Minutes of the June meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 24th June 2014 at 7.00pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln
Present: Cllrs Goldson (Chair of meeting), Scott, Richardson, Cheeseman, Bennett, Mrs Chambers, Lawton, Barnett and Jackman. 1 member of the public was in attendance. Clerk C Wilkinson.
The Chairman introduced Parishioner’s Question Time and invited the members of public present to speak on matters of concern. Mrs Samms thanked the Parish Council for the Gala weekend activities. The Clerk confirmed that the list of committee members has been sent to Chatterbox for inclusion in the next edition. The meeting went into formal session for the June meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council.
1.Chairman’s remarks.
Cllr Goldson reported that it was important that matters relating to the resignation of Assistant Clerk were dealt with in the closed part of the meeting.
2.Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs Hall, Foster and Walshaw
3.To inspect the Parish Council Insignia.
4.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
There were no declarations of interest given at this point.
5.Police Report.
Email report received from PC Marc Horsewood earlier in the month that had been copied to all members.
6.District and County Councillors’ reports –for information only/ items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for next meeting.
In the absence of Cllrs Shore and Mrs Flint no reports were given.
7.Notes of the Parish Council meeting of 20th May 2014 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.
Cllr Scott proposed that the minutes of the meeting be approved, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chambers and agreed on a
unanimous show of hands.
8.a) To approve the payment of accounts for June 2014.
Cllr Scott presented the payment of accounts. There were no emergency expenditures. Cllr Jackman proposed that
they be approved, seconded by Cllr Cheeseman and agreed on a unanimous show of hands.
A letter was on the table for this evening from Mrs Connock who had provided the catering for 50/61 Squadron
Memorial Service. Content noted.
AWAVillage office£67.28
(d/d 08/06/14)
AWAPlaying fields £38.82
(d/d 08/06/14)
AWAWoodbank Cemetery £9.07
(d/d 08/06/14)
Petty cashGala breakfast expenditure £200.00
(cheque no. 200536 04/06/14)
Oliver SeedsTennis court redevelopment grass seed £225.00
(cheque no. 200537 04/06/14)
Party WorkshopsBalance for Gala appearance £225.00
(cheque no. 200538 04/06/14)
C. WilkinsonSalary £1,416.09 £1,448.29
Travelling expenses £32.20 (cheque no. 200539 24/06/14)
M GumsleySalary £516.48
(cheque no. 200540 24/06/14)
Post Office Ltd(Inland Revenue)
Wilkinson Deducted Tax and N.I £332.62 £471.92
Deducted Tax and N.I. £0
Deducted Tax and N.I. £13.51
Employers NI £125.79
(cheque no. 200541 24/06/14)
Lincs County Council Superannuation £917.00
Pension Fund Account(cheque no. 200542 24/06/14)
J BramhallSalary £756.21 (cheque no. 200543 24/06/14)
Petty cashImprest £111.11
(cheque no. 200544 24/06/14)
LALCTraining£7.00 £16.91
Good Councillor Guides£9.91
(cheque no. 200545 24/06/14)
Eon Street lighting maintenance£201.10
(cheque no. 200546 24/06/14)
T D ScottTravelling £22.95 (cheque no. 200547 24/06/14)
ReprotecCopier maintenance £15.48
(cheque no. 200548 24/06/14)
Bates Sound Service50/61 Squadron Sound system hire £162.00 (cheque no. 200549 24/06/14)
VeoliaGrasscutting £324.01
Reinstatement of pitches
& herbicide treatment to playing field £783.60
Supply & apply herbicide to car park £354.00
& Millennium Green areas
Supply & apply herbicide to cemetery £282.00
Supply & apply weedkiller to hard £37.20
surfaces at burial ground
Supply & apply weedkiller to hard surfaces at playing field & play areas £26.40
Overseeding football pitches £549.60 £2,356.81
(cheque no. 200550 24/06/14)
ESPOCleaning materials £107.91 £333.25
Litter bins £251.04
Roll store for maps £13.90
Credit note for excess delivery of -£39.60
paint sprays
(cheque no. 200551 24/06/14)
Southern ElectricHeritage room £27.44
(cheque no. 200552 24/06/14)
Pest ExpressRodent control£96.00
(cheque no. 200553 24/06/14)
P Connock MBECatering for 50/61 Squadron Service £485.00
Total expenditure £8,703.12
NKDC Agency fees £525.00
D WarnerSiting of fish and chip van May 2014 £110.00
Callow RetailDonation to 50/61 Squadron Memorial service £150.00
St Helen’s FCFootball rent 2014/15 £154.00
ScallywagsHire fee for Sports Day/Leavers picnic£35.00
Village OfficeGala breakfast £415.00 £540.00
Gala fair£125.00
Village OfficeGala breakfast balance £2.00
Priestley and CockettBurial fees£380.00 Total income £1,896.00
b) Budget report
Cllr Scott reported that the budget report was in front of members for this evening. Confirmed that the Parish Council reserves will be considered at Administration and Finance Committee meeting of next week. Proposed Cllr Mrs Chambers, seconded by Cllr Jackman and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the report is received.
9.a) To consider the application for Footpath Diversion – Old Wood South Skellingthorpe and supplementary evidence provided by applicant.
Cllr Scott proposed that the original objection should be upheld. Cllr Lawton seconded the motion that was
unanimously approved on a vote of 7 in favour 2 against. Objection upheld.
b) Letter from Legal Services Lincolnshire relating to Footpath Diversion – Old Wood South Skellingthorpe.
Letter of objection to be resubmitted to LCC Legal Services. Clerk to write
10.Tennis Court Site Redevelopment update/Grant Funding application update.
Cllr Scott reported that Estates Committee had agreed that revised plans were to be drawn up to include full CCTV coverage of the site including the mast, a basket cradle swing and weather proof pathways linking each item of play equipment to make the area more accessible. Quote for the swing had been circulated to members prior to the meeting and the new costings of £82,300 for new plan were on the table for this evening. A meeting with CCTV engineer has been arranged and the quote for the CCTV system will be included in the grant application in due course. Cllrs Mrs Hall and Scott will meet with the CCTV installations engineer to discuss in full the requirements and to request quotes. Cllr Mrs Hall is in the process of updating the funding application to include the new plans and quotes and as soon as they are received they can be forwarded on. At this point in time the phased approach will be taken and picnic tables will be installed as a matter of urgency.
11. Parish Council Committee/working party reports (information purposes only)
a) Estates Management Committee Report.
Redecoration of Heritage Room will be progressed by volunteer Parish Councillors. The floor in the Heritage Room is most urgently in need of attention. Redecoration of Heritage Room floor by volunteer members
b) Planning Committee Report.
Cllr Jackman reported that the diversion of the footpath has been discussed already and the outcome of the proposal for Cross Holts Wood is awaited.
c) Parish Council Events Committee Report.
Cllr Goldson reported that he would take this item with the gala report.
d) Gala report and feedback from Parish Council Gala stand.
Cllr Goldson reported that the Gala had been a success and well supported. Excellent comments received.
Thanks to members of the council and everyone who had been involved in the Parish Council breakfast which had made a small profit. Doing the council stand had been a positive step forward and there was a lot more welcoming feeling from people who visited the stand and some valuable feedback was collected. Suggestion for official Parish Council t-shirts was made so that a more professional presentation of the Parish Council can be given.
Letter to be sent to organisers of PIP thanking them for their efforts and for working together with PC over the weekend. Letter to PIP/and other helpers
e) Income Generation Working Party Report.
Cllr Cheeseman reported that the publicity for the auction is in the latest edition of Chatterbox and Cllr Cheeseman is hoping to do some more publicity to further promote the auction. Another flier/newsletter to be produced in September. Cllr Mrs Chambers proposed that the September A4 double sided newsletter should be produced. Cllr Lawton seconded the motion that was carried on a vote of 8 in favour with one voteagainst. Motion carried that A4 double sided newsletter should be produced and distributed to all households in September 2014. Ideas for content to be brought to future meeting
f) To confirm the arrangements for the Village Auction and to approve the flier to be distributed to all households.
Cllr Cheeseman will draft and produce the A5 flier which will be produced at his own expense. It is too late for it to go in the next edition of Chatterbox. The flier for the auction will be produced and hand delivered to all households in the village by volunteers. Clerk took names of volunteers
12.Business Plan and Grant application for Skellingthorpe Library update.
Cllr Cheeseman reported that he has completed a grant application for the WREN application which requires a lot of supporting evidence to accompany the application. End of July closing date for submission on this round but Cllr Cheeseman believes that the rounds are 4 monthly. Vote of thanks to Cllr Cheeseman for all of the work he has carried out. Meeting with Paul Drury of LCC to discuss grant funding streams on 1st July 1pm in the village office to look at community armed forces amongst other initiatives.
13.To consider vacancies on Estates Management and Administrative and Finance Committees.
No applicants for Estates but Cllr Barnett was nominated to join Administration and Finance committee. No other valid nominations so Cllr Barnett was duly elected to Administration and Finance committee
14.LN6 Strategic Steering Group report.
Meeting attended by Cllrs Scott, Goldson and Clerk. Report given of meeting. Noted
15.Report on outstanding LCC Highways matters.
One of the bollards at village green has been damaged. Clerk has reported damage to Highways.
16.To consider the suggested location for the Hirebike Station at Community Centre site and to enter into agreement with Hirebike to secure site access and set peppercorn rent.
At a meeting on 17th June with the transport officer from LCC it was agreed that the preferred location is next to the Heritage Room and installation is due to take place second week of July.
After meeting on site with LCC it has been agreed that the 8 bike cycle rack will be installed at no cost to the Parish Council.
Proposed Cllr Barnett, seconded by Cllr Jackman and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Hirebike licence should be approved and returned to Tim Caswell of Hirebike. Clerk to complete & return by deadline
17To consider the quote for maintenance of BMX track and/or purchase of specialist equipment.
Cllr Jackman reported that the former handyman had indicated that he might be prepared to carry on strimming the BMX track as he previously had when he was the self-employed handyman at no cost to the council.
To be confirmed and agreed at future meeting
18.Report from NKDC Environment OSP meeting on litter picking initiatives.
Cllrs Scott and Lawton attended the meeting at NKDC where Swaton Parish Council had started their own initiative for volunteer litter picking and were managing it quite well. Litter wardens could be appointed and training was available if required. The first litter pick in Skellingthorpe will take place in September.
i) To consider letter from parishioner regarding recent vandalism to Millennium Green Memorial Plaques/trees.
Noted/ thought to be given as to how they can be safely moved and displayed/agenda item for future meeting.
ii) Callow Retail Ltd. Letter and donation towards 50/61 Squadron Memorial Service –
Noted/letter of thanks has been sent
iii) Letter from Chief Executive NKDC re: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and current settlement boundaries. Noted
iv) Letter from Karl McCartney MP re: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and current settlement boundaries. Noted
v) Email regarding disabled access at Woodbank Cemetery and proposal for remedial action.
Cllr Goldson and Scott had looked at this and agreed that the disabled access was not acceptable. Re-sting the gates and fencing would resolve the issue and provide for suitable access to the burial ground. A quote for the remedial work is in front of members and it was agreed that the person making the complaint should be invited to meet with Cllr Goldson who will advise the complainant of the remedial action.
Cllr Jackman agreed to open and close the burial ground on a daily basis in the short term. Clerk to give key to Cllr Jackman. Cllr Cheeseman proposed that the quote for the gates should be accepted. Cllr Richardson seconded the motion was unanimously approved on a show of hands. The contractor has offered to provide manpower free of charge and council will just pay for the materials. Clerk to place order/contact complainant to set up meeting
The Gala had highlighted a need for the installation of a ramp to improve the disabled access at Monson Pavilion. Cllr Lawton has volunteered to construct a ramp
vi) Letter from AOne regarding works to renew stretch of A46 from Doddington roundabout to Carholme roundabout. Noted
20.To receive reports for information only from:
a) Clerk
Response from Sustrans re: possible landscaping works – asking for Parish council’s suggestions of what they would propose and pointing out that it would need to be referred to their ecologist to review the proposals should Railway Paths agree to consent to parish council’s proposals. Not in a position to grant landowner consent unless they know what the proposals are. Councillors to meet with Sustrans/Railway Paths
Extreme NK dates for POD 7th Aug, 3rd Sept and 30th Oct 11am – 5pm
Youth centre have agreed that they can use their toilet facilities. May be opportunity to book add-ons subject to availability at favourable cost to PC Details to follow. Agenda item for next meeting
War Memorials Conservation conference Weds 30th July at the Collection 10am – 3.30pm. Noted
Play areas/funding and community engagement training hosted by LALC 2nd July 10am – 4pm Branston village hall
EFW official opening deferred until September.
Reminder of Lincolnshire Planning surgery at Bentley 25th June 8am – 2pm
Rural Leader funding events for Kesteven Councils at: 7th July Stoke Rochford 8am – 10am
30th July Leasingham Village Hall4pm – 6pm
Hill Holt Wood have cleaned up the ornamental stonework at fitness stations in Community Centre – letter of thanks sent
LCC Community Wildlife Grant – small grants up to £500 to assist Parishes to improve their local environment.
Cllr Cheeseman to look at the paperwork with a view to making application
Press release from NKDC regarding grasscutting issues. They have contacted Best Kept Village judges to advise that some entrants may have problems that affect their marking that are beyond their control because of these issues.
b) Chairman
21.To approve submission to Chatterbox.
- Tennis Court redevelopment
- Gala
- Library
Litterpick - Cemetery gates and access improvement
- Donation to 50/61 Squadron event
- Auction
- Bike station installation
Cllr Mrs Hall is to be asked to include these matters on Facebook page and clerk will continue to publicise on Parish Council website
22.To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.
Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
Cllr Goldson proposed that Council should move into closed session. Cllr Scott seconded the motion that was unanimously agreed on a show of hands. The member of public left at this point.
23. Notes of the confidential matters dealt with in closed session taken at the meetings held on 20th May 2014 to be approved as the minutes for those items.
Cllr Cheeseman proposed that the minutes of the meeting should be approved, seconded by Cllr Jackman and
unanimously agreed on a show of hands.
24.Human Resources Management Committee Report.
i) To consider staffing matters raised at the Human Resources Management Committee meeting.
It had been agreed that the officers should take a more robust role in managing emails and matters arising from them should be delegated to the clerk/assistant clerk to make the decisions on behalf of the Parish Council.
Quotes for new office fire door and window to be considered at Admin and Finance meeting next week.
Emergency meeting has been held to consider the vacant post created by the resignation of Assistant Clerk. Letter of acceptance of resignation has been sent thanking her for her previous service.
Some discussion took place and it was agreed that the council should review staffing levels in light of the ongoing challenge to council budgets.
It was agreed that by amalgamating the Estates and Admin and Finance committees into a Finance & General Purposes Committee that it should reduce the number and frequency of meetings of council and could reduce the risk of duplication between the committees.
Cllr Cheeseman proposed that the Admin and Finance and Estates Management Committees should be amalgamated into a Finance & General Purposes Committee with 8 members meeting quarterly. Cllr Jackman seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.
Members to be elected at the July meeting following submission of expressions of interest to the clerk/staffing levels to be further considered at a future meeting when the matter can be fully considered/Clerk to look at rates of pay job description etc. and bring to future meeting for consideration
ii) To consider the terms of reference for Human Resources Management Committee.
Proposed Cllr Cheeseman, seconded by Cllr Jackman and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the terms of reference for Human Resources Management Committee should be approved.
iii) To consider the revised contract for the Village Handyman/cleaner/caretaker. Proposed Cllr Scott seconded Cllr Barnett and agreed on a unanimous show of hands that the terms of employment for the combined post of Handyman/cleaner/caretaker should be approved and a contract drawn up to reflect those terms and conditions.
Clerk to prepare new contract of employment for the combined post
There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 9.03pm
Chairman ......