Parish Stewardship Commitment Form
Name ______
Address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Phone ______Email ______
Please include all members of your family when sharing your gifts, and check the boxes below:
I/We plan to attend Mass weekly and pray regularly for God’s work through the Church.
I/We plan to share my/our time and talent through the ministries chosen on the reverse side of this form.
I/We will financially support the ministries and services of the parish.
I/We will give: $ ______
❏Weekly❏Monthly❏Quarterly ❏Annually for a total of $ ______during 2014.
❏I would like to pledge electronically. (Please check the authorization box below).
❏My bank information is the same as 2013.
❏I have new bank information. (Please include a voided check).
❏I would like to pledge with my credit card. (Please check authorization below).
❏My credit card information is the same as 2013.
❏I have new credit card information:
Number ______
Expiration Date ______- ______Three Digit CSV Code (back of card) ______
❏I authorize (name of parish and address) to automatically withdraw my pledge amount. I included a voided check to provide necessary routing information. This authority remains in effect until I notify the (name of parish) in writing to cancel, at least one week prior to the next withdrawal date, or by notifying my financial institution three days before my account is charged.
❏I would like to give with weekly envelopes.
Signature ______Date ______
“How can I repay the Lord for all the good done for me?”Psalm 116:12Parish Talent Opportunities
Please list the family member’s name next to the ministry in which they choose to participate.
AND WORSHIP / Name / New Volunteer / Re-commit* / PARISH OUTREACH - CONTINUED / Name / New Volunteer / Re-commit*
Altar Services / ❏ / ❏ / Bereavement / ❏ / ❏
Altar Society / ❏ / ❏ / Hospitality Ministry / ❏ / ❏
Arts & Entertainment / ❏ / ❏ / Befriender / ❏ / ❏
Children’s Liturgy
of the Word / ❏ / ❏ / Prayer Ministry / ❏ / ❏
Eucharistic Ministries / ❏ / ❏ / Charity Ministry / ❏ / ❏
Lectors / ❏ / ❏ / Funeral Ministry / ❏ / ❏
Ministries of the Sick / ❏ / ❏ / Justice Ministry / ❏ / ❏
Music Ministry / ❏ / ❏ / Cursillo Movement / ❏ / ❏
Ushers / ❏ / ❏ / Marriage Enrichment / ❏ / ❏
FAITH FORMATION / Men’s Group Ministry / ❏ / ❏
Religious Education/Faith Formation (Youth) / ❏ / ❏ / Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) / ❏ / ❏
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) / ❏ / ❏ / Prayer Shawl / ❏ / ❏
Vacation Bible School / ❏ / ❏ / Religious Vocations Committee / ❏ / ❏
School Advisory Commission / ❏ / ❏ / Welcoming Committee / ❏ / ❏
School Parents’ Guild / ❏ / ❏ / ADMINISTRATION
School Sports Committee / ❏ / ❏ / Parish Council / ❏ / ❏
Youth Ministry / ❏ / ❏ / Finance Council / ❏ / ❏
PARISH OUTREACH / Stewardship Committee / ❏ / ❏
The Gathering Inn / ❏ / ❏ / Office Assistance / ❏ / ❏
Knights of Columbus, Council #______/ ❏ / ❏ / OTHER SKILLS YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE / ❏ / ❏
St. Vincent de
Paul Society / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
What Would
Jesus Do? Inc. / ❏ / ❏
Prison Ministry / ❏ / ❏ / *Re-commit (for those currently involved in this ministry)