Classical Era Test


  1. The decline of the three classical civilization between 200 and 600 C.E. were all characterized byoutside invasions
  1. Between 550 and 400 B.C.E., classical civilizations produced all of the following

seminal thinkers




  1. The end of the Gupta empire differed from the decline of Rome in that it did not involve:the introduction of a new religion
  1. Despite major differences, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism all show interest inlife after death
  1. Compared with Hinduism, Christianity is more likely todisapprove of other belief systems
  1. The eastern portion of the Roman empire experienced less decline than the west for all the following reasons:

A. the east had older traditions of civilization

B.much of the empire’s weaknesses were contained in the West

C.the east faced less pressure from barbarian invasions

  1. Which of the following is an important legacy of the Phoenicians?Alphabetic writing system
  1. What was an important factor that helped the eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) survive while the western Roman Empire collapsed?Loyal army, skilled bureaucracy, reserves of wealth based on agriculture
  1. Correctly list the countries to which Buddhism spread from India, in chronological order from earliest to latest?

China, Korea, Japan

  1. What contributed significantly to the fall of both the western Roman and the Han empires?Invasions by borderland peoples
  1. The Four Noble Truths are associated with Buddhism
  1. Give an accurate example of Hellenism:constructing buildings and monuments of stone and marble in Southwest Asia
  1. A sixth-century CE Buddhist statue complex found in China, is an example ofcross cultural interaction
  1. Confucius argued that education is essential to becoming a refined gentleman
  1. The spread of Christianity and Buddhism had all of the following in common:

A.Both were outgrowths of other religions

B.Both were aided in their spread by trade networks

C.Both developed monastic orders

  1. In what society were merchants and traders placed in a lower social class than farmers and artisans?Han China
  1. After the Peloponnesian War, the Macedonians took control of Greece and spread Greek culture throughout much of the known world under the leadership of Alexander the Great
  1. In China, Confucianism emphasized the idea that harmony could be achieved by the proper behavior of each member of society
  1. In comparing the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire, what are true statements?

A.Both economies suffered as a result of military spending

B.Both were run by centralized governments, though Rome gave significant autonomy to local officials

C.While the Chinese were able to reestablish their empire, Rome was never restored

  1. Overt syncretism is an essential feature of which Roman religion?Roman paganism
  1. Roman law was unique in which way?It was a combination of Roman and foreign law
  1. The foundation of ancient and classical India is best described by:





  1. Be able to identify the Roman Empire on a map
  1. The Chinese explained rebellions, civil wars, and invasions asthe ruler’s loss of the Mandate of Heaven
  1. During the Han Dynasty, scholar officialsinstituted a system of examination to prepare professional civil servants
  1. After the eighth century B.C.E. the Greek political system was based on the polis, or city-state. What is true about the polis?

A.Each polis consisted of an urban center and the surrounding rural territory

B.The polis system arose because of a large population increase, probably caused by more effective farming

C.Each polis was fiercely independent, and as a result they often fought with one another to preserve their autonomy

  1. Describe the position of women in ancient Sparta. They controlled the home and they were expected to raise and bear strong children who would serve as the basis of the professional military
  1. Describe the relationship between the Greeks and Persians: For over 100 years Greeks and Persians were at war
  1. What contributed to the "third-century crisis" in the Roman Empire?

A.Frequent changes in rulers

B.The invasion of Germanic tribes deep into the empire

C.Inflation and poor economic decisions by emperors

  1. What is true of the roman Republic and Athenian democracy?Both were dominated by wealthy males
  1. Mauryan emperor Asoka is best known for all of the following:

A.Vast military expansion of the empire

B.converting to Buddhism and preaching non-violence

C.publicizing decrees on the sandstone pillars throughout the empire

  1. The Vedic Age in India is notable becausethe foundations for much of Indian history and society were established
  1. Qin Shi Huang (or Qin Shi Huangdi) is most significant foruniting China after the Warring States period
  1. Confucianism and Hinduism are similar in thatboth promote a rigid social hierarchy with limited social mobility
  1. Compared to other classical civilizations, Greek thinkers and philosophers were more likely tosearch for natural rather than supernatural explanations to explain the world
  1. Describe the Silk Road: a trade route linking the Mediterranean region to East Asia
  2. The major impact of Alexander the Great’s conquests wasthe spread of Greek culture throughout the Eastern Mediterranean
  3. Who wrote the Dao? Lao-zi
  1. In Mesopotamia, the cuneiform culture of the Sumerians successfully assimilated invaders and provided continuity. The same role in India was performed bythe Hindu social hierarchy