Corpus Christi

Parish School of Religion Handbook

205 Rasp Street

Shiloh, Illinois 62269


Updated August 1, 2016

Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Church’s Parish School of Religion (PSR) Program. By choosing to enroll your child in PSR, you are agreeing to a partnership with the parish and yourself, as your child’s primary educator. The purpose of our religious education program is to assist parents in passing on the faith. Our program encourages each student to explore and develop their faith and Catholic identity through traditional classroom style learning as well as special activities throughout the year. Your child’s religious development is also highly dependent upon an active faith life within your family. This includes participation in Sunday liturgy and family prayer time.

Attendance – PSR classes are held every Sunday morning from 10:30am-11:30am

Regular attendance at class is essential for your child to benefit from the program. PSR meets for approximately 30 hours in a year. Attendance records are kept on file. Regular attendance is especially important in grades 2 & 7/8 as these are sacrament preparation classes. Regular attendance is defined as missing no more than 3 classes. Failure to attend the required number of classes will result in a meeting with the Director of Religious Education and the Pastor to determine if your child is ready for the sacraments. If your child must miss a class, please call their teacher and let them know, and to make arrangements for make-up material. A list of the teachers’ phone numbers can be found at the end of this handbook.

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement weather, PSR will be canceled. In this situation each teacher will do their best to let every family know. The cancelation will also be emailed to all families, posted on the parish website, and on the parish Facebook page. The decision will be made by 9:30am on Sunday morning.


PSR begins at 10:30am and goes till 11:30am. Please be prompt when dropping off and picking up your children.


There is a lot of traffic around Corpus Christi on Sunday mornings. For the safety of all, before class please park your car and drop your students off at the appropriate building, and after class please park your car and come up to the appropriate building to pick up your children. Children will not be released until the teacher sees their parent. Older children may walk across the street from Grootens Hall to meet younger siblings in the Parish Center and Church.

Emergency Plan

For the safety of all teachers and students, the front doors, all classroom doors, and the hallway doors of the Parish Center will be locked during PSR classes. The front doors to Grootens Hall will also be locked.

Plans are in place in case of fire, earthquake, tornado, intruder, and gas leak and other emergency situations.


Kindergarten and 3rd Grade thru 8th Grade use Faith First – Legacy Edition published by RCL Benzinger, 1st Grade uses We Believe published by Sadlier, 2nd Grade uses God’s Gift: Reconciliation and God’s Gift: Eucharist published by Loyola Press. In the years that Confirmation is celebrated, the Confirmation Class uses The Spirit Sets Us Free published by Sadlier and Decision Point published by The Dynamic Catholic Institute.

Special Activities

Throughout the school year there are various activities in which PSR students and their families are encouraged to participate. These include a monthly Children’s Mass where the children have the opportunity to participate in the various liturgical ministries, leading Stations of the Cross on a Friday of Lent, and other activities that the teachers may organize.


Each student will receive a folder with the contact information for their teacher. Any notes that need to be sent home will be placed in this folder as well as homework or assignments from PSR class. If you provided an email address at registration, you will also receive reminders and notices via email. Please check your student’s folder and your email on a regular basis so that you are up to date on all PSR events. Updates and information are also published in the weekly bulletin.

Sacramental Policy

Regular attendance is required during Sacramental Prep years (Grades 2 & 7/8). Regular attendance means no more than 3 absences.

If your child was not baptized at Corpus Christi a copy of their baptismal certificate must be turned in prior to celebrating First Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation.

Special Needs

In order to best minister to your children please let us know if there of any special circumstances such as physical, emotional, behavioral, or educational needs as well as any special family circumstances.


Please discuss the importance of showing respect and good conduct in class with your child. If a student’s behavior interrupts class time, the student will first be given a verbal warning. If the behavior persists, the student will be sent to the DRE who will discuss the infraction and what action should be taken. A meeting may be arranged between the DRE, the catechist, and the parents to discuss the situation. Students must take care of the parish property and equipment. Parents will be expected to pay for any damage to the parish property.

Child Protection Policy

In compliance with diocesan policy, all personnel and volunteers who are directly involved or in contact with children have undergone the diocesan child protection courses as well as the relevant state and federal criminal history record checks.

There is a children’s component to the Child Protection Policy. This presentation will be made in the spring by a diocesan approved social worker. Every child must have written permission to take part in this program. Parents are welcome to attend the workshop and to review the materials that are presented.

Racial or Sexual Harassment

Anyone who believes he or she has been subjected to racial or sexual harassment must submit a written complaint. A thorough investigation will be made. Anyone found to have engaged in racial or sexual harassment will be subject to appropriate corrective action, up to and including termination or expulsion. The person who reported the incident will be advised of the findings and action taken.

Tuition is $40.00 per family with a $25.00 book fee per student before August 7th, and $60.00 per family with a $25.00 book fee per student after August 7th. Payment must accompany the registration form. If you need to make other payment arrangements please contact the DRE.

Contact Information

Corpus Christi Parish Office – 618-632-7614

Parish E-mail –

Parish Website –

Director of Religious Education – Mrs. Sarah Ayran (618-920-3914 – cell phone)

K/1st Grade – Mrs. Kathleen Hill (314-494-9477& )

Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Beth Rujawitz (618-567-1232 & )

2nd Grade – Ms. Dorothy Davis (618-977-7286 & )

Mrs. Catie Lowry (618-604-6515 & )

3rd Grade – Mr. Bill Krouse (618-910-2121 & )

4th Grade – Mrs. Sandra McNease (618-407-1306 & )

5th Grade – Mrs. Christina Rizzo (618-567-5165 & )

Mr. Anthony Rizzo

6th Grade – Mrs. Tammy Cox

Mrs. Jennifer Leshiker (334-207-2009 & )

7th Grade/8th Grade/Confirmation – Mr. Patrick Dunnells

(618-589-2429 & )