

4.  Number of participants

5.  Number of spectators

6.  Number of vehicles

7.  Location

8.  Any parking restrictions required

9.  Event communication signage to be used at following points: SW Marine Drive & 16th Ave, 16th Ave & Wesbrook Mall, University Blvd & Wesbrook Mall, Chancellor Blvd & Wesbrook Mall

I.  Customer signage warning commuters of pending road closures due to event

(post 1 month before event) – UBC Parking would be pleased to provide this service. Please contact us for pricing.


II.  Ministry of Transportation approved portable message board (post 1 month before event) – contact the UBC Parking Event Coordinator for further information.

10.  Notification to residents (distribute 3 weeks before event). Please submit sample.

11.  Notification of street parking restrictions. Organizer may post own signage but must submit a sample by email to obtain approval 3 weeks prior to event. UBC Parking would be pleased to provide this service. Please contact us for pricing.

12.  Secure authorization for use of a parkade or parking stalls in an outdoor parking lot from UBC Parking.

13.  Authorization & approval of parking lot closure. A contract will be emailed to organizers for signature & must be returned 2 weeks before the event.

14.  Information regarding parking permits, parking vouchers or loading zone permits, please contact the Event Coordinator.

15.  Submit photocopies of approval and permits from the Ministry of Transportation, Traffic Management Plan, Emergency & Incident Management Plan, proof of insurance and sample of Resident Notification Letter.

16.  Will portable MODULOC Fencing be used? To reduce the likelihood of problems occurring, hard barricades should not be used to block any access as these types of barriers may require significant effort to remove or open. Soft or portable traffic barricades (including tape) are recommended and easy to open/remove.

B.  During Event:

1.  UBC Parking provides complete Traffic Management Services; from signage to equipment, lane & road closure technicians, Certified Traffic Control Personnel & Traffic Management Plan development.

2.  Traffic Control Personnel (TCPs) should be contracted through UBC Parking, as our TCPs are familiar with the University and University Commuters.

3.  Please contact us to discuss your traffic control requirements in detail & illustrate how we can provide a custom work zone management program at an attractive cost.

C.  Post Event:

1.  Ensure cleanup of the parkade or parking lot is complete or a fee will be applied

2.  Take down of all signage posted by organizer or a fee will be applied

Traffic Management on the UBC Vancouver Campus

All closures or restrictions of vehicular or pedestrian travel at UBC must receive adequate consideration and planning. Organizers should be aware of the primary condition of their use of UBC’s vehicular or pedestrian/cycle travel paths, which is that Emergency Services (Police, Fire & Ambulance) and Campus Security have immediate priority access to any roadway, access path or area being used in an event. Organizers should ensure that Event Staff have adequate training and authority to suspend or stop the flow of event participants or racers should this be necessary to provide immediate access for Emergency Services or Campus Security.

Due to critical access requirements, vehicular traffic may not be restricted on East Mall between University Blvd and Thunderbird Blvd.