Cornwall /
Ref No / AP/D/2544/1Title / DARKE, John of Launceston, gentleman
Date of probate/grant / 14 Aug 1857
Description / Date of document: 14 Aug 1857
Renunciation by Emily Cann Darke, widow of deceased John Darke who died intestate, of Letters of Administration of goods, chattels and credits of the deceased and nomination of Charles Coode, notary public and a general proctor of the Archdeaconry Court of Cornwall, to be her proctor
Request that Letters of Administration may be granted to Philip Pedlar Darke, brother of the deceased
Signature and seal of Emily Darke
Signatures of Edwd [Edward] G Cann and Norah Cann
Endorsed: Coode Proctor
Ref No / AP/D/2544/2
Title / DARKE, John of Launceston, gentleman
Date of probate/grant / 10 Sep 1857
Description / Date of document: 10 Sep 1857
Philip Pedlar Darke of Dawlish, Devon, gentleman, appointed as curator and guardian of Emily Cann Darke aged 17 and Marianne Darke aged 14 ‘or thereabout’, daughters of John Darke of Launceston, gentleman, deceased intestate, to take Letters of Administration of goods, chattels and credits of deceased and take care of the personal estate and effects of the deceased during the daughters’ minorities
Charles Coode, notary public and a general proctor of the Archdeaconry Court of Cornwall appointed proctor of daughters
Acceptance by Philip Pedlar Darke of guardianship and appointment of Charles Coode to act as his proctor
Signatures of Emily Cann Darke, Marianne Darke and Philip Pedlar Darke
Witnesses of Emily Cann Darke’s and Marianne Darke’s signatures:
Signatures of Mary Kingston, Dartmouth and Anna Stoney, Woodside Plymouth
Witnesses of Philip Pedlar Darke’s signature:
Signatures of R W Gibbons, Beaford and John Westcott, Beaford
Endorsed: Coode Proctor
Ref No / AP/D/2544/3
Title / DARKE, John of Launceston, gentleman
Date of probate/grant / 7 Oct 1857
Description / Date of document: Commission to administer oath: 18 Sep 1857
Oath: 7 Oct 1857
Transcript of proceedings to be transmitted to the Archdeaconry Court by 31 Oct 1857
Oath by Philip Pedlar Darke, guardian of Emily Cann Darke and Marianne Darke, children of John Darke, late of the parish of St Mary Magdalene, Launceston, gentleman, to the effect that John Darke died on or about 4 Oct 1856 intestate, that Philip Pedlar Darke is his lawful proctor and will truly administer his goods, chattels and credits
Marginal note to oath: Extracted by Coode, Proctor Bodmin
Signature of Philip Pedlar Darke, late of Dawlish but now of Beaford Devon
Witness: Signature of C. W. Furse, Clerk M.A. Officiating Minister of Dalton, acting on behalf of C. Wood, Rector of Beaford
Ref No / AP/D/2544/4
Title / DARKE, John of Launceston, gentleman
Date of
grant / 19 Oct 1857
Description / Administrator:
Philip Pedlar Darke of Dawlish Devon, gentleman, uncle and guardian of Emily Cann Darke and Marianne Darke, minors, children of John Darke, gentleman
William Darke of Penzance, gentleman
Thomas Cornish of Penzance, gentleman
Value: £40
- a true and perfect inventory to be made by 30 Nov 1857
- a true and just account to be made by 30 Sep 1857
Signatures of Philip Pedlar Darke, Tho [Thomas] Cornish and W [William] Darke
Witnesses: Signatures of C W Furse, Clerk, M.A. of Halsdon House, Dolton, Commissioner to Thomas Cornish and Edwin Polkinhorn, clerk to Messrs Dodd, Darke & Cornish, Penzance
Date of grant of administration: 19 Oct 1857
Effects sworn under £20
Died 4 Oct 1856
Stamp Nil
No 207
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