School Offer

“Revised Summer Term 2016”

Reviewed and updated 27/6/16

Special Educational Needs Provision
/ The SENCO will:
  • Work with all teaching staff to remove barriers to learning and ensure that staff have access to information relating to specific Special Educational Need issues
  • Attend meetings related to specific Special Educational Needs and ensure that the Learning Support Assistants are effectively deployed in the school.
  • To overview the SEN register and ensure that SEN students are supported in their lessons.
  • Work closely with outside agencies to share information with teaching staff.
  • Liaise with the SEN Link Governor at key points in the year.

Special Educational
Needs Department / The SEN Department currently comprises of :
2 Higher Level Teaching Assistants
5 Learning Support Assistants.
The staff will:
  • Work closely with teaching staff to create inclusive lessons and bridge the gaps that students with additional needs face on a day to day basis.
  • Provide support outside the classroom in small teaching groups or 1:1 situations. And where needed accompany students on external trips.
  • Offer homework clubs after school and drop in groups at lunch time for students.
  • Specifically mentor students with Special Educational Needs to oversee their progress on a weekly basis.

Looked After Children
/ There is a designated member of the Senior Leadership Team who will oversee the support and provision within school. ‘Learning Co-ordinator’s closely monitors progress along with the tracking systems that exist within school. All children will take an active and full part of school. life.
Review and Feedback
/ In order to improve feedback there are various mechanisms within school and these include: Parental Surgeries, feedback from each set of reports. Within every ½ term the HLTA’s offer a drop in session to provide support and implement any actions required.
Exam Concessions / As part of our good practice every Year 9 pupil will be screened as part of our exam concession process. This screening allows us to identify any weakness a pupil may have and investigate further. If further investigations prove a pupil may be disadvantaged in an exam due to an under average reading age or slow process skills, pupils will be referred to a specialist who will use JCQ approved testing to confirm if a pupil should be granted any exam concessions. JCQ state only pupils who have a standardised score of 84 or below are working under the expected average and could be entitled to a concession in their exam to overcome this barrier. However this must be proved to be a pupils normal way or working.
Pastoral Care
Guidance Manager
North Lodge
/ In order to support students in school there is a Guidance Manager at North Lodge who will monitor attendance and also support students in school. They are also there to offer support and guidance to students within school on a day to day basis. All guidance managers are a point of contact for day to day issues for parents and students alike. They offer a gateway for parents to alert the school to potential issues.
Guidance Manager
Church Chare.
/ In order to make the transition process from North Lodge to Church Chare there is also a Guidance Manager on the Church Chare site.
Whose role is identical to the one at North Lodge.
Guidance Manager - Church Chare
(Sixth Form)
/ The provision of care is then replicated into Sixth Form and the Guidance Manager again provides support and monitors attendance within the Post 16 element of school.
Learning Co-ordinators
/ Each year group has a named learning co-ordinator who provide a range of support strategies from the list below for students with Special Educational Need:
●Homework catch-up
●Time out cards
●School Counsellor referrals
●Behaviour support
●Student Support Department referrals
●Alternative/reduced timetables
●Enabling advice/support from specialist support staff, e.g. advisory teachers
●Behaviour advice/support
●Alternative provision
●Medical referrals (school nurse)
●Positive mentoring
●Liaison with parents for academic, behavioural and other concerns.
●Sharing information and guidance with subject staff
Tutors and Mentors
/ In order to support Special Educational Need students they are assigned a Mentor who meets with them on a regular basis. They offer support to the student and can also help them complete their Records of Achievement.
Tutors can be the ambassador for you they can support you by:
  • Talking to you about school
  • Oversee any issues
  • Liaise with teachers about any issues
  • Over advise and guidance
The Mentors could be Sixth Formers, Teaching Staff or a Learning Support Assistant.
Student Support
School Counsellor
/ Within school there is access to a School Counsellor who can offer support to students at various points of their school career. A referral to the school counsellor is made via the pastoral team.
Mentoring (Staff) / Where needed staff can mentor students on a regular basis and set targets for students that are then monitored on a regular basis.
Mentoring (Sixth Form Students) / The school has invested in Student Mentors and this has been very successful in enabling students to work with their peers. They work on completing the Record of Achievement so that the students can maintain these records in preparation for Year 11.
School Nurse
/ The school nurse will attend meetings and will also offer drop in sessions within school on a regular basis.
Park View Learning.
/ At Park View all teachers embrace a student centred approach in their classrooms. The ethos of Park view Learning ensures that quality first teaching is delivered in all lessons.
Lessons will involve a wide variety of tasks and activities that will support all learners.
Go Ahead Days
/ Go Ahead days allow students to work with their Tutor Groups on various projects. This allows students to further develop their social skills as often these days include group challenges/presentations. The students may also work with external providers. All students take part in any external visits.
House System
/ The school has introduced a house system which comprises of four houses, Darwin (Blue), Franklin (Purple), Wilberforce (Red) and Newton (Green) and each one supports their own charity. Each house is led by two members of our teaching staff, who organises and communicates competitions to all students. Each student at Parkview will be assigned to a house when they enter the school and are identified by their own individual badge colour placed on their blazer. Siblings are usually placed in the same house.The aim of the house system is to encourage team building, motivate and inspire students to get involved in charity events and raise money for their specific charity. Events cover a wide range of activities so every student can strive to be an active member of their team.
Student Support Centre / The Student Support Centre (SSC) is based in the Garden House within the school grounds
Students from Year 7 -11 are referred by their Learning Co-ordinators or other members of the Senior Leadership Team for periods of time ranging from one day to several weeks. These referrals could be for failing to adhere to the Park View Code or serious one off incidents such as fighting or stealing.
Staff in the Student Support Centre work closely with teaching staff to ensure that work provided is differentiated for the student so that they can still access their curriculum.
There are times when staff in the Student Support Centre work to support Special Educational Need students on social skills.
Staff ensure they are aware of the Special Educational Needs of the students and actively read Individual Education Plans or speak to a Learning Support Assistant for further advice and guidance.
Whilst in the SSC students are expected to maintain very high standards of work ethic, appropriate to ability whilst showing consistent courtesy and respect to staff and peers.
During their time in the SSC the students will complete academic work set either by teaching staff or the staff within the SSC. Although a referral to the SSC is primarily a sanction, the students are offered support in rethinking their current behaviours and revising strategies to ensure a successful transition back into mainstream lessons and beyond.
The SSC is sometimes used as a refuge for students who may be experiencing difficult times within or external to the school setting.
External Links
If U Care Share.
/ The school is proud to be associated with If U Care Share and does a lot of work to support this charity. There is a strong link with this charity within school and it has a high presence within the school community.
Ethnic Minority and Traveller
Achievement Service
/ When a student joins Park View with English as an additional language a designated Learning Support Assistant will work closely with Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service and the school to ensure that the relevant support is put in place for that student in lessons and everyday life.
Homes and Hospital Services
/ There may be times when your son/daughter can-not attend school due to a medical reason. In this case the school will work closely with the Homes and Hospitals Service to provide support for their learning.
In order to maximise the support given key teaching staff/ teachers will liaise directly with the Tutor assigned to support your son/daughter.
This service also supports students who have Cerebral Spinal Fluid/Myalgic Encephalopathy access school.
Children and Adults
Mental Health Service
/ If needed the school can refer to Children and Adults Mental Health Service and will work closely with this service to implement strategies to support students within school.
ADHD / ASD Advisory Service
SEND Team.
/ When required the school will work closely with these agencies in order to support the students in school and remove barriers to learning.
Advisory teachers visit school and meet with students and offer guidance to the school. This is then shared with the teaching staff so that they can adopt the suggested strategies in their lessons.
Careers Guidance/One Point Service
/ School has a Careers Guidance Officer who will work with all students in formulating their next steps once they look to move on from Park View. There is also a link with a One Point Advisor who can also offer support and advice as the students make those moves into Post 16 Education.
Family Liaison Officer
/ Within school there is a member of staff who can support families with attendance issues or indeed any wider issues that might be preventing a student from coming to school. They work closely with both families and students and work to remove the barriers to learning that could arise during a student’s educational career. Learning Co-ordinators ask FLO to visit homes of students where they think there may be underlying concerns/welfare issues. Where required a referral to appropriate agencies for support.
Primary Transition
Classes for Year 5 students / In order to support students make the transition departments offer school visits and activities to ensure that Year 5 students feel comfortable when they make the transition to Park View in Year 7
Primary Visits Year 6 - 7 / The school organises a series of days that allows the students to experience school. Additionally to this Special Educational Needs students are invited in to work with the Learning Support Assistants on various activities to help them feel more settled when they join in Year 7.
Additional visits for SEN students to
Park View
/ In order support the transition from Primary to Secondary Park View organises a series of sessions that allow Special Educational Needs students to visit school and become familiar with the school.
These sessions are run by the Special Educational Needs Department and only involve a small group of students at any one time.
Close liaison with Primary Schools to ensure information is clearly communicated.
/ Although the Learning Co-Ordinator in Year 7 and North Lodge Guidance manager visit the Primary Schools the Special Educational Needs department will make contact with the Primaries to ensure that relevant information is shared in readiness for the start of Year 7.
YEAR 8 – 9
/ Students take part in a two day transition to support their needs when moving from Yr8 to Year 9 to our Church Chare site. Pupils with SEND will take part in an extended transition programme lasting over a period of weeks and supported by LSA’s where needed.
/ Identified SEND students will be supported in seeking a range of opportunities for their post 16 education. LSA’s can accompany students to potential future educational establishments to explore their options. Students will consult with One Point advisors to ensure where possible all are placed on appropriate courses