Park House, Stamford Street, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8DL
Telephone & Fax: 0116 231 2498
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Main Hall, Park House on 21January2013.
PRESENT: TAbbott (Chair), KGarratt, D Moule, NCox, RBoby, P Cheeseman, D Barton, JSpringthorpe, EHudson, JWalton, LBreckon, D Di Palma, RDenney, M Kapadia, LAdlamandARobotham(Clerk).
KRussell (Ill), MNeal (Family Commitment).
a)The Chair welcomed Members.
a)JSpringthorpe disclosed a personal interest in item 13 of the agenda, as he was a member of the Development Control Committee at BlabyDC.
b)P Cheeseman disclosed a personal interest in item 13 of the agenda as one of the items on the planning list related to his own home.
a)There were no dispensation applications.
a)RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 17December2012 be approved. The Chair duly signed these.
In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and the public were excluded from item6 by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed (Budgets and precept) and were requested to withdraw.
a)In consideration of a final review of the budgets it was RESOLVED to confirm both the income and payment budgets subject to amendments to nominal codes 4100, 5504, 5800, 5803, 5805and 5809. It was further RESOLVED to set the reserves budgets, as discussed.
b)In consideration of the precept for the financial year 2013/14, Localisation of Council Tax,the new grant system created by the Localisation of Council Tax, councils requirement for £238,000 and the grant of £19,289.34 it was RESOLVED to set the precept for the financial year 2013/14 at £218,710.66.
PCheeseman did not vote on the setting of the precept as he had not submitted a dispensation.
a)Public Speaking Protocol:
i)There were no registered speakers.
b)The meeting was suspended at 20:26pm to allow public representation about items that were not on the agenda. Items were raised, as follows:
i)What is the situation with regard to Glenfield’s conservation area.
ii)Are there to be any more grit boxes.
iii)Compliments had been made about how council was dealing with Wilson Bowden Developments.
iv)It would assist if there was a councillors’ skills audit.
The meeting reconvened at 20:31 pm.
a)RESOLVED that the schedule of accounts paid for the month of December 2012, totalling £117,109.78 (including salaries of £7,374.04) together with petty cash payments of £130.99 be approved and that the accounts and balances for the said month be noted and accepted.
a)Personnel Working Party.
i)It was reported that four people were being interviewed for the position of Clerk on 22January 2013. Interviewers would be TAbbott, LBreckon and RDenney with KRussell as stand by.
b)Standing Orders Working Party.
i)In consideration of a report from the Standing Orders Working Party, 12December2012, it was:
(1)RESOLVED to approve the revised Publicity Policy, as circulated.
(2)RESOLVED to amend the heading of Standing Order 22 to Media Interface (including Social Media).
(3)RESOLVED to amend Standing Order 22a to read “Authority to represent the view(s) of the Council must have the approval of Full Council”.
(4)RESOLVED to approve the Social Medial Protocol, as circulated, subject to the addition of a statement that defined social media.
(5)RESOLVED to adopt the use of Twitter.
(6)RESOLVED to authorise D Moule, Peter Cheesemen, D Barton, TAbbott and the Clerk to use Twitter on behalf of the Council.
c)Review of the Safeguarding Policy.
i)This item was deferred until the next meeting.
a)In consideration of a request from the Community Committee it was RESOLVED to request all councillors to submit addresses for entries to the Spring Garden Competition from within their own ward. It was further noted that advice had been given against the use of photography without a householder’s permission.
a)JSpringthorpe had provided copies of three Blaby DC orders relating to dog fouling. He was asked to liaise with the Clerk regarding the perceived lack of action against those who allowed their dogs to foul public property.
b)It was noted that Richard Vincent, who had been a District Councillor for many years, had passed away.
a)Blaby Branch Meeting 6 December 2012. A report from KGarratt was received and noted.
a)RESOLVED to receive and note the Planning Report, as circulated.
a)A report on the formal opening of the Youth Centre was received and noted.
b)A report from the Youth Club Management Group was received and noted. In consideration of the report it was:
i)RESOLVED that TAbbott attend the meeting on the 6 February 2013 when the Lord Lieutenant was due to visit the Youth Centre.
ii)RESOLVED that LBreckon and JSpringthorpe assist in the review of the Youth Club activities, the review to take place during February and March 2013.
a)Health and safety issues.
i)The Clerk had no issues to raise.
b)General Report.
i)A copy of a letter received about flooding on West Street was noted. It was further noted that a meeting with the Environment Agency was being arranged – Date 6February 2013. JSpringthorpe said he would attend.
ii)The Clerk reported on comments that had been received with regard to the addition of “Glenfield” on the road sign at M1 J21A. In consideration of the impact and cost it was RESOLVED not to pursue the addition of the “Glenfield” on the road sign at M1J21A.
iii)The Clerk had been unable to attend the Parish Liaison Meeting in December 2012 but notes from the meeting were available in the office.
iv)Leicestershire County Council had placed on The Square boards inviting companies to advertise on the island. The Clerk had advised Leicestershire County Council that this was against the approved planning permission and the boards had been removed.
a)The Clerk reported that building work was now drawing to a conclusion and transfer of the building would be in February 2013. The formal opening ceremony had to be planned.
b)In consideration of the formal opening of the sports pavilion it was RESOLVED to appoint a working party of RDenney, TAbbott and M Kapadia to deal with the matter and to set a budget of £1,000, maximum, for the event.
c)RESOLVED to name the pavilion’s function room The Robotham Room, subject to approval by the Clerk. The Clerk said he would like time to consider the proposal.
a)A report from the meeting on 15 January 2013 was noted.
a)The Correspondence List was received and noted.
b)LRALC November 2012 newsletter. This was noted.
i)Joint LGA and NALC Conference Modelling Devolution 30 January, London. RESOLVED to authorise TAbbott to attend.
ii)Parks for People to be referred to the Recreation, Sports, Leisure and the Environment Committee.
c)LRALC December 2012 newsletter.
i)Parish and Town Council Employment Matters course 16 April 2013. RESOLVED that 2 from RDenney, JSpringthorpe and TAbbott attend.
ii)Handy guide to planning – a copy was available in the office.
d)Leicestershire County Council - Definitive Map Modification Order confirmation. This order reflected an initial request from Glenfield Parish Council and covers the footpath between Pine Road and Chestnut Road.
e)Leicestershire County Council advance notice Temporary Traffic Regulation Order A50 near the Millennium Green. This was noted. Details to be added to Twitter.
f)Leicestershire County Council advance notice Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Bradgate Hill (A50). This was noted. Details to be added to Twitter.
g)Leicestershire County Council re Emergency Centres. RESOLVED to accede to the request for emergency centres and to offer Park House, the Sports Pavilion and the Youth Centre.
h)LRALC re attendance at Royal Garden Parties. RESOLVED to submit TAbbott as a possible attendee.
i)Stepping Stones re Plugs for Bugs. RESOLVED to seek further information.
j)Blaby DC re Corporate Complaints Procedure. This was noted.
k)Leicestershire Police re changes to policing in Glenfield. This was noted. RESOLVED to send a letter of thanks to P Chapman.
RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders to allow the business on the agenda to be completed.
l)Department for Communities and Local Government re Localising Council Tax Support and Council Tax. This was noted
m)Leicestershire Fire and Rescue – re Carol Service. This was noted.
n)LRALC re protecting parish councils from excessive council tax rises. This was noted.
o)Leicestershire County Council re Assessment of Support for Community Buildings in Leicestershire. RESOLVED not to complete the survey.
p)Leicestershire County Council re Leicestershire County Council’s Parish Clerks’ Highways Newsletter. This was noted.
q)SERCO re use of people undertaking Community Service. RESOLVED to register an interest and ask the Clerk to discuss possible use.
There being no other business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 10:07pm.