Thomas Sphicopoulos
Position / Professor
Contact address: / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Division of Communications and Signal Processing, Panepistimiopolis - Ilissia, 15784 Athens, Greece.
Tel: +301 7275313, Fax: +301 7275601
e-mail: /
Academic Qualifications:
1976 / Diploma in Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1977 / DEA (Diplome d' Etudes Aprofondies) in Electronics and Metrology, with specialization in Microwaves, Department of Physics, Division of Applied Physics, University of Paris “Pierre et Marie Curie” (Paris VI).
1980 / Doctorate in Electronics, University of Paris VI.
1986 / Doctorat es Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne - EPFL.
Professional Background:
1976-1977: / Researcher in Central Research Laboratory of THOMSON-CSF, Corbeville, France, in Microwaves Division.
1977-1980: / Researcher in THOMSON-CSF, Division of Aeronautics Infrastructure, St-Denis, France.
1980-1986: / Scientific Collaborator in Electromagnetism and Acoustic Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne.
1988-1990: / Research Fellow in the Electronics Laboratory of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1990-1994: / Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1994-1998: / Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
1998-today: / Professor of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
2000-today / Chairman of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Scientific Interests and Qualifications:
The main scientific Interests are Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits and Microwave Communications. Responsible of about 25 National and European R&D projects (RACE I and II, ACTS, RISI, HCM, COST, IST etc). More than 70 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is also a reviewer in journals of IEEE and IEE. Auditor and evaluator of RACE and ACTS projects. Chairman of the IEEE LEOS Chapter (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia)
- Integrated Optoelectronics towards the coherent multichannel IBCN - R1027. RACE Project (1987-1992).
- Evolution Prospects and Framework - R1044. RACE Project (1989 -1992).
- OEIC Modules for the Access Network / OMAN-R2073. RACE Project (1992-1995).
- Advanced Research on Transmission and Enhanced Multi-gigabit Interconnection by Solitons / ARTEMIS-R2015. RACE Project (1992-1995).
- Tools for Introduction scenario and Techno-economic evaluation of Access Networks / TITAN - 2087. RACE Project (1992-1995
- Modelling and Measuring Advanced Photonic Components for Telecommunications / COST 240. (1991-1997).
- Broadband Lightwave Sources and Systems - BLISS. ACTS Project (1995-1998).
- Vertical Cavity Laser Technology for Interconnection and Access Links - VERTICAL ACTS Project (1995-1998
- Multigigabit Interconnection using Dispersion Compensation and Advanced Soliton Techniques MIDAS. ACTS Project (1995-1998).
- PICO-GIGA. Human Capital and Mobility (1994 - 1997).
- ΑΤΗΙΝΑ Action Plan for the Information Society of Attica. RISI Project - Regional Information Society Initiative (DG-V) (1996-1998).
- Survey of Information Society developments in the CEEC and Mediterranean countries ESSIS II (1999-2000).
- TONIC TechnO-ecoNomICs of IP optimised networks and services. IST Project (2001-2003).
[1] F. E. Gardiol, T. Sphicopoulos, V. Teodoridis
The reflection of open ended circular waveguides. Application to nondestructive measurement of materials.
Reviews of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 325-364, Plenum Press 1983
[2] T: Sphicopoulos
C-slot: A practical solution for phased arrays of radiating slots located on the narrow side of rectangular waveguides.
ΙEE Proc., part H, no 2, pp. 49-55, april 1982
[3] L. G. Bernier, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Automatic determination of frequency response parameters and distortion in resonant microwave cavities.
Archiv Elektronik Ubertragungstechnik (AEU), vol. 36, pp. 479-480, nov. 1982
[4] T. Sphicopoulos, V. Teodoridis, F. E. Gardiol
Tractable form of the dyadic Green function for applications to multilayered isotropic media.
Electronics Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1055-1056, 24 nov. 1983
[5] L. G. Bernier, T. Shpicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
An automatic system for the measurement of the field distribution in resonant cavities.
IEEE Trans. Meas., vol. IM-32, pp. 462-466, dec. 1983
[6] T. Sphicopoulos, L. G. Bernier, F. E. Gardiol
Theory of coupled modes in a cylindrical cavity of arbitrary cross-section.
Archiv Elektronik Ubertragungstechnik (AEU), vol 38, no 2, pp. 126-130, mar. 1984
[7] T. Sphicopoulos, L. G. Bernier, F. E. Gardiol
Theoretical basis for the design of the radially stratified dielectric-loaded cavities used in miniaturised atomic frequency standards.
IEE Proc., vol. 131, part H, no 2, pp. 94-98, apr. 1984
[8] T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Mesures informatisees de resonateurs. (Μετρήσεις αντηχείων με τη βοήθεια του υπολογιστή).
Bulletin ASE-SEV, vol. 75, no 21, pp. 1275-1278, nov. 1984
[9] C. Bourat, J. C. Besson, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Discontinuite abrupte entre un guide circulaire inhomogene et un guide circulaire homogene. (Απότομη ασυνέχεια μεταξύ ενός κυκλικού ανομοιογενή κι ενός κυκλικού ομοιογενή κυματοδηγού).
L’Onde Electrique, vol. 65, no 1, pp. 42-47, jan. 1985
[10] V. Teodoridis, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
The reflection in open-ended rectangular waveguides.
Mikrowellen Magasin, vol. 11, no 3, pp. 234-238, mai 1985
[11] V. Teodoridis, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
The reflection from an open-ended rectangular waveguide terminated by a layered dielectric medium.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-33, no 5, pp. 359-366, mai 1985
[12] T. Sphicopoulos, V. Teodoridis, F. E. Gardiol
Dyadic Green function for the electromagnetic field in multilayered isotropic media:
An operator approach.
IEE Proc., vol. 132, part H, no 5, pp. 329-334, aug. 1985
[13] T. Martinson, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Nondestructive measurements of materials using a wave-fed series slot array.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol IM-34, no 3, pp. 422-426, sep. 1985
[14] T. Sphicopoulos, V. Teodoridis, F. E. Gardiol
Simple nondestructive method for the measurement of material permittivity.
J. Microwave Power, vol. 20, no 3, pp. 165-172, oct. 1985
[15] J. Macedo, T. Sphicopoulos
On the transmission line model of the waveguide-cavity-waveguide junctions formed by circular irises.
Mikrowellen Magasin, vol. 12, no 6, pp. 619-623, nov. 1986
[16] T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
A compact resonator for frequency standards.
Mikrowellen Magasin, vol. 13, no 2, pp. 167-171, mar. 1987
[17] T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Slotted tube cavity: A compact resonator with empty core.
IEE Proc., vol. 134, part H, no 5, pp. 405-410, oct. 1987
[18] T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Phased arrays using C-slots on the narrow side of rectangular waveguides.
Mikrowellen Magasin, vol. 14, no 2, pp. 117-123, March 1988.
[19] T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Resonateur compact pour hyperfrequences. (Συμπαγές αντηχείο για εφαρμογές μικροκυμάτων).
L’ Onde Electrique, vol. 68, no 2, pp. 65-71, fev. 1988
[20] L. Barlatey, J. R. Mosig, T. Sphicopoulos
Analysis of stacked microstrip patches with a mixed potential integral equation.
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-38, no 5, pp. 608-615, may 1990
[21] T. Sphicopoulos, A. Chipouras, K. Liolioussis
Green function for the three-dimensional analysis of electro-optic modulators.
Applied Optics, vol. 30, no 27, pp. 3862-3866, sept. 1991
[22] I. Orfanos, T. Sphicopoulos, A. Tsigopoulos, C. Caroubalos
A Tractable above-threshold model for the design of DFB and phase-shifted DFB Lasers.
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 946-956, april 1991
[23] A. Tsigopoulos, T. Sphicopoulos, I. Orfanos, S. Pantelis
Wavelength tuning Analysis and Spectral Characteristics of three-section DBR lasers.
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 415-426, febr. 1992
[24] T. Sphicopoulos, I. Orfanos, A. Tsigopoulos, C. Caroubalos
Wavelength tuning analysis in three-electrode DFB lasers.
Int. J. Optoelectronics, vol. 7, 1992
[25] Τ. Sphicopoulos, A. Anastassiadou, I. Orfanos, C. Caroubalos
Frequency Modulation Characteristics of Three section DBR Lasers.
IEE Proc. pt. J, Optoelectronics, vol. 140, no. 3, pp.201-205, June 1993.
[26] Α. Chipouras, G. Papastergiou, T. Sphicopoulos
Fabrication Tolerance Analysis of an OEIC Duplexer.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.5, pp.800-803, July 1993.
[27] J. Frantzeskakis, T. Sphicopoulos
Nonlinear self-phase modulation in optical soliton systems with lumped amplifiers , Optics Communications, vol. 101, No. 5-6, pp.337-341, September 1993.
[28] V. Tzelepis, A. Markatos, S. Kalpogiannis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos
Analysis of a passively mode locked self-starting all fiber soliton laser
IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, Vol.11, No.11, pp. 1729-1736, November 1993.
[29] V. Tzelepis, Th. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos
Passive harmonic mode-locking in all-fibre soliton laser: Energy states and stability aspects.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 47-49, January 1994.
[30] V. Paschos, T. Sphicopoulos, D. Syvridis, C. Caroubalos
Influence of Thermal Effects on the Tunability of 3-Electrode DFB Lasers.
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol 30, No 3, pp 660-667, March 1994.
[31] G. Mothier, R. Baets, A. Tsigopoulos, T. Sphicopoulos, et al.
Comparison of different DFB laser models within the European COST 240 collaboration.
IEE Proc., Part J Optoelectronics, vol. 141, No.2, pp. 82-88, April 1994.
[32] A.Chipouras, S. Markatos, T.Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos, H.F.Mahlein and R.Matz
Performance Estimation and Yield Analysis of an OEIC Passive Duplexer,
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 14, No 2, pp 164-168, February 1996
[33] A. Tsigopoulos, A. Chipouras, T. Sphicopoulos, D. Syvridis and M.E. Fafalios
Electrical crosstalk analysis due to bondwire capacitive induced coupling in OEIC transceiver modules.
Int. J. Optoelectronics, Vol 11, No 4, pp 239-246, November 1997
[34] C. Eleftherianos, V Tzelepis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos
Performance study of guiding-filter soliton control techniques under strong interaction
J. Optical Communications, Vol 19, No 1, pp 19-23, January 1998
[35] I. Zaharopoulos, I. Tomkos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos, E. Roditi
Study of polarization-insensitive wave mixing in bulk semiconductor optical amplifiers.
IEEE Photonics Techn. Letters, Vol 10, No 3, pp 352-354, March 1998
[36] C. Eleftherianos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos
Maximum transmission distances of 40Gbit/s soliton systems in presence of PMD
Electronic Letters, Vol. 34, No 7, pp 688-690 , April 1998
[37] I. Tomkos, I Zaharopoulos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos and E. Roditi
Improved performance of a wavelength converter based on dual pump four wave mixing in bulk semiconductor optical amplifiers.
Applied Physics Letters , Vol. 72, No 20, 1998
[38] C. Eleftherianos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos and C. Caroubalos
Influence of PMD on the transmission of parallel and orthogonal polarised solitons
Optics Communications, 158, 14-18, 1998
[39] I. Tomkos, I Zaharopoulos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos and E. Roditi
Performance of a re-configurable wavelength converter based on dual pump wave.mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 10, 1998.
[40] Dimitris Katsianis, Ilari Welling, Maria Ylönen, Dimitris Varoutas, Thomas Sphicopoulos, Nils Kristian Elnegaard, Borgar T. Olsen, Lucien Budry
The financial perspective of the mobile networks in Europe
Accepted for publication in IEEE Personal Communications.
[1] G. Cachier, M. Del Giudice, A. C. Derycke, L. Dupont, J. Espaignol, J. Stevance, T. Sphicopoulos
Circuit modelling of the millimeter wave modular oscillators
1977 Active Microwave Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, Cornell University, august 16-18, 1977
[2] L. G. Bernier, T. Sphicopoulos, J. F. Zurcher, M. Winter, F. E. Gardiol
An automatic measurement system and modelization for coupled resonant modes in microwave cavities.
IMEKO 9th World Congress, Berlin, vol. V, pp. 197-206, 24-28 may 1982
[3] T. Sphicopoulos, V. Teodoridis, F. E. Gardiol
Reflection d’ un guide circulaire ouvert: Mesure de materiaux:
3θmes Journιes Nationales Microondes, Toulouse, 28-30 juin 1982
[4] V. Teodoridis, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
The reflection of open ended rectangular waveguides covered by dielectric slab: Application to nondestructive measurement of lossy materials.
1983 URSI Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Santiago de Compostela, pp. 573-576, aug. 1983
[5] T. Martinson, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Nondestructive measurement of lossy materials using the reflection from an array of narrow series slots on the broad face of a rectangular waveguide.
13th European Microwave Conference, Nuremberg, pp. 407-412, sept. 1983
[6] T. Sphicopoulos, L. G. Bernier, F. E. Gardiol
Theoretical analysis for the design of a compact circular cavity with empty core.
14th European Microwave Conference, Liθge, pp. 329-334, 9-14 sept. 1984
[7] C. Bourat, J. C. Besson, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Discontinuite abrupte en guide circulaire inhomogene.
4θmes Journιes Nationales Microondes, Lanion, EM12, 27-29 juin 1984
[8] J. C. Besson, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Step discontinuity in inhomogeneous circular waveguides
Proc. MELECON’85, Madrid, vol. III, pp. , 8-10 oct. 1985
[9] J. C. Besson, T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Discontinuite abrupte en guide circulaire inhomogene excitee par le mode dominant:
Congrθs Optique Hertzienne et Diιlectrique; Grenoble, 16-18 sept. 1985
[10] T. Sphicopoulos, F. E. Gardiol
Design of phased arrays using arbitrary shaped slots on the narrow side of rectangular waveguides.
Proc. MELECON’85, Madrid, vol. III, pp. 187-191, 8-10 oct. 1986
[11] M. C. Festeau-Barrioz, A. Lietti, A. Perrenoud, C. Rieder, M. Schleipen, M. Q. Tran, M. T. Tran, R. Aeberhard, J. C. Besson, F. E. Gardiol, T. Sphicopoulos, J. F. Zurcher, K. Holm, D. Kuse, A. Bondeson.
Quasi-optical gyroklystron development at the CRPP.
Proc. 4th International Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Roma, vol. II, pp. 1437-1443, 21-28 march 1984
[12] S. Alberti, B. Isaak, A. Lietti, A. Perrenoud, M. Q. Tran, R. Aeberhard, F. E. Gardiol, T. Sphicopoulos, K. Holm, D. Kuse, H. G. Mathews.
The 120 GHz Quasi-optical Gyrotron at the Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas.
5th International Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Heating, San Diego California, pp. 294-299, 9-12 nov. 1985
[13] L. Barlatey, T. Sphicopoulos, J. R. Mosig, F. E. Gardiol
Un nouveau modele pour l’excitation coaxiale d’une antenne microurban.
JINA 1986, Journees Internationales de Nice sur les Antennes, Nice, pp. 221-223, 4-6 nov. 1986
[14] V. Tzelepis, A. Markatos, S. Kalpogiannis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos
Modelling of pulse generation from a self-starting all-fiber soliton laser.
SPIE International Symp., Fiber Laser Sources and Amplifiers, Boston, 9-10 Sept. 1992
[15] I. Tomkos, I. Zaharopoulos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos and N. Theophanous
Experimental and theoretical investigation of four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers.
2nd International Conference on new laser technologies and applications, Olympia, 1-4
June 1997